54 Short Prayers
Use our short prayers to offer to God to thank Him, to praise Him, to help you. This collection of Christian prayers are ones are inspiring and encouraging. We do not need long drawn out prayers to talk with God, a short prayer sometimes expresses more than an hour-long prayer. Talk to God in prayer often throughout the day. A simple prayer is to recognize God and to be thankful.As 1 John 5:14 states: "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." Or reflect on James 5:13: "Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise."
By Catherine Pulsifer, updated August 3, 2024
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Collections of Short Prayers
Popular Short Prayers
Father, lead me day by day
Ever in thine own sweet way;
Teach me to be pure and true;
Show me what I ought to do.
When I'm tempted to do wrong,
Make me steadfast, pure, and strong;
And when all alone I stand,
Shield me with thy mighty hand. -
O Lord,
help me to understand that
You ain't gwine to let nuthin' come my way that
You and me can't handle together
Dear Lord, this morning,
I pray that You give me the strength and perseverance
to fight the temptations of this world.
Let me always put You first in all I do, decide and think.
You know so well the struggles that I face.
I pray that You will be my guiding light as I meet each one.
Give me the inner fortitude, the inner peace that only you can grant.
Fill me, Lord, with your compassion and wisdom.
I pray all of this in the name of Jesus.
Morning Prayer Devotion -
This is a short prayer to praise you
For all you do for me
For being with my family
For all the beauty.
Thank you for loving me
Help me to be
And fulfill the purpose
You created me for.
Praise and glory to you! -
Oh God,
Words can't describe my feelings for you
My heart wants more of you
Help me to live each day
According to your ways.
Thank you for being part of my life
For helping me deal with strife
Keep my eyes focused on you
No matter what others do. -
Father of Life, Thy children raise their thoughts
in prayer to Thee at the dawning of each day.
Their prayer asserts love, trust and conformity to Thy will.
May the spirit of prayer abide with us the day through,
that we may be dutiful and worthy.
The moral law is Thy way of life,
may we make it our way by intelligent obedience.
To know Thee aright and to find our joy in Thy life is
to have fullness of being through purity and strength.
O Father, may we be as those who broaden and deepen and purify life
by word and deed that none may suffer loss through us,
but find aid to reach the perfect life in Thee.
Wilson M. Backus
Devotion About Prayer -
Thank you Jesus
Thank you for dying for me
Thank you for the peace you bring
Thank you for the beauty that surrounds us
Thank you for the love you have for us
Let me live to praise you
Let me share your peace
Let me open my eyes to the simple things
Let me spread your love. -
Father God
Each and every day is a miracle
The breath that I breathe
The eyes that let me see
You are with us each and every day.
Thank you for waking me us this morning
I will not waste this day you have given to me
Father God I give you
All honor and glory. -
Father, I thank Thee, for this life,
Full of joy, and full of strife,
And if the latter is thy will,
Impatient heart of mine be still;
For Jesus is my own true friend,
And he will guide me to the end.
Father, I thank Thee, I know not how.
It is Thy all unfailing power,
That keepeth me, from hour to hour,
O God, I fain would feel it now,
Teach me to love and praise thy name.
Lord, let Thy goodness o'er me reign,
And, when at last this life is o'er.
With Thee I'll dwell forevermore
Mary C. Plummer -
Tune me, O Lord, into one harmony
With Thee, one full responsive vibrant chord;
Unto Thy praise all love and melody
Tune me, O Lord.
Thus need I flee nor death, nor fire nor sword:
A little while these be, then cease to be.
And sent by Thee not these should be abhorred.
Devil and world, gird me with strength to flee,
To flee the flesh, and arm mie with Thy word:
As Thy Heart is to my heart, unto Thee
Tune me, O Lord.
Christina Rossetti, Mystic Harmony -
'Tis but a little prayer I say
Before I go to sleep:
"I know that God is Good and Love,
And safely doth He keep
His little ones all through the night,
And guide them in the day:
Thus do I rest in His dear care,
And trust in Him always!"
Althea Randolph, My Little Prayer -
At bedtime when my day is done
I count my blessings one by one;
Then, Father-God, to You I bring
My loving thanks for everything.
Florence Taylor -
Lord God of all creation
We are grateful for what you have given us.
Help us to take what is given,
And with patience and love,
Attempt to construct it according to your pattern.
Jim Hine, Long Thoughts, short prayers and a bit of humor -
This is the day the Lord hath made;
May I be joyful and glad therein.
This is the day of light;
Let my soul, O Lord;
Be filled with light and peace.
D. F. Sprigg, Short Prayers -
Lord, teach me to love Thee better,
And so shall I better love Thy word.
Preserve me now from wandering thoughts,
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
George Edward Lynch Cotton, Short Prayers and other helps to devotion -
Bless my going-out,
And my coming-in,
from this time forth and for evermore
Thomas Ken, A Manual of Prayers for Young Persons -
Give us grace to serve and honour Thee this day,
to watch and keep ourselves unspotted from the world,
And in all things to act as the children of Thy kingdom,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
William Niven, Family Prayers -
O my God, teach me to love Thee,
Teach me to serve Thee.
Lord, I offer myself to Thee,
With all that I am and have,
To be in all what Thou wouldest have me.
Not my will, but Thine be done.
Lord, be Thou my Keeper,
And keep me from sin.
Good Jesu, let nothing in life or death
Ever separate me from Thee.
Good Lord, grant that I may not die
Unprepared to meet Thee.
O Jesus, Saviour, who earnest to seek and
To save that which was lost, save me.
Wash me more and more from my wickedness,
And cleanse me from my sin.
Thomas Thellusson Carter, A book of private prayer -
Set a watch, Lord,
Before my mouth, and
Keep the door of my lips.
Lord, keep my tongue from evil,
And my lips that they speak no guile.
T.T. Carter, The Guide To Heaven -
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the things we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God, for everything.
Roma Bishop, A Little Book of Prayers -
God, grant me the serenity
to accept things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr, Serenity Prayer -
Teach me to feel another's woe,
To hide the fault I see;
That mercy I to others shows,
That mercy show to me.
Alexander Pope -
Once more, our heav'nly Father,
We come to worship Thee —
Confess our sins and failures,
And ask Thy pardon free;
Thy love hath gently led us
Thus far upon our way,
O draw us ever closer
To yon eternal Day.
O holy, patient Father,
O loving, pitying Son,
Rejoice we now and ever
For all that Thou hast done;
The Peace which Thou hast given
Is ours by day, by night.
And death is but a tunnel
That ends in joy and light.
Arthur Fuller Franklin -
Show me Thy way, O Lord! All else I now resign:
I ask no other word or way, O Lord, but Thine.
Of earth's bleak road and rough my soul has seen enough.
I've proved this poor world's worth, all that its ways afford;
I ask no more of earth - show me Thy way, O Lord!
In all the vain world's best my soul can find no rest.
Show me Thy way, O Lord! Whate'er the warrant saith,
Send peace, or send a sword, send life, Lord, or send death.
If they but show Thy way, I shall not say them nay.
Earth'guides I leave behind, with all their ways abhor' d, -
Blind leaders of the blind; show me Thy way, O Lord!
I care not what men name it, whether they praise or blame it.
Show me thy way, O Lord! And from Thy throne above,
Oh bind me with the chord of Thy redeeming love.
That I may know at last thou hast forgiven the past.
And when, at Death's decree, I cross the frowning ford,
My prayer still shall be, show me Thy way, O Lord!
Till the sweet heavens restore my loved ones evermore.
J. B. Selkirk, Show Me Thy Way -
Deliver us, O Lord, each day
From ev'ry ill that comes our way;
Teach ur submission to thy will
And with piety our hearts fill.
Deliver us from sordid strife
To which the human heart is rife.
Teach us to obey Thy command
To lend sorrow a helping hand.
Teach us to curb all vain desire,
And to holier things aspire;
Deliver us from greed of gain,
And from scoffing at others' pain.
Teach us all angry thoughts to chase,
That we may conquer in the race;
Our helmet be, Thy divine word,
Deliver us from evil, Lord.
Eloise A. Skimings, Deliver Us -
Master, let me walk with thee,
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me thy secret, help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care.
Help me the slow of heart to move
By some clear, winning word of love;
Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
And guide them in the homeward way.
Teach me thy patience, still with thee
In closer, dearer company,
In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
In trust that triumphs over wrong.
Washington Gladden -
Teach me the truth, Lord, though it put to flight
My cherished dreams and fondest fancy's play;
Give me to know the darkness from the light,
The night from day.
Teach me the truth, Lord, though my heart may break
In casting out the falsehood for the true;
Help me to take my shattered life and make
Its actions new.
Teach me the truth, Lord, though my feet may fear
The rocky path that opens out to me;
Rough it may be, but let the way be clear
That leads to thee.
Teach me the truth, Lord. When false creeds decay,
When man-made dogmas vanish with the night,
Then, Lord, on thee my darkened soul shall stay,
Thou living Light.
Frances Lockwood Green -
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee,
as we enter upon another day,
for strength with which to work.
We thank Thee for our tasks;
for our opportunities to work for Thee
and for those we love, we thank Thee.
May we know the joy, when night shall come,
of having accomplished something worthy.
Help us to see in that satisfaction a part of our pay.
Make each of us faithful in his place;
and help the humblest worker to understand that consecration
and not rank is the all-important thing.
Above all, may we not forget that living is giving,
and may our desire either for rest or gain keep us from no helpful act.
May we follow Him who came to minister,
and live as sons and daughters of God.
Frank W. Whippen -
Dear Father,
may the new day bring some fresh and inspiring thought of Thyself.
May it give some tender communion with the universe,
kindling into beauty as Thy smile shines through.
May we make and keep a few dear friends.
May some good book enrich the passing hours.
May love flow through all acts,
and the star of hope shine in all shadows.
And trusting Thee supremely, may we humbly do
our best that good may abound on earth.
Joseph H. Crooker -
Our Father, who art in heaven,
help us to hold Thee in our hearts this day,
that we may live for Thee, from the love of Thee.
Forgive us that we have not always a thankful spirit.
Strengthen our wills to do good work, as in Thy sight,
with clean hands and heart.
Help us now as we pray,
and flood the morning with the sunshine of Thy face,
that we may be glad all the day long,
and bring other lives into the brightness of Thy light.
Save us from a partial mind,
that we may love all Thy little ones
with the same love of Him who said
"Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Amen.
C. W. Holden -
Almighty Father, whom, though we have not seen,
we love, we know not what this day may bring forth
but we know that it shall be for good as our trust is in Thee.
We look up and adore Thee,
and we believe and love and obey.
Throughout all the hours of this day may we be
"diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord."
We believe in the victory of good over evil,
of light over darkness;
help us to bear our part courageously in the battle.
Be merciful to us and make us merciful to one another.
May we be numbered with those who are pure in heart,
and see God in the humblest service to the humblest people.
We beseech Thee to answer according to Thy love
not only these prayers which we utter with our lips
but also the silent prayers of our heart.
Harold Pattison -
Lord, who art merciful as well as just,
Incline Thine ear to me, a child of dust
Not what I would, O Lord, I offer Thee,
Alas! but what I can.
Father Almighty, who hast made me man,
And bade me look to Heaven, for Thou art there,
Accept my sacrifice and humble prayer.
Four things that are not in Thy treasury,
I lay before Thee, Lord, with this petition : —
My nothingness, my wants,
My sins, and my contrition.
Robert Southey
Prayer Quotes
Short Prayers by Famous Poets:
- A Father's Prayer by Douglas Malloch
- Father by Mary C. Ryan
- Show Me The Way by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Prayer Can by William Arthur Ward
- A Prayer To The Father by Caleb Davis Bradlee
- Grace, Mercy, Peace by Caleb Davis Bradlee
- Lord, I Believe! by John Imrie
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