Five Finger Prayer

Not sure how to pray? Use a five finger prayer to assist you. Using your fingers is an easy way to remember a prayer. We hope these prayers encourage you to pray to God on a regular basis as prayer is powerful. Also, a five finger prayer is a great way to help children learn how to pray.

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Prayer To Serve
 by Byron Pulsifer, © 2012

Oh Lord The Almighty,
I have five fingers upon my hand,
Each one of these fingers
Guides me in prayer.

My thumb is closer to thee Oh Lord,
And it tells me to pray
For all those that
Are close to me
My family and my friends.

My next finger tells me
To pray for those that are in need
For those that need help
And for me to help those
Who are less able to help themselves.

My highest finger
Tells me to pray for those
That lead our country,
That ensure our freedom so
That we may always worship thee
Without restriction or persecution.

My fourth finger tells me to pray
For all God's children
Across the world
Who are in desperate need

My smallest finger tells me
To pray for God's little children
For all those children that need guidance
That need love and attention
That need to feed in the word of God.

All my fingers serve your desires, Oh Lord,
That help me to remember in prayer
All those that need your guidance and love
Each and every day.

Using Your Fingers To Pray
by Cardinal Bergoglio

Using the fingers on your hand, start with the thumb and pray these intentions in this order:

1. The thumb is closest finger to you.
So start praying for those who are closest to you.
They are the persons easiest to remember.

2. The next finger is the index.
Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you.
They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others.
Always keep them in your prayers.

3. The following finger is the tallest.
It reminds us of our leaders, the governors and those who have authority.
They need God's guidance.

4. The fourth finger is the ring finger.
Even though it may surprise you, it is our weakest finger.
It should remind us to pray for the weakest, the sick or those plagued by problems.
They need your prayers.

5. And finally we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all.
Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself.
When you are done praying for the other four groups,
you will be able to see your own needs but in the proper perspective,
and also you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way.

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