You Decide
Every decision, every choice in life you decide. Be encouraged by these poems about making decisions and how it reflects upon your character and your success in life. And find positive words in the poems to give you inspiration and thoughts to consider as you decide what your day will hold.We all must make decisions about how and what we do. Your choice made can have an impact on our lives and the lives of others. Your decisions also are building your character. Let the verses in these poems inspire you to make the right decisions to be the person who is of good character!
Short Poems & Quotes / Poems Of Encouragement / You Decide
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
You are the fellow that has to decide
Whether you'll do it or toss it aside.
You are the fellow who makes up your mind
Whether you'll lead or will linger behind
Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar
Or just be contented to stay where you are.
Take it or leave it. Here's something to do!
Just think it over - It's all up to you!
What do you wish? To be known as a shirk,
Known as a good man who's willing to work,
Scorned for a loafer or praised by your chief,
Rich man or poor man or beggar or thief?
Eager or earnest or dull through the day,
Honest or crooked? It's you who must say!
You must decide in the face of the test
Whether you'll shirk it or give it your best.
Nobody here will compel you to rise;
No one will force you to open your eyes;
No one will answer for you yes or no,
Whether to stay there or whether to go.
Life is a game, but it's you who must say,
Whether as cheat or as sportsman you'll play.
Fate may betray you, but you settle first
Whether to live to your best or your worst.
So, whatever it is you are wanting to be,
Remember, to fashion the choice you are free.
Kindly or selfish, or gentle or strong,
Keeping the right way or taking the wrong,
Careless of honor or guarding your pride,
All these are questions which you must decide.
Yours the selection, whichever you do;
The thing men call character is all up to you! -
Poet: I. E. Dickenga
We are building every day
In a good or evil way,
And the structure, as it grows,
Will our inmost self disclose,
Till in every arch and line
All our faults and failings shine;
It may grow a castle grand,
Or a wreck upon the sand.
Do you ask what building this
That can show both pain and bliss,
That can be both dark and fair?
Lo, its name is character!
Build it well, whate'er you do;
Build it straight and strong and true;
Build it clear and high and broad;
Build it for the eye of God. -
The Ways
Poet: John Oxenham
To every man there openeth
A choice of ways to go;
And the high soul takes the high road
And the low soul takes the low,
And in between on misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro;
But to everyone there openeth
A high way and a low,
And everyone decideth
The way his soul shall go. -
Make A Decision
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
Do you make a decision or do you procrastinate
If you delay, troubles you will accelerate.
Make the decision, right or wrong
If wrong, you can correct it as you go along.
A decision not made
Will not make the problem fade
If you're not sure, trust your instincts
And for sure, do not overthink.
Use your knowledge, weigh the good and the bad
Don't hesitate, don't just go with the fad
Be true to yourself and your beliefs
Life is too short to procrastinate. -
Faced With Choices
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
We are faced with decisions each and every day
And the choices we make determine the way.
Will we find happiness and contentment
Or will they be made in resentment?
Each and every morning you decide
What the day will provide.
You see it is all how you look at it
Your attitude is the secret.
So decide today have a positive mind
Or think negatively and be in a bind.
Let the day be one filled with the good
And life will unfold as it should. -
It Is All Up To YOU
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
You decide the smiles you give
You decide how you will live
You decide to share your love
You decide to believe in God above
You decide whether to work or play
You decide your attitude each day
You decide to be happy or sad
You decide to forgive or be mad
Life is full of decisions for you
It is all up to you to choose! -
Poet: Robert Rivers, ©2020
I wish, oh wish for another
To make those decisions to uncover.
The truth that lies beyond
Make those choices that respond.
To give away that you can do
Is not being really true.
You are not the one
To cry out and to shun.
We all must make those choices
Rather than listen to mocking voices.
We are not here to rest and lay
For that gives into days of decay.
You are not allowed, you see
To never see what is glee.
For we are not here to feign
Without accomplishing while others complain.
So make the choice that is true to you
And you will find happiness in what you do
Listen to others, but to yourself be true
Life will have meaning and value. -
by Raja Yoga
Whatever you wish to accomplish,
be willing to do,
and to commence your work at once,
right where you find yourself,
and decide that you do not want anything
better to begin with than the conditions that
surround you, for God is with you.
Which Road?
Poet Unknown
If you could go back to the forks of the road,
Back to the long miles you have carried the load,
Back to the place where you had to decide
By this way or that through your life to abide,
Back of the sorrow and back of the care,
Back to the place where the future was fair, -
If you were there now, a decision to make,
O pilgrim of sorrow, which road would you take?
Then, after you'd trodden the other long track,
Suppose that again to the forks you went back,
After you found that its promises fair
Were but a delusion that led to a snare;
That the road you first traveled with sighs and unrest,
Though dreary and rough was most graciously blessed
With balm for each bruise and a charm for each ache, -
O pilgrim of sorrow, which road would you take? -
Decide Hereafter
Poet: Thomas Moore
Is it not sweet to think, hereafter,
When the spirit leaves this sphere,
Love, with deathless wings, shall waft her
To those she long hath mourn'd for here?
Alas, alas, doth Hope deceive us?
Shall friendship, - love, - shall all those ties
That bind a moment, and then leave us,
Be found again where nothing dies?
Oh! if no other boon were given,
To keep our hearts from wrong and stain,
Who would not try to win a heaven
Where all we love shall live again.
decision quotes
A poem that asks what type of character are you building?
A short poem to encourage you to decide which road you will take!
Encouragement to make up your mind rather than
putting off decisions that need to be made.
An encouraging poem to remind us to submit ourselves to a
positive attitude in the choices we are making.
You and only you determine your actions and beliefs
which will reflect on decisions made.
Inspirational words that remind us not to be influenced by others.
Our motivation in the choices we make should come from within.
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We hope these poems about the decisions you make are an encouragement and an inspiration to you and others! Feel free to share a poem with someone who is having difficulty in making a decision.
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