30 Easter Poems
A collection of Easter poems celebrating the risen Christ that will give you inspiration and hope. Easter is a time of year when all things renew. May these verses remind you to rejoice and give thanks for Jesus' gift to us - eternal life.If Easter had not happened, if the resurrection had not happened we would have no hope. Fill your heart with gladness, rejoice in the love of God as He loved you so much he gave His one and only Son so that our sins would be forgiven. Easter is perhaps the most important day in the ministry of Jesus. While His birth and the ministry of miracles are amazing, the day Jesus rose is the base of the Christian faith. Easter is truly a time of celebration!
Short Poems & Quotes / Easter Poems
Easter Day
Poet: Christina Rossetti
Words cannot utter
Christ His returning:
Mankind, keep jubilee,
Strip off your mourning,
Crown you with garlands,
Set your lamps burning.
Speech is left speechless;
Set you to singing,
Fling your hearts open wide.
Set your bells ringing:
Christ the Chief Reaper
Comes, His sheaf bringing.
Earth wakes her song-birds,
Puts on her flowers.
Leads out her lambkins.
Builds up her bowers:
This is man’s spousal day,
Christ’s day and ours. -
All Hail To Easter Day
Poet: C. D. Bradlee
All hail to Easter Day now here;
Away at once our doubt and fear,
For Christ has risen!
Our hearts shall rise in sacred love,
Our eyes shall turn to thee above,
God of Heaven!
We feel the reign of time has fled,
No longer can the seeming dead
In sleep repose!
The soul will find another home,
And hear the Saviour's solemn "Come,"
When breath shall close!
We know this life will speed away,
And short will be our mortal day,
And flesh must fade!
But still beyond there is a rest
For all the holy and the blest
Who've Christ obeyed!
Thanks be to God for Easter Day,
To Jesus, too, who led the way
To grace and peace!
And may we all receive a crown
When we our earthly work lay down,
And faith ne'er cease! -
Poet: Eloise A. Skimings
The clouds break -light thro' the darkness
Penetrates the gloom with its effulgence,
And from on high soft Alleluias float
Like angels' whisperings -full of hope
To the hopeless mortal, whose web of life,
Both warp and weft, are spun of sin;
But now the God man, who died to save
And bring sinners to repentance.
Is risen to-day, as he said,
And lo, their faces are illumin'd
And their souls once more purified.
The old leaven is purg'd away
And the tarnish on their armor
Is removed— may it keep burnish'd
With constant use in God's armory,
This world, which Satan strives to rule;
And at the final resurrection
May we all swell the grand chorus,
"Resurrexit Sicut Dixit" - Alleluia" -
He Is Risen
Poet: Ellwood Haines Stokes
He is risen! Christ the holy,
He the Christ who once was slain;
He the earth-born, lone and lowly,
Bursts the tomb and lives again.
Grace divine to men abounded.
Grave, sin, hell, are all confounded.
He is risen! Men despising,
Truths of God revealed in time;
Risen! to His foes surprising,
To His friends a joy sublime;
Risen? yes, alive forever,
Christ, of endless life the giver.
Risen! risen! every nation
Join the universal joy;
Let the song fill all creation.
Men and angels' tongues employ,
Sadden'd hell and gladden'd heaven.
Death is conquered, Christ is risen!
Risen! risen! joy forever,
Christ is victor, death in chains.
Grave shall gain dominion never,
Jesus lives, Messiah reigns!
Thrill the earth with the glad story.
We shall reign with Him in glory! -
Poet: Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster
Never yet was a spring-time,
Late though lingered the snow,
That the sap stirred not at the whisper
Of the south wind, sweet and low;
Never yet was a spring-time
When the buds forgot to blow.
Ever the wings of the summer
Are folded under the mould;
Life, that has known no dying,
Is Love's, to have and to hold,
Till sudden, the bourgeoning Easter!
The song! the green and the gold! -
Reason To Feel Glad
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
We have much reason to feel glad
As Easter approaches each year;
Thanks to Jesus, our Savior so grand,
Our glory of redemption is here.
His dying on the cross
and His great grace saves us,
Forgives our sins of the past;
Amidst all fear and uncertainty
He gives us hope at last.
It's Easter that brings
joy, peace and bliss;
A reminder of how life
can truly go on. -
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
He stood before them, like a lamb to the slaughter
The crowd was loud, angry and unruly to wonder
False accusations were laid against Him, so unkind
Unjust conviction, He was guilty in their minds
Nails held Him fast to an old wooden cross
Cries of suffering of so great a cost
His life taken away for our own guilt and shame
Crucifixion's cruelty His pains endured all the same
Three short days later in glory He did rise from the grave
Defeating death's stronghold, for us He did save.
Giving us hope forevermore on that bright Easter morning
Victory on Easter no longer sadness and mourning! -
The Greatest Miracle
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Oh glorious Easter Morn,
Where tears of sadness turn to hope reborn
So much joy it brought forth,
The day Jesus rose from his tomb returning forth.
Hearts were filled with sorrow,
It was amazing what followed.
That morning saw the greatest miracle
For the world is truly a pinnacle.
He banished our sins and death
With one mighty breath
The grave could not keep Him
Captive no more.
Hallelujah! Gloriously we sing
The gift of eternal life He did bring.
The greatest miracle ever made.
Praise be to His precious name! -
Thankful For God's Plan
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Christmas day we gather round
To celebrate a blessed birth,
When God in heaven sent his Son
As a baby to this earth.
For this miraculous event so grand,
Our hearts are filled with thankfulness;
The babe Jesus' birth was seen in our land,
Redemption sang in perfect harmony.
But a greater miracle was yet to come -
The resurrection of Christ divine;
In glory's light death was overcome,
Life everlasting His favor shown.
Let us give thanks for such mighty grace -
A Savior brought through love divine;
Let us honor His holy name in every place -
Thankful for God's plan, so well designed. -
An Easter Offering
Poet: Caris Brooke
Dear Lord I have no Easter flowers to bring,
No roses fresh, nor lilies dewy sweet,
Yet still one offering I may gladly bear
And lay rejoicing at Thy dearest feet.
Enfold my weary love in Thy sweet will,
And keep it closely to Thy pierced side,
So shall I rest, nor sad and helpless mourn.
While safe in Thee my love and I abide. -
Poet: Jennie Harrison
Out of the shadow of death and the grave,
Jesus our Saviour hath come,
Bright in His glory, and mighty to save,
Free from the taint of the tomb!
Robes of humanity, sanctified so,
Worn in His pitying love.
Drop all their weight of earth-weakness and woe,
Jesus ascendeth above.
Victory! Victory! won for us all!
Let the glad tidings resound;
Jesus is risen! His trumpet shall call.
Life and salvation are found.
Out of the shadow of winter's long night.
Earth comes in gladness to-day!
Clad in the garments of spring-time and light,
Scattering doubt and dismay.
Beautiful story, that never grows old,
Pledge from our conquering Lord,
Earth is redeemed from its darkness and cold,
Easter hath come at His word.
Out of the shadow of weakness and fear,
Let us arise, then, to-day!
Jesus hath called us; our Easter is here!
Why should we doubt and delay?
Here is the path that our Conqueror trod,
Bright with His blessing of peace;
These are His blossoms that spring from the sod,
Telling of hope and release. -
A Promise
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Easter is a promise of eternal life,
On the third day, Jesus rose taking away all strife.
His coming brought much joy, to each and every soul.
It happened just as it was written in the old scrolls
All our doubts cast aside, Easter fills us with delight,
That on this special day we have the promise of eternal life.
Risen, Jesus gave people new hope,
Of love and prosperity so that mankind can cope! -
Passion Flowers and Easter Lilies
Poet: Mary Bissell Waterman
In this brief changing life of ours,
Mingling with sweet and fragrant flowers,
The Passion Flowers entwine;
They speak of pain and bitter tears,
Of buried hopes, and fruitless years.
Of sweat of Blood Divine.
But when the purple clusters droop,
Behold the flowers that whisper Hope,
E'en by the stone sealed tomb;
For what in Life can bring despair
If close beside each grief and care
The Easter Lilies bloom? -
Poet: Hezekiah Butterworth
Risen, Christ is risen!
Hear the angel say;
Never word so glorious,
Burst upon the day!
Risen, Christ is risen!
Hear the church repeat,
As her bannered armies
Follow Jesus' feet.
Risen, Christ is risen,
Let our anthems say;
For our sake the Saviour
Rose this wondrous day.
Ours the hopes eternal
Of his empty tomb;
Ours regained the Eden
Of immortal bloom.
Tenants for a moment
Of abodes of clay,
Heirs of habitations
That shall ne'er decay,
In his resurrection
Life is but a breath,
We his feel shall follow
Through the gates of death.
Shines the wondrous morning
On the ages long!
Hail it, halls of Zion,
Glorious now with song!
Perish, mortal bodies;
Vanish, empty breath.
Hail him, — Jesus! Jesus!
Conqueror of death!
Risen, Christ is risen!
Hail the morning bright,
Children of the promise,
Children of the light. -
Easter Morning
Poet Jennie Harrison
Far o'er the distant mountain-tops,
A radiant light unfolds;
The tiniest flower-cup nestling there,
Its tinge of glory holds.
The watcher thro' the weary night,
Looks up, with prayerful eyes; —
And, lo ! the shadows roll away,
Neath Resurrection skies! -
Thine Easter Day
Poet: Mary Lowe Dickinson
Within thy heart is there an opened tomb?
Have God's strong angels rolled the stone away?
Rises thy dead self from its bonds of clay?
Breaks Heaven's sweet light across the dark and gloom?
Then is this day in truth thine Easter day!
If broken down are stony gates of pride,
If shrouding bands of earth are torn away,
If sin and wrath and scorn in thee have died,
Mourn not the past. The folded shroud beside
Angels will watch; — it is thine Easter day.
Rise, new-born soul, and put thine armor on;
Clasp round thy breast the garment of the light;
Gird up thy loins for battle. In the fight
He leads who upward from our sight has gone;
It is His day; there's no more death nor night,
No dark, no hurt, no more sharp shame nor loss;
All buried, hidden 'neath the grave's dark sod;
All ways forgotten, save the road He trod;
All burdens naught in sight of His — the cross;
All joy, alive and safe with Christ in God! -
Poet: Maria J Dodge
Uprose the mighty throng
Through all this broad domain;
They sang their sweetest Easter song,
And this the glad refrain:
Christ the Lord is risen,
Is risen, is risen again.
Christ the Lord is risen,
He hath not died in vain.
The music rolled along,
Beneath the cloudless sky,
And angels round the Throne
Re-echoed back the cry:
Christ the Lord is risen,
Is risen, is risen again.
Christ the Lord is risen.
He hath not died in vain.
And on this Easter day,
Your joyous hearts upraise;
For Jesus is the Way;
Give Him your sweetest praise.
Christ the Lord is risen.
Is risen, is risen again.
Christ the Lord is risen,
He hath not died in vain.
Throughout this broad domain
Uprose the mighty throng;
And angels caught the sweet refrain
Of this, their Easter song:
Christ the Lord is risen.
Is risen, is risen again.
Christ the Lord is risen,
He hath not died in vain. -
A Message from the Open Tomb
Poet: Unknown
Thrills all the list'ning earth; —
Death's reign is ended! — night is o'er!
A New Life springs to birth.
Love's Miracle has swept away
The barriers from the soul!
Christ walks beside us! — and we need
No hand the "stone" to "roll"!
Oh, little birds, and blossoms fair.
Bright heralds of the Spring, —
About our loved ones' sepulchres,
Your sweet assurance bring!
For them, — for us, — there is no death-
But Life, forevermore!
Through this low gateway, sanctified
By Him Who passed before.
Oh Easter bells, ring tenderly!
You ring the Master's Word; —
The sweetest note of victory
Earth's warriors ever heard!
'Peace be to you!" — Because I live,
Ye shall live also! — Ring,
Till ev'ry prisoned soul shall rise,
And find The Christ — its King! -
Easter Dawn
Poet: Mary Lowe Dickinson
Yesterday, distress and gloom,
Folding shroud and rock-hewn tomb,
Where to-day is light and bloom.
Brooding darkness yesterday,
On the spot where Jesus lay;
Now the stone is rolled away,
And triumphant voices ring,
With the hymn the blessed sing,
Death at last has lost its sting:
Lost its sting and lost its sway,
O'er to-day or yesterday.
Where is now thy victory?
Where thy triumph, vaunting grave?
Seas of pardon softly lave
Souls the Master rose to save,
And the Easter bell's glad strain,
Is for all who, washed from stain,
Rise henceforth o'er sin and pain! -
Dear Friends
Poet: Mary Bissell Waterman
Dear friends,
The Easter tide is near.
May the comfort it imparts.
Descend like the very peace of Heaven,
Into your longing hearts. -
Poet: Ernest Warburton Shurtleff
Lift up your heads, ye sorrowful! Behold,
The dawn of Easter floods the hills with flame!
The sun burns like the light of God’s great name,
Where heaven’s blue courts are flushed with blushing gold.
Let day break in thy heart and be consoled!
Oh, let no more the night thy gladness claim.
Let Hope arise from out thy doubt and shame,
As Christ, from death, rose glorified of old.
Thy spirit is a breathing of thy God,
Pulsating in its chrysalis of clay.
The dust that tires thy feet that onward plod
Is of the night, but thou art of the day.
Oh, let henceforth that day from Him grow fair,
And thou shalt hold an inner Easter there! -
A Song Of Life
by Mrs. J. H. Knowles
Bloom, Easter lilies fair!
Out of the dust arisen,
From the deep darkness under the sod
Quickened to life by the touch of God,
Oh! tell it abroad with your fragrant breath,
Life is forever victor of death.
Ring, happy Easter bells!
Ring from each temple tower;
Tell it again where the story is old,
Tell it afar where it never was told,
Oh! tell it abroad with jubilant breath,
Life is forever victor of death.
Sing, grateful soul of mine!
Sing till they hear in heaven;
Song sweeter than that of blossom or bell,
For joy beyond all that angels can tell,
How the Life Divine with quickening breath
Hath made thee forever victor of death. -
The Splendor of Lilies
Poet: Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster
Oh, rare as the splendor of lilies,
And sweet as the violet’s breath,
Comes the jubilant morning of Easter,
The triumph of life over death;
And fresh from the earth’s quickened bosom
Full baskets of flowers we bring,
And scatter their satin soft petals
To carpet a path for our King.
In the countless green blades of the meadow.
The sheen of the daffodil’s gold,
In the tremulous blue on the mountains,
The opaline mist on the wold.
In the tinkle of brooks through the pasture,
The river’s strong sweep to the sea.
Are signs of the day that is hasting
In gladness to you and to me.
Oh, dawn in thy splendor of lilies,
Thy fluttering violet breath,
Oh, jubilant morning of Easter,
Thou triumph of life over death!
Then fresh from the earth’s quickened bosom
Full baskets of flowers we bring,
And scatter their satin soft petals
To carpet a path for our King. -
Flood-Tide Of Flowers
Poet: Henry VanDyke
The laggard winter ebbed so slow
With freezing rain and melting snow,
It seemed as if the earth would stay
Forever where the tide was low,
In sodden green and watery gray.
But now from depths beyond our sight,
The tide is turning in the night,
And floods of colour long concealed
Come silent rising toward the light,
Through garden bare and empty field.
And first, along the sheltered nooks,
The crocus runs in little brooks
Of joyance, till by light made bold
They show the gladness of their looks
In shining pools of white and gold.
The tiny scilla, sapphire blue,
Is gently seeping in, to strew
The earth with heaven; and sudden rills
Of sunlit yellow, sweeping through,
Spread into lakes of daffodils.
The hyacinths, with fragrant heads,
Have overflowed their sandy beds,
And fill the earth with faint perfume,
The breath that Spring around her sheds.
And now the tulips break in bloom!
A sea, a rainbow-tinted sea,
A splendour and a mystery,
Floods o'er the fields of faded gray:
The roads are full of folks in glee,
For lo,--to-day is Easter Day! -
Poet: Francis Pott
The strife is o'er, the battle done;
The victory of life is won;
The song of triumph has begun.
The powers of death have done their worst,
But Christ their legions hath dispersed;
Let shouts of holy joy outburst.
The three sad days are quickly sped;
He rises glorious from the dead;
All glory to our risen Head!
He closed the yawning gates of hell;
The bars from heaven's high portals fell
Let hymns of praise His triumph tell!
Lord by the stripes which wounded Thee,
From death's dread sting Thy servants free,
That we may live and sing to Thee!
Alleluia! -
Easter Morning
Poet: Phillips Brooks
Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer:
Death is strong, but life is stronger;
Stronger than the dark, the light;
Stronger than the wrong, the right;
Faith and hope triumphant say,
"Christ will rise on Easter Day!"
While the patient earth lies waking
Till the morning shall be breaking,
Shuddering 'neath the burden dread
Of her Master, cold and dead,
Hark! she hears the angels say,
"Christ will rise on Easter Day!"
And when sunrise smites the mountains,
Pouring light from heavenly fountains,
Then the earth blooms out to greet
Once again the blessed feet;
And her countless voices say:
"Christ has risen on Easter Day!" -
Easter Hymn
Poet: Charles Wesley
Christ the Lord is risen to-day,
Sons of men and angels say:
Raise your joys and triumphs high,
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply.
Love's redeeming work is done,
Fought the fight, the battle won;
Lo! our Sun's eclipse is o'er;
Lo! He sets in blood no more.
Vain the stone, the watch, the seal;
Christ hath burst the gates of hell!
Death in vain forbids His rise;
Christ hath opened Paradise!
Lives again our glorious King:
Where, O Death, is now thy sting?
Once He died, our souls to save:
Where thy victory, O Grave? -
If Easter Be Not True
Poet: Henry H. Barstow
If Easter be not true,
Then all the lilies low must lie;
The Flanders poppies fade and die;
The spring must lose her fairest bloom
For Christ were still within the tomb -
If Easter be not true.
If Easter be not true.
Then faith must mount on broken wing;
Then hope no more immortal spring;
Then love must lose her mighty urge;
Life prove a phantom, death a dirge -
If Easter be not true,
If Easter be not true.
'Twere foolishness the cross to bear;
He died in vain who suffered there;
What matter though we laugh or cry,
Be good or evil, live or die,
If Easter be not true?
If Easter be not true -
But it is true, and Christ is risen!
And mortal spirit from its prison
Of sin and death with him may rise!
Worthwhile the struggle, sure the prize,
Since Easter, aye, is true! -
An Easter Ode
Poet: Anna K. Thomas
'Twas night; the earth was wrapped in gloom.
With grief convulsed, sad nature wept
O'er the sacred Form which in the tomb
Of her cold, icy bosom slept.
Drear night! dark tomb, not victors these;
Though cruel, bold, relentless, strong,
Nor death nor hell could fetters weave
To hold their princely Captive long.
Fair Easter morn, we hail thy light!
For thou didst bring again to earth
Her royal Guest, his smile so bright
(Would all might know its matchless worth).
Dear risen Lord, we praise thy name;
For thou hast vanquished all our foes,
Hast rescued man from death's domain,
And robbed the grave of all its woes.
No more dominion hath death's lord
O'er souls set free by Jesus' blood;
For true and faithful is the word,
He'll lead the ransomed home to God.
O Lamb once slain! Thy own pure love
Flows freely through our hearts today;
With holy zeal our spirits move
As thou dost guide us in the thy way.
An humble off 'ring - now we bring,
With glad hosannas speak thy fame;
Our souls with halleluiahs ring,
Ascribing glory to thy name.
To thee, eternal God and King,
Our inmost lives with love unfold,
To catch the peaceful joys that spring
Prom sparkling streams of bliss untold. -
Easter Wings
Poet: George Herbert
Lord, who created man in wealth and store,
Though foolishly he lost the same,
Decaying more and more,
Till he became
Most poor:
With thee,
Oh, let me rise,
As larks harmoniously,
And sing this day thy victories!
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.
My tender age in sorrow did begin,
And still with sickness and shame
Thou didst so punish sinne
That I became
Most thine.
With thee
Let me combine,
And feel this day thy victories;
For if I imp my wing on thine,
Affliction shall advance the flight in me.
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We hope these Easter poems remind you of the importance of this day, a day that Christ rose from the dead to give us all hope of eternal life. It is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. May the words of these Poets be uplifting and inspiring.
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