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By Catherine Pulsifer, last updated October 17, 2024

Thanksgiving is a time to pause and cherish the moments that fill our hearts with gratitude—family, love, and the simple blessings we often overlook

  1. Thanksgiving Day
    Poet: C. C. Hassler

    Through life's changing scenes and sorrows,
    Disappointments, hopes and fears,
    Sad todays but glad tomorrows
    Share alike the passing years;
    Passing years, like spectres gliding
    Thro' the shadows of the night,
    Flit across our vision, hiding
    Scenes of long ago from light.
    But there comes this thought to cheer us
    As through life we wend our way.
    Friends we love the best are near us
    On the glad Thanksgiving day.

    Each decade of time assures us,
    Tho' with burdens life is dear;
    Dreams of future joys allure us
    Onward as life's goal we near,
    Not in solid phalanx moving.
    Nor like armored knights of yore
    Over fallen victims proving
    Victors in the art of war,
    But in peaceful, glad reunion
    Business cares are laid away,
    Friends we love in sweet communion
    Share our glad Thanksgiving Day.

  2. Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. E. P. Powell
    Thanksgiving Poems

  3. A Day For Reflection
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Thanksgiving is a day to reflect on
    With those we hold dear
    And to give thanks and pray
    For all the best in the coming year.
    How blessed we are to be surrounded by love
    This Thanksgiving day we give thanks to above.

  4. The key message of "A Day For Reflection"
    is that Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the blessings of life, cherish loved ones, and express gratitude. It emphasizes giving thanks to a higher power and hoping for continued blessings in the coming year, while appreciating the love and togetherness shared on this special day.

  5. A Call to Worship
    Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee

    Let all come to God with thanksgiving to-day,
    Full of deep gratitude, earnestly pray,
    And think of the gifts most abundantly given,
    That should bless us on earth, and lead us to heaven.

    Let penitence rise in a rich, holy stream,
    And asking of God our souls to redeem;
    Contrition most deep, and a sorrow most grand,
    And a longing to grasp the Savior's blest hand.

    An asking for light, with a joy in the heart,
    A seeking for grace that God can impart,
    An earnest beseeching for God us to lead,
    In the hour of all joy, the time of great need.

    May we thus, praying to our God in the sky,
    Feel His loving Spirit come from on high,
    And thus may our lives be uplifted and blest,
    And all through our souls come a peace and a rest.

  6. there is always something to be thankful for
    Happy Thanksgiving Quotes

  7. Thanksgiving Day
    Poem by Catharine Ryder

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    Send out the needful warning!
    Is not a day that's singled out,
    But greets us every morning.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    Is like to every other,
    A day in which to serve the Lord
    And help a needy brother.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    The words like kind beseecher.
    Bid us seek life's thankful way.
    Through Christ, the Holy Teacher.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    Sound forth the joyous warning.
    Rise, Christian hearts, "to watch and pray,"
    Thanksgiving lives adorning.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    Is not for sport and pleasure,
    But given as a life-time lease
    To lay up heavenly treasure.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    0, heed the timely warning,
    Is not a day all set apart,
    But greets us every morning.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    To hearts low bowed in sorrow,
    Look up beyond the earthly gloom,
    Where shines a bright to-morrow.

    Thanksgiving day! Thanksgiving day!
    Is counted here diurnal,
    But in God's holy presence there
    Thanksgiving is eternal.

  8. The key message of "Thanksgiving Day"
    is that Thanksgiving should not be limited to a single day, but rather be a daily practice of gratitude, service, and faith. The poem emphasizes that true Thanksgiving involves serving others, seeking God's guidance, and living a life of thankfulness. It encourages Christians to focus on heavenly values and see Thanksgiving as an eternal mindset, extending beyond earthly pleasures or a once-a-year celebration.

  9. Thanksgiving Day
    Poet: Lydia Maria Child

    Over the river and through the wood,
    To grandfather's house we go;
    The horse knows the way
    To carry the sleigh
    Through the white and drifted snow.

    Over the river and through the wood -
    Oh, how the wind does blow!
    It stings the toes
    And bites the nose,
    As over the ground we go.

    Over the river and through the wood -
    Now grandmother's cap I spy!
    Hurrah for the fun!
    Is the pudding done?
    Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!

  10. The key message of "Thanksgiving Day"
    is the joy and excitement of traveling to a grandparent's house for Thanksgiving celebrations. The poem captures the warmth of family gatherings, the fun of winter travel, and the anticipation of delicious holiday foods like pumpkin pie. It highlights the festive spirit of Thanksgiving, emphasizing the importance of family connections and shared traditions.

  11. Thanksgiving Chorus
    Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    We walk on starry fields of white
    And do not see the daisies;
    For blessings common in our sight
    We rarely offer praises.
    We sigh for some supreme delight
    To crown our lives with splendor,
    And quite ignore our daily store
    Of pleasures sweet and tender.

    Our cares are bold and push their way
    Upon our thought and feeling.
    They hang about us all the day,
    Our time from pleasure stealing.
    So unobtrusive many a joy
    We pass by and forget it,
    But worry strives to own our lives
    And conquers if we let it.

    There's not a day in all the year
    But holds some hidden pleasure,
    And looking back, joys oft appear
    To brim the past's wide measure.
    But blessings are like friends, I hold,
    Who love and labor near us.
    We ought to raise our notes of praise
    While living hearts can hear us.

    Full many a blessing wears the guise
    Of worry or of trouble.
    Farseeing is the soul and wise
    Who knows the mask is double.
    But he who has the faith and strength
    To thank his God for sorrow
    Has found a joy without alloy
    To gladden every morrow.

    We ought to make the moments notes
    Of happy, glad Thanksgiving;
    The hours and days a silent phrase
    Of music we are living.
    And so the theme should swell and grow
    As weeks and months pass o'er us,
    And rise sublime at this good time,
    A grand Thanksgiving chorus.

  12. The key message of "Thanksgiving Chorus"
    is the importance of recognizing and appreciating the everyday blessings in life, rather than only seeking grand moments of joy. The poem emphasizes that many joys are often overlooked amidst worries and daily cares. It encourages readers to cultivate gratitude for both the pleasant and challenging experiences, understanding that even sorrows can lead to deeper joys. By consistently acknowledging and celebrating these blessings, life can become a beautiful melody of gratitude, culminating in a collective "Thanksgiving chorus" throughout the year.

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We hope these Thanksgiving poems encourage and remind you and others to be thankful for every blessing that you have. Thanksgiving Day comes once a year but we should give thanks each and every day of the year.

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