17 Thanksgiving Prayers

Use these short Thanksgiving prayers to give thanks and acknowledge the many blessings of God. These Thanksgiving prayers are good to use not only at Thanksgiving but for any day of the year to give thanks for your family and friends, or before a meal, and to give praise to God.

Short Prayers    /   Thanksgiving Prayers

  1. Father We Thank You
    by Catherine Pulsifer

    Thanksgiving Day we gather here
    Full with thanks and full of cheer.
    Lord, we thank you for all our blessings
    Our family, friends and all good things.

    We know the good comes from you
    You are with us in whatever we do
    We praise you, we worship you
    We are thankful that is so true.

    Thank you for the food we eat
    Thank you for our family and friends
    Thank you for being with us
    Words just cannot express
    The love and thanks from all of us!

  2. thanksgiving day we gather her full with thanks and full of cheer
    Happy Thanksgiving Quotes

  3. I Give Thee Thanks!
    by May Carlexon Lord

    For fun and friends and daily food;
    For children — my beatitude;

    For strength to meet life’s sudden shocks;
    For apple-boughs and hollyhocks;

    For snow in winter, fairy lanes;
    For peacefulness and growing pains;

    For books by poet, seer and sage;
    For easy chairs and middle-age;

    For embers on the hearth, for songs;
    For faith that triumphs over wrongs;

    For laughter and remembered pranks;
    For prayers at night — I give Thee thanks!

  4. prayer for strength
    Prayer for Strength

  5. We Thank Thee, Lord
    By Janie Mohanna

    We thank Thee, Lord, for flowers and trees,
    For laughing children, buzzing bees,
    For all Thy gifts, both great and small;
    We thank Thee, Lord, for all.

    We thank Thee, Lord, for sunshine bright,
    For stars and moon that shine by night,
    For soft white snow and rains that fall.
    We thank Thee, Lord, for all.

    We thank Thee, Lord, for day and night;
    We thank Thee for the seasons bright;
    We thank Thee for the winter bold,
    For gay spring with her wealth untold;
    For summer when vacations call,
    For bountiful harvest in the fall.
    We thank Thee, Lord, for all.

    We thank Thee, Lord, for things so dear,
    Our church, our home, our friends so near,
    Our eyes, our ears, our voice to sing.
    We thank Thee, Lord, for everything.

  6. for laughter and remembered pranks; for prayers at night - I give thee thanks  

  7. Thanksgiving
    by Patrick E. Loukes

    This day
    At this table
    In this company
    Touch us in this place.
    Fill our hearts with Your love,
    Keep our sympathy and compassion
    Always fresh and
    Our faces turned towards heaven
    Lest we become hard and forget,
    As we love You, we shall gift
    Each other with patience
    And Love.

  8. Thanksgiving poems
    Thanksgiving Poems

  9. One Long Thanksgiving
    by by Author Unknown

    Lord Jesus, make our lives one long thanksgiving,
    One loving service rendered unto Thee;
    Risen with Thee, for Thee and in Thee living,
    Keep us thine own, dear Lord, eternally.

  10. Thanksgiving
    by Poet: William Dean Howells

    Lord, for the erring thought
    Not into evil wrought,
    Lord, for the wicked will,
    Betrayed and baffled still,
    For the heart from itself kept,
    Our thanksgiving accept.

    For the ignorant hopes that were
    Broken to our blind prayer;
    For pain, death, sorrow, sent
    Unto our chastisement;
    For all loss of seeming good,
    Quicken our gratitude.

  11. thank you Lord for friends held dear

  12. Thank You
    by Sara F. Hills

    Thank you, stars
    That shine so bright.
    Thank you, moon
    For your silvery light.
    Thank you, sun
    For your warmth and cheer.

    Thank you, Lord
    For friends held dear.
    Thank you, Father
    In Heaven above —
    For health, contentment,
    Peace and Love.

    And when ill fortune
    Turns her face
    To greet me
    In the Market Place —
    May the Thanks I give
    Help me to live
    And still say — Thank you!

  13. Thanksgiving On Our Lips
    by George Mayo Gerrish

    Almighty God!
    We thank Thee for the peace and comfort of the night;
    for the new day and all the hope and peace and promise
    that it brings to us.

    Help us that with glad faces and joyous hearts
    we may take up its every privilege and duty,
    doing, in the spirit of the Master every good
    and helpful thing our hands find to do.

    And when the evening shall have come may we look back on a day of
    plenty, service, and peace, retiring to our rest with songs in our hearts
    and thanksgiving on our lips because Thy blessings have been on this,
    as on all other days new every morning and fresh every evening.

  14. Thanksgiving blessings
    Thanksgiving Blessings

  15. At Eighty-Three
    by Thomas Durley Landels

    Thank God for life, with all its endless store
    Of great experiences, of hill and dale,
    Of cloud and sunshine, tempest, snow and hail.

    Thank God for straining sinews, panting breast,
    No less for weary slumber, peaceful rest;

    Thank God for home and parents, children, friends,
    For sweet companionship that never ends:

    Thank God for all the splendor of the earth,
    For nature teeming with prolific birth:

    Thank God for sea and sky, for changing hours,
    For trees and singing birds and fragrant flowers.

    And so in looking back at eighty-three
    My final word to you, my friends, shall be:

    Thank God for life; and when the gift's withdrawn,
    Thank God for twilight bell, and coming dawn.

  16. Thanksgiving Prayer
    by Henry Meade Bland

    'Tis not alone the grateful word we give,
    Spirit Divine, for sun, and flower, and rill,
    And furry folk, and birds that live
    On leafy-mantled hill;

    Nay, not for these, the eye we lift.
    And chant the song of praise in solemn part;
    But for thy wondrous spirit-gift.
    The kindly human heart

  17. Our Praise
    by Benjamin Walter Rogers Tayler

    To-day, Lord, a grateful race.
    We sing our sacred lays,
    In stately fane or humbler place
    We hymn to Thee our praise.

    For all the joy the forest yields
    Ablaze with scarlet stain.
    For wealth of soil, for fruitful fields.
    For stores of golden grain.

    For peace and calm on land or sea,
    For blessings ever sure.
    We know, O Lord, they come from Thee
    Whose mercies still endure.

    With grateful heart and thankful voice
    Thy constant care we pray.
    Before Thy Throne we now rejoice
    On our Thanksgiving Day.

  18. be thankful poems
    Be Thankful Poems

  19. Thanksgiving
    Poet: Emma Jones

    We thank thee, Lord, for morning light
    And for each day so clear and bright;
    We thank thee for the noonday sun
    And for the night when day is done.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

    We thank thee for the sky so blue,
    And for the moon and stars too;
    We thank thee much that while we sleep
    The guardian angels vigil keep.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

    We thank thee for the flowers sweet
    And for the grass about our feet;
    We thank thee for all kinds of trees.
    With buds and bloom and fruit and leaves.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

    We thank thee for the bees and birds
    And for the useful flocks and herds,
    That for mankind thou mad'st to live,
    And that to him dost all things give.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

    We thank thee for the Bible dear,
    With messages of love and cheer,
    And that it to the people still
    Reveals thy precious, holy will.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

    We thank thee for the Savior kind
    To heal the sick, the lame, the blind,
    And that he shed his precious blood,
    Redeeming our lost souls to God.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

    We thank thee for a home of love,
    Where we shall dwell with thee above,
    And for a bright and starry crown
    When we shall lay our armor down.
    Father in heaven, we thank thee.

  20. Thank God
    Poet: Martin Rinkart

    Now thank we all our God
    With heart and hands and voices,
    Who wondrous things hath done,
    In Whom His world rejoices;
    Who, From our mother's arms,
    Hath blessed us on our way
    With countless gifts of love,
    And still is ours today.

    O may this bounteous God
    Through our life be near us,
    With ever joyful hearts
    And blessed peace to cheer us;
    And keep us in His grace.
    And guide us when perplexed.
    And free us from all ills,
    In this world and the next.

    All praise and thanks to God
    The Father now be given.
    The Son, and Him Who reigns
    With them in highest heaven:
    The One Eternal God
    Whom earth and heaven adore;
    For thus it was, is now,
    And shall be evermore.

  21. prayer for today
    Prayer For Today

  22. We Thank Thee
    Poet: Edith H. Kinney

    We thank Thee, Father, for the love
    That, all the seasons thro’,
    Gave sun and rain to bud and grain
    That for the harvest grew.
    We thank Thee for the love that brings,
    Safe on their home-ward way,
    Our loved ones dear from far and near,
    To keep Thanksgiving Day

  23. Thanksgiving
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    Dear Lord, accept our humble prayer
    Of Thanks for all Thy watchful care;
    For yield of field and vine and tree
    Our hearts give gratitude to Thee.
    Now lies the frost upon the vine . . .
    We see another year decline;
    But through the pain and strife and woe
    Thy blessings manifestly show.

    Dear Lord, for laughter and for song
    Which have been ours . . . for righted wrong,
    For steps of progress we have made,
    For all the works of art and trade,
    For science which has conquered pain
    And given hope where hope seemed vain.
    For all that helps mankind to live . . .
    This day to Thee our Thanks we give.

    Dear Lord, despite its pain and strife,
    We thank Thee for our richer life.
    This is a better world for man
    Than when this closing year began.
    We who have suffered still can find
    Proof of thy love and mercy kind.
    In all our works Thy hand we see.
    And bow in gratitude to Thee.

  24. In all our works Thy hand we see. And bow in gratitude to Thee.
    Gratitude Poems

  25. I Thank Thee Lord
    Poet: Kate Louise Wheeler

    Not because Thou givest me
    Life from care and sorrow free
    Do I thank Thee, Lord, to-day;
    But because in life’s dark hour,
    Thou hast given peace and power
    To sustain me on the way.

    Not for gift of wealth or fame
    Do I praise Thy kingly name
    Kneeling now with grateful heart;
    But for home, for friends, and health,
    Greater gifts than fame or wealth,
    Blessings of my life a part.

    Not because the earth is bright
    With a wealth of joy and light
    Do I thank Thee, Lord Divine;
    But because in Home above
    Life eternal speaks Thy love
    And the hope of Heaven is mine.

  26. Prayer
    by   John Glass Bartholomew

    O God, our Friend and Father in heaven,
    we desire to realize that all our blessings come from thee;
    and may it do our hearts good to raise them towards thee,
    in thanksgiving, and love, for all thy care and mercy.

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