119 Goals Quotes

Be motivated by these goals quotes and quotes about setting goals. May these quotes inspire you to set your goals and take action to achieve them.

Goals can make a positive difference in your life. They are sometimes described as a road map to the things you want to achieve. With a goal and a written action plan you can take focused steps to move you forward in the direction you want to go.

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  1. It is always a great idea to create an action plan for the tasks required when working towards a goal. Rather than looking at the end goal and becoming discouraged and feeling overwhelmed, break down your goal.
    Catherine Pulsifer, Feeling Overwhelmed
    Poems About Goals

  2. I’m not the one to make judgements; I’m not the one to set goals, I’m just a tool for the Master, part of His team to save souls. Greta Zwaan, The Link In The Chain
    Christian Poems

  3. "To live the life of your dreams you do not need to be somebody else. You do not need to be smarter than you are or have a different personality. All you need to do to achieve your greatest goals is use what you've got exceptionally well." Jim Cathcart, The Acorn Principle
    Inspirational Poems

  4. A birthday is a day to be celebrated and look ahead to the future. A time to set goals, and achieve dreams. Catherine Pulsifer
    Birthday Poems

  5. Planting a garden is like setting goals: it requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication to reap the rewards. Catherine Pulsifer
    Garden Poems

  6. And if you do the best you can, you'll win the goal in spite of fears. Bernhart Paul Holst, Press On
    Never Give Up Poem

  7. In reaching your goals you may find that some things may take a bit of time but have confidence and believe that you have it in you to succeed! Catherine Pulsifer, Look Back
    Keep Going Poem

  8. Each day I awake I can lie in bed or I can get up and get ahead. A new day to achieve my dreams and goals... Catherine Pulsifer, When I Awake
    A New Day Poem

  9. wise words from Edgar A. Guest
  10. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man; often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup Edgar A. Guest, Don't Quit
    Don't Quit Poem

  11. Helping others to achieve their goals is like passing a baton in a relay race. When one person passes the baton to the next runner, they are helping them reach the end of the race. Catherine Pulsifer
    Poems About Helping Others

  12. But some things are out of our control so forget the birthday and focus on your goal Catherine Pulsifer, Celebrate
    Funny Birthday Poems

  13. With pen in hand, we script our desires, setting goals, igniting passion's fires. Catherine Pulsifer, Winter's Icy Reign
    January Poems

  14. Each day brings goals for you to reach and life is full of lessons to teach. Catherine Pulsifer, Today Is The Day
    Graduation Poems For Son

  15. Through hardship the bud blossoms into a flower, the same is true of our goals if we put in the hours. Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is Like A Garden
    Plant Your Own Garden Poem

  16. To truly reach higher goals you must persevere, and keep pushing no matter the task. Catherine Pulsifer, Best Remedy
    Try Try Again Poem

  17. Let me but live my life from year to year, with forward face and unreluctant soul; not hurrying to, nor turning from, the goal Henry VanDyke, Let Me But Live
    Poems On Aging

  18. Far better seek a goal of certainty, a harbor of sureness, in the doing of kindly deeds, noble actions, unselfish devotion to the uplift of others. George Wharton James, Quit Your Worrying!

  19. If I want my resolution to come true I must develop a plan through setting goals and action plans Catherine Pulsifer, Sounds Good
    New Year's Resolutions Poems

  20. Every single day we should ask, ourselves an important question. What goals will we complete today Julie Hebert, One Question
    Weekly Poems

  21. January, the start of the year, could be considered a new beginning to set your goals and keep on living. Catherine Pulsifer, Months Of The Year
    Month Poems

  22. Look forward, set your goals - move beyond the potholes Catherine Pulsifer
    New Year Blessings

  23. You deserve a year of dreams come true. Set your goals, and see them through. Catherine Pulsifer, For You
    New Years Wish

  24. You can learn from a glance at anyone's library, not what they are, but what they wish to be. Alan Bradley
    Quotes about Library

  25. By comparison to what others have done, I realize every day my goal is to live an intentional life, and I still have very far to go. Dr. Kathleen Hall
    Poems about Life

  26. We look forward to the next goal you need. We know you will face it and exceed. Catherine Pulsifer, You Faced The Challenges
    Poems About Challenges

  27. I had a dream, I turned around and therefore a goal abound. Catherine Pulsifer, A Dream Turned Reality
    Poems About Dreams

  28. He is dead who sees nothing to change...Who never sets out for a goal that he sees from afar Edgar A. Guest, The Struggle
    Poems About Change

  29. The clever fellow does not always win; the plugger, aiming for a defin- ite goal, often passes him in the race. G. G. Bernard
    Funny Quotes About Life

  30. Set your goals, don't be defeated when faced with roadblocks, find a way around them. Catherine Pulsifer
    Defeat Quotes

  31. Picture of sky with the quote: goals help us achieve things that we once only dreamed of.
  32. Goals for us help us achieve things that we once only dreamed of. They can be described as objectives or targets. For many of us, they start as a dream, a wish, but turning them into a goal - setting time frames and taking action - can turn that dream or wish into a reality bringing you success in your life. Catherine Pulsifer

  33. Though achieving goals can be difficult, connect your mind and it will become more resolute. Catherine Pulsifer, Confidence Will Grow
    Poems About Confidence

  34. Putting off those things we ought, never will make the goal. Catherine Pulsifer, Strain of Procrastination
    Poems About Stress

  35. New Year's Eve is a time to reflect and set the goals I want to achieve that I have not yet. Catherine Pulsifer, New Year's Eve
    Poems About New Year's Eve

  36. We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, but to leave behind something that will. Chuck Palahniuk
    Legacy Quotes

  37. In your life do not let fear control, push forward towards your goals Catherine Pulsifer, A Fear
    Poems About Fear

  38. To reach the goals of your life, you need discipline, you need luck and you need something as important as these two: Vacations! Mehmet Murat ildan
    Poems About Vacation

  39. Don't lose your spirit of being free - set your goals and you will achieve. Catherine Pulsifer, Our Little Boy

  40. People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. Earl Nightingale
    Graduation Wishes For A Friend

  41. And so this is Christmas… what have you done? John Lennon
    Christmas Verses

  42. .... a man should join hands with all people who are working for great principles, great purpose and great cause; he should put his shoulder to the wheel to help achieve common goals. Wilferd Peterson, You My Friend
    Message For Best Friend

  43. Is luck an invisible thing, that just happens by?....No, it takes effort, action, and a plan, setting goals, and believing you can. Catherine Pulsifer, Luck An Invisible Thing
    Poems About Luck

  44. Set your goals and take the action. Set them according to your passion.
    As you move step by step, just remember to do your best. Catherine Pulsifer, Just Remember

  45. set some more goals for your life
  46. Set some more goals for your life. Kate Hufstetler
    Life Quotes

  47. The past is your lessons learned. The present is the gift of life. The future is for your goals! James Hauenstein
    Life Lessons Quotes

  48. Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. Elbert Hubbard

  49. A goal gives you the lens to see the future with clearer vision. J.R. Rim
    Quotes About The Future

  50. A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills and uses these skills to accomplish his goal. Larry Bird
    Quotes On Winning

  51. Faith will give our wayward thoughts a goal to keep in view - and set our stumbling feet upon a path that's straight and true. Patience Strong, The Maze
    Poems About Faith

  52. As on life's rapid transit line you are nearing some fancied goal, have you ever stopped to soliloquize about your immortal soul? Unknown, A Message Of Love

  53. Your determination will decide if you keep your dreams & goals alive. Catherine Pulsifer, Your Determination
    Poems On Determination

  54. Therefore, press on! and reach the goal, and gain the prize and wear the crown: Park Benjamin, Press On
    Poems About Perseverance

  55. Little by little all longing souls struggle up nearer the shining goals. Unknown, Little by Little
    Meaningful Poems

  56. picture of money with quote
  57. The goal isn't more money. The goal is living life on your terms. Chris Brogan
    Living Life Poem

  58. So as the year begins we should set our goals and take action to win Catherine Pulsifer, An Awesome Year
    New Year Poems

  59. You have to set the time frame for accomplishing your goal. If you don’t, it may take forever to reach your destination and you may get tired and change your focus. Anna Stevens, Turn Your Dreams And Wants Into Achievable SMART Goals!
    When Feeling Down Quotes

  60. Set your goals and take that first step, give yourself time and make sure you prep
    With each step that you take progess you will make. Catherine Pulsifer, Life's Baby Steps

  61. The easiest mistake to make is to lose sight of your goal. Failure is temporary, but quitting is permanent. Choose wisely. Kevin J. Donaldson
    Quotes About Quitting

  62. Staying motivated helps you stick to your goals and it can make you feel great about yourself at the same time. Ace McCloud, Confident Communication Skills
    Motivational Quotes

  63. being able to persevere and overcome challenges....
  64. Our determination and fortitude can give us the strength we need to accomplish goals and not give up. Being able to persevere and overcome challenges move us in the direction we need to go. Catherine Pulsifer
    Poems About Strength

  65. Despite the growing trend to delay marriage, recent research indicates that having a successful, lifelong marriage is still a highly valued goal for the majority of emerging adults. Alan J. Hawkins, Successful Marriages and Families
    Wedding Poems

  66. When your goals seem too high to climb remember to take one step at a time
    That will move you in the right way - just focus on today. Catherine Pulsifer, Focus On The Day

  67. The real truth is that the new year is a mental landmark. It is the hallmark of a set time and date to set new goals and nourish the mind with positive thoughts rather than dwelling on past failures or mistakes Byron Pulsifer

  68. With every goal we accomplish, we feel better equipped to deal with other goals and life challenges. Thibaut Meurisse, Goal Setting
    Challenge Quotes

  69. photo of a leaf with quote: set your great goals. create a clear action plan
  70. Set your great goals. Create a clear action plan. Follow a measured schedule every day, making your dream come true. Alexander Shandorf, Goal Setting
    Planning Quotes

  71. Have patience with yourself - don't expect perfection, but keep moving one step after another toward your goals Catherine Pulsifer
    Patience Poem

  72. Let our words be calm and docile. Our aims grand and high; think carefully before we speak J.J. Thorne, Think Carefully

  73. Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. Les Brown

  74. knowledge and wisdom both essential in goal setting as the quote reflects!
  75. Knowledge is essential in goal setting processes and wisdom is essential in achieving them. Lorah Luvanda, 9 Hidden Reasons Why You Really Didn't Fulfill Your Goals Last Year
    Knowledge Quotes

  76. Seek your goal and never worry 'bout what might've been, let not the risk of failure detract you within. Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Wallow In Ifs
    Poems About Regret

  77. Dreams of future joys allure us
    Onward as life's goal we near C. C. Hassler, Thanksgiving Day
    Thanksgiving Day Poem

  78. As we are very capable of achieving our goals, a little help is never a bad thing.
    Sometimes a little help is just what we need, to get us into full swing. Julie Hebert, Stop Wishing
    Wishing Poems

  79. Change in your life will happen once you set your goals with actions Catherine Pulsifer, You Want Change
    Poems on Change in Life

  80. When I started to write down my goals and break them into smaller tasks, I immediately saw what a difference it made. Anisa Marku, The Art Of Setting Smart Goals
    Success Poem

  81. Want goals to be more concrete then follow the quote by Donald Allen
  82. Having written goals is making them more concrete. Donald Allen, The Art Of Goal Setting For Beginners
    Quotes to Live By

  83. Step by step and the thing is done. Charles Atlas

  84. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,  A Psalm Of Life
    Poems About Life Struggles

  85. I know the results when you try to achieve the goals that you set long ago,
    That you're sure with hard work you could reach for the top Greta Zwaan, Blessings He'll Shower On You
    Poems about Gods Blessings

  86. If you are in a situation that there seems no way out of, then set your goals, start taking action to change your life to what it is that you want in life. Catherine Pulsifer
    Poems About Stress

  87. ... leading in a volunteer organization is more about leveraging their passion, not about accomplishing some goal we might have. Allen Madding, Volunteer Management 101
    Leadership Quotes

  88. With a little bit of patience, and a little bit of maintenance, you will one day achieve your goal. Julie Hebert, Waiting For Life

  89. Or dare you, whether you win or fail, strike out for a goal that's new? Edgar A. Guest, The Things That Haven't Been Done Before
    Positive Poems

  90. a quote about what goals require and what goals are not
  91. Goals require action. Goals require dedication. Goals require effort. Goals are not quick fixes, or an easy way out! Catherine Pulsifer, Wings for Goals How to Use Three Easy Steps to Change Your Life Forever
    Actions Speak Louder Than Words Poems

  92. Till all of the dreams you've sought for and all of the goals you've fought for
    In this, our land, come true? What does your country mean to you?
    Berton Braley

  93. On my finger I tied a string to help me remember things Every day I set a goal - Today my goal is self-control Author Unknown, Self-Control
    Motivational Poems

  94. When habits and goals are in line, they smoothly integrate to guide our actions. Wendy Wood, Good Habits, Bad Habits
    Short Inspirational Quotes

  95. may all your dreams turn into goals!
  96. May all your dreams turn into goals. Catherine Pulsifer
    Dream Quotes

  97. Do not let others set your goals, for man leads man astray, the truth can only come from God, there is no other way. Greta Zwaan, Longing
    Faith Over Fear

  98. Always....be sure of your final destination, by setting your goals along the way. Unknown, Always Be
    Poems About Being Yourself

  99. When your dreams have failed you - Dream again...Keep the glory of the goal in view - and dream again... Patience Strong, Dream Again
    Poems About Failure

  100. To live a fulfilled life we must set our own goals, not the goals of others. Catherine Pulsifer
    The Man In The Glass Poem

  101. a quote about achieving your goals and not being overwhelmed
  102. Don't be overwhelmed, focus on the good and you will see that you could achieve your goal, finish the journey by taking one step after another Catherine Pulsifer, Keep Stepping
    Easy Poems

  103. We strive to obtain the goals we set for ourselves by using what we've learned from the past. Author Unknown, Tomorrow Holds A New Beginning
    Poems About New Beginnings

  104. And remember sometimes we need to dare, to take a risk in order to achieve our goals. Catherine Pulsifer

  105. Stay focused on your goals taking action each day Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Be Defeated By Others

  106. discipline and desire - you need both to achieve your goals!
  107. The twin pillars of discipline and desire can carry you a long way, often to your goal. Terry Fallis
    Attitude Quotes

  108. Life is too short feeling blue  - set your goals and pursue. Catherine Pulsifer, So True
    Life Is Too Short Poems

  109. Goal planning removes the stress associated with flying by the seat of your pants not knowing exactly where you are going and what you have to do to get there. Byron Pulsifer

  110. If you want to achieve a high goal, you’re going to have to take some chances. Alberto Salazar
    Take A Chance Quotes

  111. "If you are pursuing a goal that doesn't inspire you and isn't the one you truly want to achieve, then you will experience no joy from progress and accomplishment." Andrii Sedniev, The Achievement Factory
    Inspirational Quotes

  112. do you have deadlines set for your goals?
  113. Goals without deadlines do not create a sense of urgency. Even more so, create a series of short deadlines aligning with short steps to accomplish your greater goal. Felix Oberman, The Ultimate Guide to Declutter Your Life and Organize your Mind
    Positive Quotes

  114. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar or just be contented to stay where you are.
    Take it or leave it. Here's something to do! Just think it over - It's all up to you! Edgar A. Guest, Decide
    You Decide

  115. "There's no single right way to accomplish your goals. Each of us has a number of avenues to reach our potential. The world constantly changes. Life often unfolds as a series of phases. Our potential is likely to evolve as the world evolves and as we continue to learn, grow, and develop our capabilities." Robert Kaplan, What You're Really Meant to Do
    Positive Quotes About Change

  116. "The awareness that we are fragile human beings experiencing a finite lifetime on earth and appreciating our lives can be powerful motivators for us to take action on our goals each day." Steve Constantine, S.T.A.R. Personal Performance
    Appreciation Quotes

  117. this is your life - you need to take responsibility...
  118. You need to determine and take responsibility for your destiny, for your goals, and for your achievements in life. Catherine Pulsifer
    Follow Your Own Path Poems

  119. To win you set your goals, you take action, you set deadlines
    To lose you think about it but never set concrete plans. Catherine Pulsifer, To Win or To Lose in Life
    Poems about Winning

  120. In order to use the time the right way, one must also learn to avoid wasting time, or procrastinating, or starting and then stopping before the goal is achieved. Byron Pulsifer

  121. Fix on the future's goal thy face, and let thy feet be lured to stray Pakenham Beatty, To Thine Own Self Be True

  122. Dreams and goals are wonderful things to have, but if they're worthwhile, they usually carry a stiff price tag.
  123. Dreams and goals are wonderful things to have, but if they're worthwhile, they usually carry a stiff price tag. Og Mandino, The Choice
    Choices Quotes

  124. It is those who do it that achieve their goals. And those who sit wishing and dreaming but never taking concrete steps to do anything, well, they don't achieve much! Byron Pulsifer

  125. One of the things that happen when you set a firm goal is that it immediately creates the challenge and opportunity to push through all the ‘stuff’ that has been standing in the way of achievement up to that point. Wendy Buckingham, Be Your Own Goals Coach
    Opportunity Quotes

  126. One of the most rewarding things about having goals is that you will wake up feeling more excited about your day, knowing that the days of your life are filled with a specific purpose. Matt Morris, 10 Steps To Success
    Life Journey Poems

  127. So take a look at your goals. Simplify and take control
    Find simple things that you can do; it'll uncomplicate your life too! Catherine Pulsifer, Simple Vacations
    Simplicity Poem

  128. All good things take time to achieve, so don't be disheartened when you don't reach your goal in one day. AJ Winters
  129. All good things take time to achieve, so don't be disheartened when you don't reach your goal in one day. AJ Winters, The Motivation Switch
    Time Quotes

  130. And what about a balance for where you want to be in 5 years. If you set no goals you will end up in exactly the same place you are now. And if your only focus is on your goals you will miss out on living life today. Catherine Pulsifer

  131. The Wright brothers were mocked and made fun of. Impossible, so many people said. But yet, they plowed ahead and achieved their goals. Byron Pulsifer

  132. Self-discipline allows for more time to do the things that will bring satisfaction and less of the things that provide no growth or satisfaction. Self-disciplined people set a goal and work toward it. John Ryan, Self Discipline for Success
    Improvement Quotes

  133. To me life is, astonishing souls. Wildlife in abundance, with infallible goals.
  134. To me life is, astonishing souls. Wildlife in abundance, with infallible goals. Julie Hebert, Life Is
    Life Is Good Poems

  135. My regrets to the man ...who thinks it too late to strive on toward the goal that once he had set with a vigorous soul
    David V. Bush

  136. Successful sales development means choosing the right goals, plans, and actions for your unique market dynamics. Trish Bertuzzi, The Sales Development Playbook
    Motivational Sales Quotes

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