Mary Mapes Dodge Poems

Be inspired by this collection of Mary Mapes Dodge poems. She was an American author and poet, with a focus on children and youth. In addition, she wrote and edited the children's magazine, St. Nicholas for over 30 years. The magazine was widely popular.

She was born on January 26, 1831, in New York City. She died on August 21, 1905, but her work still lives on today! By Catherine Pulsifer, updated August 6, 2024

Famous Poets    /   mary mapes dodge

Famous Poems by Mary Mapes Dodge:

  1. Ho, Dandelion
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Ho, Dandelion! my lightsome fellow!
    What's become of all your yellow?
    "My bonnie yellow it wouldn't stay,
    It turned about and it went away.
    Till nothing at all was left of me
    But the misty, feathery ball you see;
    Yet pluck me off, and blow me well.
    The time o' day I'll surely tell."

    Whiff! whiff! "Blow again,—
    Blow with all your might and main."
    Whiff! whiff! That is four.
    Now I've but two feathers more.
    Whiff! How tight the last one sticks!
    Whiff! It's gone, and that makes six.
    The sun is getting low, I see,
    And we must hurry home to tea.

  2. garden poems
    More Garden Poems

  3. An Offertory
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Oh, the beauty of the Christ Child,
    The gentleness, the grace,
    The smiling, loving tenderness.
    The infantile embrace!
    All babyhood he holdeth,
    All motherhood enfoldeth
    Yet who hath seen his face?

    Oh, the nearness of the Christ Child,
    When, for a sacred space,
    He nestles in our very homes
    Light of the human race!
    We know him and we love him,
    No man to us need prove him
    Yet who hath seen his face?

  4. Christian poems
    More Christian Poems

  5. Resolution
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    If you've any task to do,
    Let me whisper, friend, to you,
    Do it.

    If you've any thing to say,
    True and needed, yea or nay.
    Say it.

    If you've any thing to love.
    As a blessing from above,
    Love it.

    If you've any thing to give,
    That another's joy may live,
    Give it.

    If some hollow creed you doubt.
    Though the whole world hoot and shout,
    Doubt it.

    If you know what torch to light.
    Guiding others through the night.
    Light it.

    If you've any debt to pay,
    Rest you neither night nor day —
    Pay it.

    If you've any joy to hold,
    Next your heart, lest it grow cold.
    Hold it.

    If you've any grief to meet,
    At the loving Father's feet.
    Meet it.

    If you've given light to see
    What a child of God should be,
    See it.

    Whether life be bright or drear.
    There's a message, sweet and clear,
    Whispered down to every ear —
    Hear it!

  6. poems of encouragement
    More Poems Of Encouragement

  7. The Alphabet
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Little boys with pockets,
    Little boys with none,
    Little bright-eyed lassies
    Gather, every one!
    Crowd around me closely.
    Would you master books?
    You must first discover
    How each letter looks.

    A has a bar
    Where a fairy might ride;

    B is a post
    With two loops at the side.

    C might be round
    If a piece you would lend;

    D is a buck-saw
    Standing on end.

    E has a peg
    In the middle, they say;

    F is an E
    With the bottom away.

    G is like C,
    With a block on one end;

    H has a seat
    That would hold you, depend.

    I is so straight
    It would do for a prop;

    J is a crook
    With a bar at the top.

    K is a stick
    With a crotch fastened to it

    L is a roost,
    If the chickens but knew it

    M has four parts,
    As you quickly may see;

    N, the poor fellow!
    Is made out of three.

    O is so round
    It would do for a hoop;

    P is a stick
    With a top like a loop.

    Q to be curly
    Is constantly trying;

    R is like B,
    With the bottom loop flying.

    S is a snake,
    All crooked and dread;

    T is a pole
    With a bar for a head.

    U it is plain,
    Would make a good swing;

    V is as sharp
    As a bumble-bee's sting.

    W ought
    To be called double-V;

    X is a cross,
    As you plainly can see;

    Y is just formed
    Like a V on a stand;

    Z is the crookedest
    Thing in the land!

  8. poems for kids
    More Poems For Kids

  9. Child's Prayer
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    From the sunny morning
    To the starry night,
    Every look and motion
    Meets our Father's sight.

    From our earliest breathing
    To our latest year,
    Every sound we utter
    Meets our Father's ear.

    Through our earthly journey,
    Wheresoe'er we go,
    Every thought and feeling
    Doth our Father know.

    Let us then be careful
    That our looks shall be
    Brave and kind and cheerful,
    For our Lord to see.

    Let us guard each accent
    With a holy fear.
    Fit our every saying
    For our Lord to hear.

    Let no thought within us,
    Hidden or confessed,
    Ever bring a sorrow
    To our dear Lord's breast.

    Help us, O our Father!
    Hear our earnest plea —
    Teach thy little children
    How to live for Thee!

  10. short prayers
    More Short Prayers

  11. A Common Mistake
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    The wisest thing
    For any man,
    Is to get from others
    All he can.

    The meanest thing
    A man can do,
    Is to get his gains
    From me or you.

  12. wisdom poems
    More Wisdom Poems

  13. Stocking Song On Christmas Eve
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Welcome, Christmas! heel and toe,
    Here we wait thee in a row.
    Come, good Santa Claus, we beg, —
    Fill us tightly, foot and leg.

    Fill us quickly ere you go, —
    Fill us till we overflow.
    That's the way! and leave us more
    Heaped in piles upon the floor.

    Little feet that ran all day
    Twitch in dreams of merry play;
    Little feet that jumped at will
    Lie all pink, and warm, and still.

    See us, how we lightly swing;
    Hear us, how we try to sing.
    Welcome, Christmas! heel and toe,
    Come and fill us ere you go.

    Here we hang till some one nimbly
    Jumps with treasure down the chimney,
    Bless us! how he'll tickle us!
    Funny old St Nicholas!

  14. Christmas poems
    More Christmas Poems

  15. In Trust
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    It's coming, boys,
    It's almost here;
    It's coming, girls.
    The grand New Year

    A year to be glad in,
    Not to be bad in;
    A year to live in,
    To gain and give in;

    A year for trying,
    And not for sighing;
    A year for striving
    And hearty thriving;

    A bright new year.
    Oh! hold it dear;
    For God who sendeth
    He only lendeth.

  16. new years poems
    More New Year Poems

  17. Flowers
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    My little one came, and brought me a flower.
    Never a sweeter one grew;
    But it faded and faded in one short hour,
    And lost all its pretty blue.

    My little one stayed in the room and played;
    And so my flower bloomed bright, —
    My beautiful blossom that did not fade,
    But slept in my arms all night.

  18. flower poem
    More Flower Poem

  19. Good-Morning
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Good morning, mamma! Good-morning, bright sun!
    Good-morning, papa! The day is begun.
    Good-morning to every one, pussy as well:
    Does he sleep like the rest, till he hears the first bell?

    Good-morning it is, for the sky is all blue,
    The grass is just shining and sparkling with dew;
    The birdies are singing their merriest song.
    And the air through the window comes sunny and strong.

    Good-morning it is, for dark was the night,
    And chilly and still, but the morning is bright.
    If God did not watch us and bring us the day.
    We'd never be able to get up and play.

    Good-morning, new day! I m glad we're awake.
    Your work and your sunshine and frolic to take;
    And I'm glad we are able so gayly to call
    Good-morning! good-morning! Good morning to all!

  20. good morning poems
    More Good Morning Poems

  21. Birdies with Broken Wings
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Birdies with broken wings,
    Hide from each other;
    But babies in trouble
    Can run home to mother.

  22. poems about birds
    More Poems About Birds

  23. Shepherd John
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Oh! Shepherd John is good and kind.
    Oh Shepherd John is brave;
    He loves the weakest of his flock,
    His arm is quick to save.

    But Shepherd John to little John
    Says: "Learn, my laddie, learn!
    In grassy nooks still read your books;
    And aye for knowledge burn,

    Read while you tend the grazing flock
    Had I but loved my book,
    I'd not be still in shepherd's frock,
    Nor bearing shepherd's crook.

    The world is wide, the world is fair,
    There's muckle work to do.
    I'll rest content a shepherd still,
    But grander fields for you!"

  24. poems about books
    More Poems About Books

  25. Baby In Dreamland
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Baby's dreams are very bright,
    Though they come at dead of night,
    When the house is still;
    For a moonbeam comes to take her
    Where the sweetest sounds shall wake her,
    Where she'll play at will.

    In the dreamland, far away,
    There do sleeping babies play,
    There they laugh and walk.
    All the day their speech is gone -
    Not a foot to stand upon —
    There they leap and talk.

    There the pretty candle-blaze,
    When they clutch it, brightly stays;
    There the stars so grand
    Come to meet the outstretched arm,
    Leap all sparkling to the palm
    Of the little hand.

    But in all that wondrous place,
    Still is smiling, mother's face;
    Mother s touch is there;
    And like music sweet and low.
    Though the baby does not know,
    Breathes the mother's prayer

    So the baby laughs and plays
    Through the happy dreamland ways
    (Close to heaven, maybe),
    Till the merry sunbeams take her
    To her bed, and gently wake her,
    — Now, come see to Baby!

  26. baby poems
    More Baby Poems

  27. At The Window
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    In and out, in and out.
    Through the clouds heaped about.
    Wanders the bright moon.

    What she seeks, I do not know;
    Where it is, I cannot show.

    I am but a little child,
    And the night is strange and wild.

    In and out, in and out,
    Wanders the bright moon;
    In and out, in and out,
    She will find it soon.

    There she comes! as clear as day,
    Now the clouds are going away.
    She is smiling, I can see,
    And she's looking straight at me.

    Pretty moon, so bright and round.
    Won't you tell me what you found?

  28. poems about the moon
    More Poems About The Moon

  29. Now the Noisy Winds Are Still
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Now the noisy winds are still;
    April's coming up the hill!
    All the spring is in her train,
    Led by shining ranks of rain;
    Pit, pat, patter, clatter,
    Sudden sun, and clatter, patter!

    First the blue, and then the shower;
    Bursting bud, and smiling flower;
    Brooks set free with tinkling ring;
    Birds too full of song to sing;
    Crisp old leaves astir with pride,
    Where the timid violets hide,
    All things ready with a will,
    April's coming up the hill!

  30. spring poems
    Spring Poems

  31. Snow
    Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge

    Little white feathers, filling the air
    Little white feathers! how came ye there?
    "We came from the cloud-birds sailing so high;
    They're shaking their white wings up in the sky."

    Little white feathers, how swift you go!
    Little white feathers, I love you so!
    "We are swift because we have work to do;
    But hold up your face, and we'll kiss you true."

  32. poems about snowflakes
    Poems About Snowflakes

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