Famous Poets

Be inspired by the words of these famous poets. While many of these people have died their poetry continues to live on. They have written poetry that has inspired people during their lifetime and continues today as their poems are shared. You may also be inspired by our collectiion of Famous Poems .

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John Kendrick Bangs   11 poems by
John Kendrick Bangs
1862 - 1922

"He is indeed in friendless plight who hath no creditor
And does not know the joyous task of paying off the score!"

Caleb Davis Bradlee   26 poems by
Caleb Davis Bradlee
1831 - 1897

"Lord, when we shall question in our heart,
Whether thou wilt stay with us, or depart"

Berton Braley   
20 poems by
Berton Braley
1882 - 1966

"Whistle, old fellow; you go on and whistle;
What do we care if you sharp or you flat?"
Clara McAlister Brooks

7 poems by
Clara McAlister Brooks
1882 - 1980

"And we shall stand with the judgment-train.
Oh! what shall we wish that day?
Elizabeth Barrett Browning    11 poems by
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
1806 - 1861

" think we are too ready with complaint
In this fair world of God's.

David V. Bush  
21 poems by
David V. Bush
1882 - 1959

"If you've tried and if you've failed,
Keep plodding.

Alice Cary  

11 poems by
Alice Cary
1820 - 1871

"Stay yet a little longer in the sky,
O golden color of the evening sun!"

Phoebe Cary  

7 poems by
Phoebe Cary
1824 - 1871

"O years, gone down into the past;
What pleasant memories come to me."

Daniel C. Colesworthy  

26 poems by
Daniel C. Colesworthy
1810 - 1893

"What is existence, but to give
Our influence to a righteous cause?"

Lillian E. Curtis  

25 poems by
Lillian E. Curtis
mid 1800's death unknown

"Friendship! how boundless and expansive is the term,
Leading thro' labyrinths - ah! 'tis a priceless germ."

Emily Dickinson

14 poems by
Emily Dickinson
1831 - 1905

"Not knowing when the dawn will come
I open every door."

Mary Mapes Dodge   

16 poems by
Mary Mapes Dodge
1830 - 1886

"If you've any task to do,
Let me whisper, friend, to you, Do it."

Paul Laurence Dunbar  

14 poems by
Paul Laurence Dunbar
1872 - 1906

"Hope is tenacious. It goes on living and working
when science has dealt it what should be its deathblow."

Ralph Waldo Emerson  

14 poems by
Ralph Waldo Emerson
1803 - 1882

"That book is good
Which puts me in a working mood."

Eugene Field  

12 poems by
Eugene Field
1850 - 1895

"There are no days like the good old days, -
The days when we were youthful!

Ardeen Foster  

11 poems by
Ardeen Foster

"I mourn you as you die!
Good-bye, Old Year, good-bye!

Robert Frost   

9 poems by
Robert Frost
1874 - 1963

"Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.

Arthur Franklin Fuller  

27 poems by
Arthur Franklin Fuller
1880 - 1953

"Dear little hand and wise little heart,
Words cannot measure the sweet you impart"

Strickland Gillilan  

20 poems by
Strickland Gillilan
1869 - 1954

"Most every day brings some grave situation,
Not to be feared, but faced."

Edgar A. Guest  

37 poems by
Edgar A. Guest
1881 - 1959

"The pathway of the living is our ever-present care.
Let us do our best to smooth it and to make it bright and fair"

John Imrie  

27 poems by
John Imrie
1846 - 1902

"Life is all too short for strife,
Peace and love are golden"

Rudyard Kipling  

5 poems by
Rudyard Kipling
1865 - 1936

"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you

Lucy Larcom

9 poems by
Lucy Larcom
1824 - 1893

"Life offers no joy like a friend:
Fulfillment and prophecy blend

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  

7 poems by
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
1807 - 1882

"How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat"

Amy Lowell  

11 poems by
Amy Lowell
1874 - 1925

"I ask but one thing of you, only one.
That always you will be my dream of you"

Douglas Malloch  

20 poems by
Douglas Malloch
1877 - 1938

"Some folks run to sunsets, some folks run to noon.
Some folks like the evenin' best, with its stars an' moon.

Edgar Allan Poe  

13 poems by
Edgar Allan Poe
1809 - 1849

"The happiest day - the happiest hour
My sear'd and blighted heart hath known"

Catherine Pulsifer   

10 poems by
Catherine Pulsifer

"Persistence pays off no matter what
Quitting just closes everything shut"

Althea Randolph  

14 poems by
Althea Randolph
1800s - death unknown

"The trees are very vain, I think! I feel this must be true.
Because they like to change their gowns as much as people do!"

Christina Rossetti  

15 poems by
Christina Rossetti
1830 - 1894

"We know not when, we know not where,
We know not what that world will be"

Mary C. Ryan  

23 poems by
Mary C. Ryan

"Oh! give me back my childhood years,
The friends that are no more"

Eloise A. Skimings  

13 poems by
Eloise A. Skimings
1836 - 1921

"Be a friend good and true, to those you love;
O'er their path blossoms strew, to bloom above"

Robert Louis Stevenson  

12 poems by
Robert Louis Stevenson
1850 - 1894

"I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see"

Wilhelmina Stitch  

20 poems by
Wilhelmina Stitch
1888 - 1936

"Mind! What are you minting? Thoughts of purest gold
To buy a share of happiness when we are growing old."

Patience Strong  

22 poems by
Patience Strong
1907 - 1990

"Welcome Christmas once again! Come blizzard, snow or rime
It cannot dim the joy that fills our hearts at this glad time.

Ellwood Haines Stokes  

15 poems by
Ellwood Haines Stokes
1815 - 1897

"What a joyful place our heaven must be.
Where the captive dwells forever free."

James Henry Thomas   

6 poems by
James Henry Thomas

"We are very often treated with contempt and scorn;
But if right, we're not defeated, though much must be borne."

J. J. Thorne  

18 poems by
J. J. Thorne
1871 - unknown

"Knowledge is power, conscience is truth,
It was given us the way to live by"

Sara Teasdale  

9 poems by
Sara Teasdale

"Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten,
Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold"

William Arthur Ward  

21 poems by
William Arthur Ward
1921 - 1994

"A dash of encouragement is more helpful than
a dipper of pessimism."

Nixon Waterman  

23 poems by
Nixon Waterman
1859 - 1944

"With every tick of the clock, my dear,
The days go singing by."

Kate Louise Wheeler   

8 poems by
Kate Louise Wheeler
late 1800s

"Do not dream away life’s morning,
Rise to bless as does the sun"

Ella Wheeler Wilcox  

23 poems by
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
1850 -1919

"We will be what we could be. Do not say,
'It might have been, had not or that, or this'"

Henry VanDyke  

25 poems by
Henry VanDyke
1852 - 1933

"Love is not getting,
but giving"

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