Sara Teasdale Poems

Be inspired by these poems written by Sara Teasdale. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, on August 8, 1884 she lead a solitary life after an unsuccessful marriage lead to divorce. She was found drowned in the bath of her New York apartment, January 28, 1933.

The following information about Sara was found in an old book:

"This quiet, red-haired lady from the Middle West, born in St. Louis in 1884, has written some of the best-known love lyrics of the past decade. There is little in her gentle and genial manner and penetrating wit to betray the warmth and rich beauty of her verse. Married not so long ago to Ernest B. Filsinger, a business man with an appreciation for art, who himself writes on economic subjects, she lives in a large and quiet apartment overlooking one of the leafier of New York's squares, sees a few friends, reads well-selected books, and writes with a good deal of slowness and care. She is a normal, well-bred woman who draws her inspiration from the rich heritage of that normality, with a dexterity that lifts many of her lyrics to distinction, and an occasional flash of deeper understanding that lifts others to real power."

We hope you enjoy her poetry.

Sara Teasdale

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Popular Short  Famous Poems by Sara Teasdale:

  1. Full Moon
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    I listened, there was not a sound to hear
    In the great rain of moonlight pouring down,
    The eucalyptus trees were carved in silver,
    And a light mist of silver lulled the town.

    I saw far off the gray Pacific bearing
    A broad white disk of flame,
    And on the garden-walk a snail beside me
    Tracing in crystal the slow way he came.

  2. Poems About The Moon
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  3. The Long Hill
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    I must have passed the crest a while ago
    And now I am going down -
    Strange to have crossed the crest and not to know,
    But the brambles were always catching the hem of my gown.

    All the morning I thought how proud I should be
    To stand there straight as a queen,
    Wrapped in the wind and the sun with the world under me -
    But the air was dull, there was little I could have seen.

    It was nearly level along the beaten track
    And the brambles caught in my gown -
    But it's no use now to think of turning back,
    The rest of the way will be only going down.

  4. Poems of Encouragement
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  5. Wisdom
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    It was a night of early spring,
    The winter-sleep was scarcely broken;
    Around us shadows and the wind
    Listened for what was never spoken.

    Though half a score of years are gone,
    Spring comes as sharply now as then -
    But if we had it all to do
    It would be done the same again.

    It was a spring that never came;
    But we have lived enough to know
    That what we never have, remains;
    It is the things we have that go.

  6. Wisdom Poems
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  7. Let It Be Forgotten
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten,
    Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold,
    Let it be forgotten for ever and ever,
    Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.

    If anyone asks, say it was forgotten
    Long and long ago,
    As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfall
    In a long-forgotten snow.

  8. Forgiveness Poems
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  9. Twilight
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    Aloof as aged kings.
    Wearing like them the purple,
    The mountains ring the mesa
    Crowned with a dusky light;
    Many a time I watched
    That coming on of darkness
    Till stars burned through the heavens
    Intolerably bright.
    It was not long I lived there,
    But I became a woman
    Under those vehement stars,
    For it was there I heard
    For the first time my spirit
    Forging an iron rule for me,
    As though with slow cold hammers
    Beating out word by word:
    "Take love when love is given,
    But never think to find it
    A sure escape from sorrow
    Or a complete repose;
    Only yourself can heal you,
    Only yourself can lead you
    Up the hard road to heaven
    That ends where no one knows."

  10. Poems About Sunset
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  11. Winter Sun
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    There was a bush with scarlet berries.
    And there were hemlocks heaped with snow,
    With a sound like surf on long sea-beaches
    They took the wind and let it go.

    The hills were shining in their samite
    Fold after fold they flowed away;
    "Let come what may," your eyes were saying,
    "At least we two have had today".

  12. Winter Poems
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  13. Spring Night
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    The park is filled with night and fog,
    The veils are drawn about the world,
    The drowsy lights along the paths
    Are dim and pearled.

    Gold and gleaming the empty streets,
    Gold and gleaming the misty lake,
    The mirrored lights like sunken swords,
    Glimmer and shake.

  14. Spring Poems
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  15. Crying After Love
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    Oh, is it not enough to be
    Here with this beauty over me?
    My throat should ache with praise, and I
    Should kneel in joy beneath the sky.
    O beauty, are you not enough?
    Why am I crying after love
    With youth, a singing voice, and eyes
    To take earth's wonder with surprise?

    Why have I put off my pride,
    Why am I unsatisfied, -
    I, for whom the pensive night
    Binds her cloudy hair with light, -
    I, for whom all beauty burns
    Like incense in a million urns?
    O beauty, are you not enough?
    Why am I crying after love?

  16. Short Love Poems
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  17. I Shall Not Care
    Poet: Sara Teasdale

    When I am dead and over me bright April
    Shakes out her rain-drenched hair,
    Though you should lean above me broken-hearted,
    I shall not care.

    I shall have peace, as leafy trees are peaceful
    When rain bends down the bough;
    And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted
    Than you are now.

  18. Memorial Poems
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