32 Graduation Poems

A collection of graduation poems about that special commemorative day that deserves recognition. Poems for the graduate, poems for fellow graduates, and graduation poems to say thank you!

Everyone must expend the energy and diligence to capture the moment; that moment when a person is entrusted with a graduation diploma that marks only the beginning of a new chapter in the book of life.

Perseverance and dedication are the hallmarks of what lies beyond high school graduation. Whether that be in obtaining advanced degrees from college or university, it is always attained through hard work, sometimes tears, and many dedicated hours.

We trust these verses will help express your congratulatory thoughts to the new graduate as they begin to reach for the next milestone, the farthest educational journey in their life. The poems contain words of wisdom that will inspire the graduate in the next chapter of their life!

We hope you find a poem to celebrate the achievement of graduation.

Short Poems & Quotes    /   Graduation Poems

    Popular Graduation Poems

  1. We Are Proud of You
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    School is over there is no more
    Now you can go out there and soar
    All your dreams you can now pursue
    Each day will be different and so new.

    Give it all you got and more
    Look for opportunities and open the door
    You are wished much happiness
    We know you will be a success!

    Congratulations on a job well done
    Enjoy it and have some fun
    Wear the cap and tassel too
    We are so very proud of you!

  2. Formal Education
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Formal education, now complete,
    Congratulations upon this feat.
    But before you rejoice with eager cheer,
    Know that your true journey starts right here.

    Life's classroom won't grant diplomas or degrees,
    Yet teaches lessons full of complexities.
    So absorb the wisdom life imparts,
    For this is where education truly starts.

  3. More poems for the graduate:

    Graduation Wishes For A Friend

    Funny Graduation Poems

  4. The Moment Your Life Begins
    Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2015

    From this moment on,
    Your life will begin.
    From what you knew in the past,
    Your life will be changing.

    And this is okay,
    As life changes a lot.
    It's good to be flexible,
    And don't have a blind spot.

    Keep your eyes wide open,
    In search of the best.
    The big shot will come around,
    And it'll be you they'll request.

    Stay open and positive,
    So people can know,
    The person you are inside,
    A person with show.

    Take what you need,
    From the past, you are now.
    And take steps on forward,
    To the life, you will allow.

    And when you feel frustrated,
    And feel a bit down.
    Remember who you are,
    Turn that frown upside down.

  5. We The Seniors
    Poet: Unknown

    We, the seniors do pledge, for the future's sake.
    To strive to do our very best In all we undertake.

    Some of us will be slow, some fast
    As we climb the ladder of fame.

    But finally we will all get there
    And win ourselves a great name.

    There will always be some conflicts
    In this great world of today.

    But it will be up to we seniors
    To resolve them on our way.

    As we become older our memories we shall grow fonder.
    Let us bear these thoughts in mirid, as on our way we wander.

  6. Graduation an ending but also a new beginning

  7. Chapters of Life
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    This stage of life has seen us
    Study until we felt like we would bust
    But today is the day
    We are actually on our way.

    Our learning has been great
    But for this day we wait
    A celebration of graduation
    Will it feel like a vacation.

    Life brings a new chapter
    That is what learning is after
    The knowledge to decide
    Whether we will go for the ride.

    And the coming chapter will see
    Success is all up to me
    I can move forward with pride
    All my learning as a guide.

    Chapters of life opening up to me
    I will give it my best and be all I can be.
    So on this graduation let's reflect
    And move forward to achieve what we expect.

  8. Poems for the graduate:

    Graduation Poems For Daughter

    Graduation Poems For Son

  9. Graduation: One At A Time
    Poet: Byron R. Pulsifer © 2019

    There was only one
    Only one at a time.
    To long for more
    Gives you no more.

    You have to take it one by one
    With each one earned before anymore.
    Do not fret unless you scheme
    To do less is but only a dream.
    Each day must be claimed
    Or else there is nothing but shame.

    Delight in what you have earned,
    Through your work, though it be hard.
    Wait not upon the lawn,
    But get to class before you yawn.

    You made it through to this point,
    In delight, there must be more
    For should it be left or else it is shunned,
    'Tis not for you to become undone.

    The hopes and dreams of many are
    That rest upon your shoulders broad.
    Make haste before the age befalls.
    It is not the end despite the night
    But only the next one in your sight.

  10. May all your hopes and dreams become a reality
    Graduation Poems From Parents

  11. Congrats My Friend
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Finally, our big day has arrived
    And look we both survived!
    We had many a talk about this day
    We can't wait, we would say.

    We studied hard, we hit the books
    Another test, we would give each other the look.
    Will it ever be over, the years so slow
    But finally today we feel a glow.

    Friends we have been through these years
    We shared good times and our fears
    We had many laughs, oh, such good memories
    And we celebrated every small victory.

    A friend like you to share the school years
    You're different than my other peers
    Has been only the best
    We survived and passed all the tests.

    School has been great
    But to you, I must state,
    "We will always share a special bond,
    I appreciate you and of you, I am so fond."

    So my buddy, my friend
    Today is the end
    But our friendship will carry on
    Even after we're gone.

    So graduation we do commemorate
    This day will always be a special date
    Congrats, my dear friend, we did it
    We've come to the day and we wrote our own ticket!

  12. A Wish For You My Friend
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    I wish you much happiness
    I know that you will be a success
    I wish  you a future bright
    You truly are a shining light.

    I wish for your wings to soar
    Your future holds so much in store.
    I wish you an easy transition
    Move forward with all your ambition.

    I wish for you, my friend
    The happiness you feel today never ends
    Congrats to a truly dear friend
    This is only the beginning, not the end!

  13. Test Of Usefulness
    Poet: A. C. Shaw

    The cap, the gown, the robe, the crown,
    The titles of today -
    Like mist before the morning sun,
    Will surely pass away.

    Conceal your learning while you may,
    Nor list to emulation;
    Let others seek the road to fame,
    Strive not for reputation.

    The hill is long and hard to climb
    That leads you to success;
    True greatness, after all, is just
    A test of usefulness.

  14. Graduation Time
    Poet:  Catherine Pulsifer, © 2015

    Graduations are a time,
    To say your farewells.
    You'll miss your old life here,
    And you're friends you will tell.

    Together we've been,
    In these halls every day.
    Passing each other,
    To our classrooms saying 'hey'.

    And now we all go,
    Our own different ways.
    Where in each new hallway,
    Is new people each day.

    And yes we will make friends,
    This we all know.
    But it's hard to say goodbye,
    To those, we call bros.

    Leaving our homes,
    For a different scene.
    Makes us nervous,
    But also excited with glee.

    So here we embark,
    On the life that awaits.
    Congrats to you all,
    And good luck in your fates.

  15. More graduation poems:

    Graduation Poems for High School

    Graduation Thank You Poems

    A New Chapter In Life Poem

  16. Farewell
    Poet: Unknown

    We bid a fond and sad farewell to you
    Of trouble and strife we gave you a share.
    But your justice was always impartial and fair.

    For the help you have given us.
    For the time and the pains.
    We can but humbly thank you
    Again and again.
    We now have to leave you.
    And fare life alone.
    Our hearts filled with courage
    And confidence grown.

    What we will make of ourselves
    In the world of stress.
    Is the result of the training
    of high school learning.

  17. We Graduate
    Poet: Quinlan Regan

    Tonight we are to graduate
    To part from bookish tasks
    Each one will roam this world alone
    A separate Senior Class.

    We've many things to do alone
    We shall not work in vain
    We must go on and upward
    Ere joys can be attained.

    Let this not be a sad good-bye
    Though eyes are welled with tears
    But let it be a fond "adieu"
    Till we meet in future years.

  18. Farewell to the Seniors
    Poet: Frank Earl Herrick

    Farewell to the class that today is departing
    Forever is leaving these towers and halls
    Off to the warfare of life they are starting
    Where duty may wait or where destiny calls.
    They are strong with the strength of a fearless endeavor
    To launch 'gainst the gales and blasts of the world,
    May the pole-star of truth guide their courses forever,
    And their pennons of principle never be furled.

    Farewell to thee, friends! who forever are leaving
    We give you the hand of a friend as you go,
    The Ocean of Time is incessantly heaving
    And its tides though ever they ebb, never flow.
    Oh! thanks for the years we have spent here together
    The years that passed by on their swift golden wings,
    Let their memories cherished make sunshiny weather
    Though the future a failure or victory brings.

  19. I Never Said It Enough
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2019

    For always being there, I thank you
    For your time and all you do.

    For your guidance and direction, I thank you
    For always having patience in all you do.

    For putting up with my teenage years, I thank you
    For showing me the positive in all you do.

    For always believing in me, I thank you
    You never showed doubt in all you do.

    For giving me that push when I needed it, I thank you
    For never giving up in all you do.

    For inspiring me when I needed it, I thank you
    You are a role model in all you do.

    I could go on and on
    I could even sing you a song,

    I realize that I never said "Thank You" enough
    Without you, it would have been tough!

    So on this Graduation Day
    "Thank You", I want to say!

  20. I have never said it enough - Thank You

  21. A Thank You
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Graduating is finally true
    It would not have happened without you
    Your encouragement and support
    Was wonderful even when I fell short.

    You always encouraged and pushed me more
    You helped me to learn more and explore
    You were always there to understand
    And always willing to lend a hand.

    So today as I become a grad
    I want to say thank you as you had
    Believed in me when I did not
    You never gave up you always taught.

    I'm not sure what the future holds
    But thanks to you I'm prepared for it to unfold
    I promise you I will do my best
    Thanks to you I passed the test.

    The words just don't seem to express
    How much you contributed to my progress
    Thank you, thank you for all you've done
    I appreciate you, there is no other like you, none!

  22. Endings or Beginnings
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2019

    Is this a new beginning or is this the end
    Out into the world, we do send
    Students to change the world as they may
    This is what happens on graduation day.

    The end of school days has arrived
    But put into practice and thrive
    You see this new beginning
    Is the start of good living!

    The end of school but not of learning
    The beginning of success by earning
    All that you have learned now comes
    A chance to earn a good income.

    Memories you will take with you
    The end of school that's true
    But the beginning of your future
    Where it's all up to you.

    Congratulations to you on your success
    We wish you much happiness
    A new beginning is a key
    To do your best and all you can be.

  23. Graduation Means To Me ...
    Poet: Julie Hebert © 2019

    What graduation means to me,
    Is opening up a door.
    A door that is very new,
    And hopefully won’t be a bore.

    I hope this door is something I,
    Have always dreamed it’d be.
    Adventures in an unknown spot,
    I hope you would agree.

    It's hard for me at many times,
    To let go of what I’ve got.
    To say goodbye to what I know,
    I know it’ll be a lot.

    But one thing I know for sure,
    Is I am growing up.
    My life is about to change in a big way,
    And I can’t wait to see it close up.

  24. The Graduate's Farewell
    Poet: Lurania A. H. Munday

    Farewell! my classmates - here's my hand,
    Tears are around my heart,
    Thick crowding thoughts are thronging up,
    In this sad hour we part.

    Patient we've trod the classic hall.
    Together day by day;
    Where science on the dark'nd mind,
    Pours her celestial ray.

    Together at the shrine of truth,
    We've bent with toil and pain;
    Together spent the wealth of youth
    In leaming's sacred fane.

    And oft has midnight's weary hour,
    Bedim'd the  radiant eye;
    As we the musty page explored;
    Nay, do not heave a sigh.

    For when the daily task was o'er,
    In circles we have met;
    To spend in mirth the rosy hours -
    Those hours shall we forget?

    Nay brother - do not turn away,
    There's sadness on thy brow;
    Now gird thee up the manly heart,
    'Tis life's commencement now.

    Hark I a silvery voice - say, dost thou hear?
    It is the trump of fame;
    Its notes come ringing sweet and clear,
    And sings a deathless name.

    Then nerve thy arm and bare thy brow,
    To meet the world's dark strife.
    And proudly breast the gales that blow,
    Amid the storms of life.

    Thy noble energy of soul,
    Shall not be spent in vain;
    The world shall feel the strong control
    Which minds like thine maintain.

    In truth ye are. a gallant band,
    My heart exults with pride;
    As proudly beautiful ye stand
    Together by my side.

  25. Graduation is not a time to stop learning - keep moving forward

  26. Nobility Of Goodness
    Poet: Charles Kingsley

    My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
    No lark could pipe to skies so dull and gray;
    Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you,
    For every day.
    Be good, sweet, and let who will be clever;
    Do noble things, not dream them all day long;
    And so make life, death, and that vast forever,
    One grand, sweet song!

  27. Learn Wisdom
    by Samuel Smiles

    We learn wisdom from failure
    Much more than from success,
    Often discover what will do by finding out
    What will not do,
    And probably he who never made a mistake
    Never made a discovery.

  28. Words of Wisdom For The New Graduate
    by Catherine Pulsifer

    Exceed expectations
    Set goals for your aspirations.

    Listen, think, then speak
    Persevere as you move toward the mountain peak.

    Keep an open mind
    Always be kind.

    Follow through with what you say
    Be happy, be cheerful each and every day

    Show appreciation to those around you
    Be the best in what you do.

    When discouraged ask for help
    Don't complain or yelp.

    Learn from your mistakes
    Errors - we all make

    There is no failure
    Unless you stop trying.

    Look on the sunny side of things
    And you will find success it will bring. 

  29. Make Your Mark
    Poet: David Barker

    In the quarries should you toil,
    Make your mark;
    Do you delve upon the soil,
    Make your mark;
    In whatever path you go,
    In whatever place you stand,
    Moving' swift or moving slow,
    With a firm and honest hand
    Make your mark.

    Should opponents hedge your way,
    Make your mark;
    Work by night, or work by day,
    Make your mark;
    Struggle manfully and well,
    Let no obstacles oppose;
    None, right-shielded, ever fell,
    By the weapons of his foes;
    Make your mark.

    What though born a peasant's son?
    Make your mark;
    Good by poor men can be done;
    Make your mark.
    Peasants' garbs may warm the cold;
    Peasants' words may calm a fear;
    Better far than hoarding gold
    Is the drying of a tear;
    Make your mark.

    Life is fleeting as a shade;
    Make your mark;
    Marks of some kind must be made;
    Make your mark;
    Make it while the arm is strong,
    In the golden hours of youth;
    Never, never make it wrong;
    Make it with the stamp of truth;
    Make your mark.

  30. Attitude Determines Success
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Mentors may share words of wisdom,
    Friends offer congratulatory cheers.
    Your family stands proudly in the background,
    They always offered guidance through the years.

    Knowledge is a powerful asset,
    You can never have excess.
    While knowledge is important,
    Your attitude, above all, will determine your success.

  31. Advice to Posterity
    Poet: MT

    Without a doubt this Senior Class,
    Is somewhat different from the last.
    I’ll have to tell you in what way,
    They turned their teachers hair to gray.

    They always ran they never walked,
    When they were shushed they always talked.
    They had no dignity or poise-
    Where they were gathered there was noise,

    Always late and not on time,
    The way they’d act, it was a crime!
    When told to walk, they always run,
    Teachers are really heroes unsung.

    They had no mania to learn,
    On Monday for Friday they would yearn.
    At their antics teachers laughed,
    Tho’ often told them they were daft.

    To tell the truth, it’d take too long,
    To mention, all in one small song,
    The numerous rules they often broke,
    But caught while breaking, was no joke.

    And so to you our future Seniors,
    Abstain from any misdemeanors.
    Mind your teachers, cut up never,
    Behave - and let who will, be clever!

  32. A Senior's Lament
    Poet: E. Dandurand

    This year, they say, the journey ends,
    I little doubt it must be so;
    But let me tell you now my friends,
    Indeed, in truth, I hate to go.

    For four full years I’ve come and gone
    And now to think that I must go-
    Though school be not my home
    I say again: "I hate to go."

    ’Twas good to hear the gladsome news
    When grades I left four years ago,
    "A Freshman you - your lot behold!"
    Today I hear: my lot to go.

    Today in thought, I wait the end,
    And wish that time might go more slow
    Or, better still begin again
    Indeed, in truth, I hate to go.

  33. Advice For Going Forward
    Poet: F. M Fradenburgh

    The way to learn to do things is to do things.
    The way to learn a trade is to work at it.
    Success teaches how to succeed.
    Begin with the determination to succeed,
    And the work is half done already.
    Delay wastes time, weakens the will, dissipates
    Energy, discourages ambition, and prophesies failure.
    Resolve, and do! Do it now!
    Decide, and get at it!

    To get along in the world and make for yourself a good name,
    You can make no dependence upon mere luck.
    Pluck must be your hero.

    If a chance does come, it will not help you
    Unless you are prepared to take it.
    Hold to your purpose.

    Be not swerved from it.
    Keep at it!
    Always at it - this accomplishes results.

  34. Today is the day that we close our books
    Graduation Sayings

  35. The Thing
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    Enthusiasm is bizarre.
    It makes a grand stand play,
    It starts off like a motor car,
    But wearies on the way.

    Determination is the thing
    On which you can depend.
    It plods along without a swing,
    But gets there in the end.

  36. Commencement Day
    Poet: Lillian E. Curtis

    The moments fly! I lay my book aside,
    For Fancy travels o'er miles that lie between;
    How swift, how swift, oh, thoughts, ye glide
    To that bright, eventful scene!
    Read! study! not in this sacred bit of time,
    For, hark! the clock strikes one.
    And by the letters I've counted in a line,
    That oration already has begun.

    Childish, weak, perhaps you say,
    'Twere weaker still to let memory slumber.
    And forget, on this anniversary day,
    The brightest Star of all the number -
    The brightest, then the brightest now;
    Perhaps I've reason for praise so strong?
    None, but to twine laurels o'er the brow,
    Where Conscience tells that they belong.

    Memory, Memory, thy trust still keep.
    That sonorous voice rises clear.
    Then falls with a cadence thrilling, deep -
    Memory, Memory, linger near.
    Fain at his feet I'd lay a floral gift,
    But Fate decreed it should not be;
    But, oh. Memory, thy filmy curtain uplift.
    And do thy duty well for me!

    Waft to him o'er gentle Fancy's wing
    My wishes for him this hour;
    A substitute for the gift I'd bring,
    From the choicest floral bower;
    For in this distant Western clime to-day
    A prayer for him arises now.
    That many a laurel and bright bay
    May twine o'er that noble brow.

  37. Your Day
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    On this, your graduation day,
    We are sending congratulations your way.
    Good job, well done
    Enjoy today - a day of recognition and fun.

    May the coming years see
    Dreams and goals realized
    You deserve the very best
    Now comes life's test.

    May you have success in life and
    May all things in life be grand.
    But today we just want to say,
    We are so proud of you in every way.

    Graduation Poems from Famous Poets:

    While these poems were not written specifically for graduation they contain wise words for the new graduate as they start the next chapter in their life.

  38. While Others    by William Arthur Ward

  39. Desiderata Poem   by Max Ehrmann

  40. The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost, read the entire poem at Famous Poems About Life

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We hope you have found just the right words in these poems to share with the new graduate. Apply these words to middle school, high school, or university accomplishments - Graduation is truly a life milestone and should be celebrated and recognized! It is the beginning of applying all that the student has learned.  An accomplishment that should be recognized and celebrated!

One last piece of wisdom for the new graduate is to learn from the mistakes of others:

Seven Mistakes Of Life
Author Unknown

Here are seven mistakes of life many of us make:

1. The delusion that individual advancement is made by crushing others down.

2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.

3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we ourselves cannot accomplish it.

4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences in order that important things may be accomplished.

5. Neglecting the development and refinement of the mind by not acquiring the habit of reading.

6. Attempting to compel other persons to believe and live as we do.

7. The failure to establish the habit of saving money.

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