Eastertide Poem

Eastertide is the season of Easter. Be inspired by an Eastertide poem. Many of the poems are famous and were written many years ago describing the beauty of the Easter season. When you think of the result that Easter Day had on humanity, the risen Christ, nothing can be more beautiful or inspiring.

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  1. The Lord Is Risen Indeed
    Poet: Thomas Blackburn

    Awake, thou wintry earth,
    Fling off thy sadness;
    Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
    Your ancient gladness:
    Christ is risen.

    Wave, woods, your blossoms all,
    Grim Death is dead;
    Ye weeping funeral trees,
    Lift up your head:
    Christ is risen.

    Come, see, the graves are green;
    It is light; let's go
    Where our loved ones rest
    In hope below:
    Christ is risen.

    All is fresh and new,
    Full of spring and light;
    Wintry heart, why wear'st the hue
    Of sleep and night?
    Christ is risen.

    Leave thy cares beneath,
    Leave thy worldly love;
    Begin the better life
    With God above:
    Christ is risen.

  2. He Is Risen Poems
    He Is Risen Poems

  3. At Easter-Tide
    Poet: E. A. Lehman

    In the beauty of the lilies, o'er the dews of early morn,
    Comes the risen Master buoyant on earth's first glad Easter dawn;
    While the Resurrection gladness throbs and pulses all around,
    Death and Hell shrink back affrighted, quaking to their utmost bound.

    For the Lord of Life and Glory, conqueror over Death and Grave,
    Cometh forth a crowned victor, bright, resplendent, strong to save —
    Comes to you, to me, my sister, as to Magdalen of old,
    From the grave-shelf which no longer could the Prince of Life enfold.

    And the roll-stone back recoiling from the sad, sepulchral gloom,
    Gives us life eternal, springing from our Saviour's empty tomb.
    For He lives, our glorious Master — lives to intercede for us,
    Pleads His own sufficient merit, pleads His death on Calvary's cross.

    Now unfold, ye pearly portals of the everlasting gate,
    While the King of Glory enters, and attendant seraphs wait;
    Ranks on ranks of brilliant angels joyfully His praise repeat,
    Saved by grace, the sinner answers, lowly at the Saviour's feet.
    Not archangels' loftiest anthem e'er can reach that glad, new song
    Which the humblest mortal utters and Eternity prolongs.

  4. Christian poems
    Christian Poems

  5. Celebrate And Rejoice
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Easter is a time we celebrate and rejoice,
    We can not forget Jesus had no choice.
    He shed his blood on the cross,
    For us to be redeemed at such a cost.

    Though grief befalls us, we do not mope,
    His resurrection brings us  vibrant hope.
    Let us join as one in songs of praise,
    Giving thanks to our Lord, our hands we raise!

  6. Good Friday poems
    Good Friday Poems

  7. The Day Of Jesus Christ
    Poet: George Herbert

    Rise, heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing His praise
    Without delays,
    Who takes thee by the hand, that thou likewise
    With Him mayst rise;
    That, as His death calcined thee to dust
    His life may make thee gold, and, much more, just.

    Awake, my lute, and struggle for thy part,
    With all thy art;
    The cross taught all wood to resound His name,
    Who bore the same:
    His stretched sinews taught all strings what key
    Is best to celebrate this most high day.

    Consort, both heart and lute, and twist a song,
    Pleasant and long;
    Or, since all music is but three parts vied,
    And multiplied,
    Oh, let thy blessed Spirit bear a part,
    And make up our defects with his sweet art.

    I got me flowers to strew Thy way;
    I got me boughs off many a tree;
    But Thou wast up by break of day,
    And brought'st Thy sweets along with thee.

    The sun arising in the east,
    Though he gave light, and the east perfume,
    If they should offer to contest
    With Thy arising, they presume.

    Can there be any day but this,
    Though many suns to shine endeavor?
    We count three hundred, but we miss:
    There is but one, and that one ever.

  8. Poems About Jesus
    Poems About Jesus

  9. The Cross And The Crown
    Poet: Thomas Kelly

    The Head that once was crowned with thorns
    Is crowned with glory now;
    A royal diadem adorns
    The mighty Victor's brow.

    The highest place that heaven affords
    Is His, is His by right,
    The King of kings, and Lord of lords,
    And heaven's eternal Light,

    The joy of all who dwell above,
    The joy of all below
    To whom He manifests His love,
    And grants His Name to know.

    To them the Cross, with all its shame,
    With all its grace, is given,
    Their name an everlasting name,
    Their joy the joy of heaven.
    They suffer with their Lord below,
    They reign with Him above,
    Their profit and their joy to know
    The mystery of His love.

    The Cross He bore is life and health,
    Though shame and death to Him,
    His people's hope, His people's wealth,
    Their everlasting theme.

  10. poems about hope
    Poems About Hope

  11. Praises For Our Mighty King
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Let the Easter bells ring out loud,
    Sing with joy and glory proud.

    Give thanks to Jesus on this day
    by following Him and His ways.

    Awaiting resurrection on Easter morn
    We rejoice no need to mourn.

    The gift of hope we can now have
    A gift that makes us feel glad.

    His suffering for our sins, let us now bring
    Thanks and praises for our mighty King!

  12. Easter Bells
    Easter Bells

  13. So Divine
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Easter’s a sign, so divine,
    For it tells us of Jesus’s love divine.
    He chose the cross with nails that pierce,
    Sacrificing all for our release.

    The rise of the morning sun, oh so glorious,
    Gives recollection of the Lord's famous story.
    His undying love shines for all
    May this Easter you hear His call.

  14. Easter’s a sign, so divine, For it tells us of Jesus’s love divine.
    Easter Quotes

  15. Easter Must Be Reclaimed
    Poet: George W. Wiseman

    Easter must be redeemed
    From revelry that marks the end of Lent,
    And worshippers who yearly are content
    To journey to God's house, and then forget
    That Christ still lives when Easter's sun has set.
    The vision fades, the power soon is lost
    If Easter does not lead to Pentecost.

    Easter must be reclaimed.
    Too long the world has missed the Easter glow,
    Claimed by the glitter of a fashion show;
    A dress parade; a gala holiday,
    With church-bound manikins upon display.
    The faith of Easter never will be caught
    By making Christ a fleeting afterthought.

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