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28 Good Morning Poems

Brighten your morning with poems that inspire, uplift, and spread positivity daily.

May your morning be bright, your day be light, and your heart feel right.
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Updated January 29, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Use the verses in these good morning poems, to brighten someone's morning. Share them with others to wish them a good morning. Starting your day out on a positive note can make the difference between a good day or a bad day. And our attitude first thing in the morning usually determines the type of day we will have.

Reading good morning poems can give you the thoughts that you may just need to keep your mind and your attitude positive for the upcoming hours. Sending a poem whether, by email, a note, or a text message can let someone know you are thinking of them. Share one today and see the positive feedback you will receive.

    Inspirational Good Morning Poems

    These poems are filled with uplifting messages to start your day with motivation and positivity.

  1. The Day Has Begun
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Good morning to you, the new day has begun,
    May the sun shine on your face with joy and fun.
    Now leave all your worries from yesterday behind,
    Embrace this new start and watch what you can find.

    May today be full of things that make you smile,
    Stand tall, breathe deep and savor this moment for a while.
    God bless you today as He gave His light,
    Bringing hope for a new day both beautiful and bright!

  2. Time To Start The Day
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2014

    It's time to start your day,
    Wake up and get on the move.
    Sleeping in is nice,
    But you've got lots to prove.

    You'll prove to yourself,
    That anything is in your grip.
    All it takes is hard work,
    With yourself as the whip.

    Anything you want to do,
    Understand it can be done.
    As long as you stop wasting,
    The day that has just begun.

    So wake up and rise and shine,
    This day is just for you.
    I can't wait to see,
    What it is that you will do!

  3. So wake up and rise and shine, This day is just for you.
    A New Day Poem

  4. A Fresh Start
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Good morning, the day awaits
    A fresh start, no more delays
    Through fresh air and morning dew
    Grab your cup of steaming brew!

    Up early, one step ahead
    Enthusiasm ringing in your head
    No telling what you can do
    When you greet the new day with a positive view.

    Dreams will never come true
    If left to linger in bed's queu'
    Nothing can stop you today
    If you get up and get at it - hooray!

  5. Today Is Here
    Poet: T. N. Hanson

    Live life today as though today were all.
    Our yesterdays are days beyond recall.
    Rest not upon the victories you have won -
    Your yesterday was ended with the sun.
    If you have failed, surrender not to fear -
    Tomorrow has not come; today is here.

  6. What A Great Day
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Good morning to you, what a great day,
    Let us rejoice and smile away!
    The birds are singing sweetly in the trees
    And the weather is great, with only a soft breeze.

    We never know what joy will bring,
    But optimism our hearts can sing
    Forget the past and yesterday's strife,
    Energize yourself, this day of your life.

    Think of all that lies ahead,
    Make the most of it time you've been fed
    Choose to find the positive way,
    Good morning, have an amazing day!

  7. Good morning to you, what a great day, Let us rejoice and smile away!
    Good Morning Poems for Her

  8. Now Is The Time
    Poet: Unknown

    Pluck sweet flowers while you may,
    At eventide or dewy 'morn,
    Surely there will come a day
    When you must pluck the thorn.

    Do kindly acts at time of need,
    Ere the chance be gone;
    Thus you will plant the seed
    Of deeds now unknown.

  9. Do kindly acts at time of need, Ere the chance be gone
    Christian Good Morning Quotes

  10. Daybreak
    Poet: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    A wind came up out of the sea,
    And said, "O mists, make room for me."

    It hailed the ships, and cried, "Sail on,
    Ye mariners, the night is gone."

    And hurried landward far away,
    Crying, "Awake! it is the day."

    It said unto the forest, "Shout!
    Hang all your leafy banners out!"

    It touched the wood bird's folded wing,
    And said, "O bird, awake and sing"

    And o'er the farms, "O chanticleer,
    Your clarion blow; the day is near."

    It whispered to the fields of corn,
    "Bow down, and hail the coming morn."

    It shouted through the belfry tower,
    "Awake, O bell! proclaim the hour."

    It crossed the churchyard with a sigh,
    And said, "Not yet! in quiet lie."

  11. Funny Good Morning Poems

    Light-hearted poems that will bring a smile to your face and add humor to your morning.

  12. Rise and Shine
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Rise and shine, it’s time to cheer,
    Don’t let the snooze button bring you near,
    The coffee’s brewing, the toast is done,
    Let’s start the day with some morning fun!

    The alarm may ring and try to scare,
    But it’s just a sign that you should be there,
    So stretch your arms and give a shout,
    Good morning to you—let’s laugh it out!

  13. Roses Are Red
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue
    Wake up sleepy head,
    Good morning to you!

    A new day awaits you
    Don't waste your day
    Open those eyes
    A good morning, I say!

  14. A new day awaits you Don't waste your day Open those eyes
    Funny Poems

  15. Good Morning
    Poet: Eleanor Farjeon

    Good morning, nurse, good morning, cook,
    Good morning, all of you;
    Good morning to my picture-book,
    And to my window-view.

    Good morning, nurse, good morning, cook,
    Good morning, all of you;
    Good morning to my picture-book,
    And to my window-view.

    Good morning to the bird out there
    That cannot sing enough,
    And to the carpet which my bare
    Feet press on, soft and rough.

    Good morning to the breakfast smell
    That rises from below,
    And to the breakfast sound as well
    That clatters to and fro.

    Good morning, Towzer!
    Come, let's run,
    Jump, shout, and laugh and sing
    Good morning to you, every one!
    Good morning, everything!

  16. Romantic Good Morning Poems

    Share these sweet and loving poems to express affection in the morning hours.

  17. Good Morning My Love
    Poet: Samatha Lynch, ©2019

    Every day with you means so much
    I love you and your touch
    Your loving ways I do adore
    Your kindness makes my heart soar.

    When I wake up and see you there
    I feel like I can do anything I dare
    You light up my life more than you can imagine
    I jump out of bed and spring into action.

    Good morning my love
    I thank the good Lord above
    For the blessing of  life with you
    Have a great morning in all that you do.

  18. you light up my life more than you can imagine I jump out of bed and spring into action
    Romantic Poems

  19. Morning Gifts
    Poet: Unknown

    The kiss that you gave me this morning,
    It has clung to my lips all day!
    A jewel of love's fair adorning,
    To treasure while you are away;
    A gem far more precious than rubies,
    As pure as a heart of the sea;
    In my heart's hidden casket I place it,
    With the joy it has given to me.

    The look that you gave me this morning,
    I have seen it today everywhere,
    With its loving glow cheering and warming
    The gloom and the chill in the air!
    The shadows have been but as sunbeams,
    Life has seemed all so joyous and free,
    For the tender love-light in the dear eyes
    You gave in the morning to me.

    The words that you gave me this morning,
    They have echoed for me all day long!
    The flowers seemed more sweetly adorning,
    And the birds had a merrier song.
    Ah, the long hours have been, oh, so happy!
    So glad all the toil of today!
    For the kiss and the look and the sweet words
    You gave me at going away.

  20. Christian Good Morning Poems

    Poems that reflect faith and offer prayers or blessings for a peaceful morning.

  21. A Gift
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Good morning, a gift from up above,
    A day bestowed with abundant love.
    Don't let it pass, seize the chance today,
    To spread God's love in every way.

    Embrace each moment with joy and cheer,
    For His blessings are always near.
    Open your heart, let kindness flow,
    Inseparable from Him, wherever you go.

  22. God Bless
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Good morning, let sunshine fill your heart
    As you rise from sleep, and with it a fresh new start.
    May God bless each movement of your day
    With goodness and love in every way.
    May you have peace of mind, joy in your heart
    And blessings like no other can impart.

  23. A Morning Greeting
    Poet: Kate Summers, ©2020

    Good Morning, God bless,
    May your day be filled with happiness.
    May troubles be less and blessings be more
    May sunshine greet you as you walk out the door.

    May you give the day your best
    And if I may suggest
    Keep smiling and singing
    A happy life you'll be living.

    So as you greet this morning
    And as you pick your clothing
    Focus on the positive and you will find
    The morning you will not mind.

  24. Focus on the positive and you will find The morning you will not mind.
    Positive Poems

  25. True Gladness
    Poet: Marianne Farningham

    Be glad when the flowers have faded?
    Be glad when the trees are bare?
    When the fog lies thick on the field and moors,
    And the frost is in the air?
    When all around is a desert,
    And the clouds obscure the light?
    When there are no songs for the darkest days,
    No stars for the longest night?

    Ah, yes, for the truest gladness
    Is not in ease or mirth;
    It has its home in the heart of God,
    Not in the loves of the earth.
    God's love is the same forever,
    If the skies are bright or dim,
    And the joy of the morning lasts all day
    When the heart is glad with him.

  26. Nature-Inspired Good Morning Poems

    These poems celebrate the beauty of the natural world as you greet a new day.

  27. Friends Of Mine
    Poet:  James W. Foley

    Good-morning, Brother Sunshine,
    Good-morning, Sister Song,
    I beg your humble pardon
    If you've waited very long.
    I thought I heard you rapping,
    To shut you out were sin,
    My heart is standing open,
    Won't you walk right in?

    Good-morning, Brother Gladness,
    Good-morning, Sister Smile,
    They told me you were coming,
    So I waited on a while.
    I'm lonesome here without you,
    A weary while it's been,
    My heart is standing open,
    Won't you walk right in?

    Good-morning, Brother Kindness,
    Good-morning, Sister Cheer,
    I heard you were out calling,
    So I waited for you here.
    Some way, I keep forgetting
    I have to toil or spin
    When you are my companions,
    Won't you walk right in?

  28. Awake!
    Poet: Althea Randolph

    Awake! 'Tis time for you to rise!
    Awake! And open both your eyes!
    The day is here, the sky is blue,
    And all the World is calling you!

  29. The day is here, the sky is blue, And all the World is calling you!
    Just For Today Poems

  30. The Sun's Good-Night And Good-Morning!
    Poet: Althea Randolph

    The Sun says good-night to you,
    Good-night to you,
    Good-night to you,
    The Sun says good-night to you,
    At the close of day!

    The Sun throws a kiss to you,
    A kiss to you,
    A kiss to you.
    The Sun throws a kiss to you.
    As he goes away!

    The Sun stays away all night.
    Away all night,
    Away all night.
    The Sun stays away all night.
    And sleeps the whole night through!

    The Sun awakes when it is light,
    When it is light.
    When it is light.
    The Sun awakes when it is light.
    And says good-day to you!

  31. Only
    Poet: Unknown

    It was only a blossom,
    Just the merest bit of bloom,
    But it brought a glimpse of summer
    To the little darkened room.

    It was only a glad "good morning,"
    As she passed along the way;
    But it spread the morning's glory
    Over the livelong day.

    Only a song; but the music,
    Though simply pure and sweet.
    Brought back to better pathways
    The reckless roving feet.

    "Only," in our blind wisdom,
    How dare we say at all?
    Since the ages alone can tell us
    Which is the great or small.

  32. Positive Affirmation Poems for the Morning

    Start your day with confidence and a positive mindset through these encouraging poems.

  33. A Good One
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    A good morning to you
    It's a morning that's new.
    My wish is for good things
    That the entire day could bring.

    A morning full of sunshine
    A morning of all things fine
    That is my wish for you
    On this morning that is brand new.

    A good day is in store for you
    A good day of happiness nothing blue
    That is my wish for you
    A good day in all you do.

    And when the evening is upon us
    May you see it as a plus
    As you look back on this day
    And see it was a good one in every way.

  34. A Grand Morning
    Poet: Kate Summers

    Good morning to you this day
    A grand morning I must say.
    May this morning bring to you
    Happiness in all you do
    Achieve a lot, don't be undersold
    Believe you are worth your weight in gold.

    I wish you a great day in every way
    Because you deserve the best today.
    Let the sunshine radiate within
    Don't let others create your spin
    Believe only the best,
    And you will find lots of happiness.

  35. A New Day
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2019

    A new day to do
    The things you want to.
    Get out of bed
    You sleepy head.

    The day is just beginning
    A day for truly living
    As none of us is guaranteed
    Tomorrow we will see.

    So live this day
    Don't waste it I say.
    You've been given the hours
    Take time to smell the flowers.

  36. A Good Morning To You
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2019

    A good morning to you
    Be the best at what you do.

    Get up and give thanks
    You get to fill in the blanks.

    Today is a gift given to you
    Do not spend it being blue.

    You see, the world reflects
    The attitude you project.

    Stay positive and upbeat
    The day is yours to complete.

  37. a good morning to you be the best at what you do
    Be The Best You Can Be

    Short Good Morning Poems

    Quick, simple poems that pack a meaningful punch in just a few lines.

  38. It Was Only...
    Poet: Carlotta Perry

    It was only a glad "Good Morning"
    As she passed along the way;
    But it spread the morning's glory
    Over the livelong day.

  39. May Your Day Be Full
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Good morning to you, may your day be full
    May sunshine throughout your day rule.
    May any rain that falls be short-lived
    May dreary weather not hold you captive.
    As the day is what you make it
    Be positive and happy, don't quit!

  40. the day is what you make it Be positive and happy, don't quit!
    Don't Quit Poem

  41. Wonderful Things
    Poet Unknown

    Hope the sky's as blue
    As a bluebird's wings,
    And your day is just filled
    With wonderful things!

  42. Good Morning To You
    Poet Unknown

    Good morning to you, with sunshine and cheer,
    May your day be bright, your heart full of cheer,
    May smiles greet you and joy light your way,
    Wishing you a wonderful, blissful day!

Related Pages:

Good Morning Quotes - If you love starting your day with inspiring words, these good morning quotes will brighten your morning even more. Pair them with a poem for an extra boost of positivity!

Nature Poems - Mornings are best enjoyed with the beauty of nature. These nature poems celebrate the sunrise, the fresh air, and the wonders of the world waking up around us.

Funny Good Morning Quotes - A little laughter can go a long way in the morning! After reading good morning poems, enjoy these humorous quotes to start your day with a smile.

Good Morning Quotes For Her - Want to send a loving message in the morning? These quotes are perfect for making her feel cherished and starting her day with joy.

Morning Prayer Devotion - A morning prayer can set a peaceful and blessed tone for the day. Let these devotional words accompany your morning poetry for a heartwarming start.

Prayer For Today - Just as good morning poems inspire, a simple prayer can provide encouragement and guidance. Take a moment to reflect with these prayers.

Famous Poems - If you love poetry, why stop at morning verses? Explore these famous poems that have inspired readers for generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of a good morning poem? Good morning poems are meant to inspire, uplift, or bring joy at the start of the day. They can help set a positive tone, provide encouragement, or simply add a smile to someone's morning.

  • How do I use good morning poems? You can send good morning poems via text, email, or social media to brighten someone's day. They also work well in cards or as part of a morning routine for personal motivation.

  • Can I personalize a good morning poem? Absolutely! Personalizing a good morning poem by adding the recipient’s name or referencing their life adds a thoughtful touch. Feel free to adapt any poem to suit your needs.

  • What’s a good occasion to send a good morning poem? While good morning poems are perfect for everyday use, they are also great for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or even just to cheer someone up after a tough time.

  • Can I write my own good morning poem? Of course! Writing your own good morning poem is a personal and thoughtful gesture. You can reflect your own feelings, memories, or use humor. It doesn’t need to be perfect; sincerity matters the most!

  • Do good morning poems need to rhyme? Not at all. While rhyming poems can have a catchy and traditional feel, free-verse poems are just as beautiful. It’s the message and sentiment behind the poem that matters most.

  • How can I find the perfect good morning poem? Consider the recipient. Think about the person you’re sending the poem to. Do they enjoy humor, romance, or something more inspirational? Matching the poem's tone to their personality will help you find the right one.

  • Are there any copyright restrictions on these poems? Yes, all of our poems are copyrighted. However, if you wish to use one of our poems for personal use you have our permission and they are free to use. However, if the poems are for commercial use please contact us for guidelines and permission.

  • Can I submit a good morning poem to be published? Yes, see our submission guidelines, how to submit, and the review process on our submit a poem page.

We hope these good morning poems were ones that provided you with inspiring and positive thoughts for your morning. Share these with others who could use an uplifting message to start their day! Our outlook first thing in the morning will determine our attitude for the entire day, so make sure you wake up and start your day with a good attitude, it will stay with you the entire day.  If you find you did not wake up in a good mood, read some uplifting poems and quotes to change your thinking and your outlook!

There are those people who hate the mornings, share these poems or share a message with them and then there are people who actually call themselves morning people, also share the verses here with them, they will appreciate the poems!

Good morning, my love! May your day be as radiant as your smile

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