Poems About Schools

Explore heartfelt poems capturing school’s joys, challenges, friendships, and inspiration.

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By Catherine Pulsifer

Last updated October 14, 2024

School is where learning shapes dreams and effort builds futures

Be inspired by these short poems about schools. Our school days can be the best day of our lives. But like life, school can have its ups and downs. Here you will find poetry about the first day of school, feelings of school ending and vacation time, poems about the end of school and poems to inspire and encourage.

Depending on our age we either love or hate school. And sometimes as we age school getters harder or easier. It goes without saying children need their education to give them a good foundation for life. The experiences we have in school will follow us throughout our lives. And many times as we get older we look back and realize that our school days were the best days of our lives. May these poems be ones that you share with children to inspire them to learn all they can and do their best!

Table of Contents

    Back to School Poems

    These poems capture the excitement, anticipation, and nervousness that come with starting a new school year.

  1. First Day
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    The first day of school is the reason why
    Children are happy but then some cry
    The first day of school can be a fear
    For our little ones that are so dear.

    Often they go holding Mom's hand
    But they would rather be playing in the sand
    With eyes so wide they look around
    But their focus is on the playground.

    The teacher approaches with a smile
    She welcomes the little ones with style
    There are a lot of kids in the room
    Dressed in new clothes and oh, so groomed.

    "I'll be back in a little while,"
    Says the Mom with a smile.
    "Go and play with your new friends"
    Off to school, the Mom does send.

  2. School Bell
    Poet: Eleanor Farjeon

    Nine-o’clock Bell!
    All the small children and big ones as well,
    Pulling their stockings up, snatching their hats,
    Cheeking and grumbling and giving back-chats,
    Laughing and quarreling, dropping their things,
    These at a snail’s pace and those upon wings,
    Lagging behind a bit, running ahead,
    Waiting at corners for lights to turn red,
    Some of them scurrying,
    Others not worrying,
    Carelessly trudging or anxiously hurrying,
    All through the streets they are coming pell-mell
    At the Nine-o'clock Bell!

  3. First Day at School
    Poet: Aileen Fisher

    I wonder
    if my drawing
    will be as good as theirs.

    I wonder
    if they’ll like me
    or just be full of stares.

    I wonder
    if my teacher
    will look like Mom or Gran.

    I wonder
    if my puppy
    will wonder where I am.

  4. I wonder if my puppy will wonder where I am.

  5. Going To School
    Poet: M. E. B.

    Dear little one good-bye, a pleasant walk for you
    On a summer morning early.
    When the flowers and the grass are wet with dew,
    That hangs in little drops so pearly.

    The sun is shining bright, and the birds so sweetly sing.
    As you walk to the school every morning;
    And always are in time, e'er the bell begins to ring,
    "Dull sleep and your downy bed scorning."

    Both the Latin and the French are quite difficult I know,
    But my brother conquers each of them with gladness;
    And how nice it is to think that a clever boy he'll grow,
    For he knows to be a dunce would give us sadness.

    Once more I say "good-bye," I will think of you the while
    You are busily engaged knowledge earning,
    And when at evening you return, friends will greet you with a smile.
    To welcome you from study and from learning.

  6. Key Reflections on these Back to School Poems:

    • The first day of school brings a mix of happiness and anxiety, the poems highlighting the emotional challenges children face during transitions. Leaving home can evoke feelings of longing and separation, reminding us of the importance of familiar comforts.

    • School life is marked by a lively routine, illustrating how children adapt to their environment in various ways, showcasing both individuality and community.

    • Children often grapple with insecurities about fitting in and meeting expectations, emphasizing the universal experience of seeking acceptance.

    • Education is portrayed as a crucial opportunity for personal development, encouraging readers to reflect on the importance of nurturing curiosity and resilience in themselves and others.

    Related: Poems About Learning

    Back to Table of Contents

    School Memories Poems

    Reflect on the good times and unforgettable moments of school days with these nostalgic poems.

  7. The Old Red Schoolhouse
    Poet: Howard Carleton Tripp

    There it stood many years by the edge of the grove,
    On the brow of a beautiful hill;
    Not quite a fit object for children to love,
    It was built without beauty or skill.
    Its weather-worn siding was once painted red
    Its windows were dirty, and black was the door;
    The pupils it sheltered are nearly all dead,
    They never will scuffle again on its floor.

    It stood there defiant through winter's bleak hours.
    Its shingles were rotten from time and decay;
    In summer the dooryard was gaudy with flowers.
    Where the children would scamper and merrily play;
    Its chimney was battered and broken with stones,
    Its benches were whittied in comic relief ;
    Whenever I pass it the doleful wind moans
    Through the rafters, so old, like a spirit of grief.

    Its half-plastered walls were smoky and brown,
    The ceiling overhead was the color of slate;
    'Twas here they assembled, — the best of the town,
    On long winter evenings in earnest debate.
    'Twas here that the preacher each Sabbath would come,
    And dolefully mumble his time-honored prayers,
    And preach a long sermon on our final home,
    That lightened our purses, and also our cares.

    'Twas here the schoolmaster would pummel the boys,
    And fevor the maidens in all of their ways;
    'Twas here that the children of mischief and noise
    Spent many glad hours, the best of their days.
    From its door the black hearses wound over the hill,
    And carried their burdens of sorrow away;
    And now the old house is deserted and still,
    'Tis sunk into ruins, and gone to decay.

  8. On Old Man's Thought Of School
    Poet: Walt Whitman

    An old man, gathering youthful memories and blooms, that youth itself cannot.
    Now only do I know you!
    O fair auroral skies! O morning dew upon the grass!

    And these I see - these sparkling eyes,
    These stores of mystic meaning--these young lives,
    Building, equipping, like a fleet of ships - immortal ships!
    Soon to sail out over the measureless seas,
    On the Soul's voyage.

    Only a lot of boys and girls?
    Only the tiresome spelling, writing, ciphering classes?
    Only a Public School?

    Ah more--infinitely more;
    (As George Fox rais'd his warning cry, "Is it this pile of brick and
    mortar--these dead floors, windows, rails--you call the church?
    Why this is not the church at all--the Church is living, ever living

    And you, America,
    Cast you the real reckoning for your present?
    The lights and shadows of your future--good or evil?
    To girlhood, boyhood look--the Teacher and the School.

  9. to learn and get an education it truly gives you a good foundation
    Poems About Literacy

  10. In School-Days
    Poet: John Greenleaf Whittier

    Still sits the school-house by the road,
    A ragged beggar sleeping;
    Around it still the sumachs grow,
    And blackberry-vines are creeping.

    Within, the master's desk is seen,
    Deep-scarred by raps official;
    The warping floor, the battered seats,
    The jack-knife's carved initial;

    The charcoal frescoes on its wall;
    Its door's worn sill, betraying
    The feet that, creeping slow to school,
    Went storming out to playing!

    Long years ago a winter sun
    Shone over it at setting;
    Lit up its western window-panes,
    And low eaves' icy fretting.

    It touched the tangled golden curls,
    And brown eyes full of grieving,
    Of one who still her steps delayed
    When all the school were leaving.

    For near it stood the little boy
    Her childish favor singled;
    His cap pulled low upon a face
    Where pride and shame were mingled.

    Pushing with restless feet the snow
    To right and left, he lingered;--
    As restlessly her tiny hands
    The blue-checked apron fingered.

    He saw her lift her eyes; he felt
    The soft hand's light caressing,
    And heard the tremble of her voice,
    As if a fault confessing.

    "I'm sorry that I spelt the word:
    I hate to go above you,
    Because," - the brown eyes lower fell, -
    "Because, you see, I love you!"

    Still memory to a gray-haired man
    That sweet child-face is showing.
    Dear girl! the grasses on her grave
    Have forty years been growing!

    He lives to learn, in life's hard school,
    How few who pass above him
    Lament their triumph and his loss,
    Like her, because they love him.

  11. Key Reflections on these School Memories Poems:

    • Reflect on the nostalgia associated with school memories, recognizing that these experiences represent both cherished moments and the passage of time.

    • The physical spaces of education may deteriorate, yet they hold lasting significance, embodying the joys and sorrows of youth.

    • Education extends beyond academic learning, playing a crucial role in shaping personal identities and futures. Schools serve as backdrops for important emotional connections, including friendships and first loves, while the lessons learned have a profound and lasting impact on individuals throughout their lives.

    • Ultimately, these poems encourage an appreciation for the depth and complexity of one’s own school experiences and their enduring influence.

    Related: Poems About Memories

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    Classroom Poems

    Explore the dynamic environment of classrooms through poems that depict both fun and learning.

  12. School Rule
    Poet: Arthur A. Knipe

    "Do not whisper" is a rule
    You will find in every school,
    And the reason here is given
    In a rhyme.

    For children all will chatter
    About any little matter
    And there’d be a dreadful clatter
    All the time.

  13. In Classrooms
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In classrooms where knowledge breathes,
    Teachers harbor wisdom like gentle sheaths.
    With chalk and charts, their guidance flows,
    Nurturing minds, as understanding grows.

    Within the school learning takes flight,
    As fertile thoughts bloom with pure delight.
    Plus in the library's embrace so grand,
    Vast treasures await, on every hand.

  14. In classrooms where knowledge breathes, Teachers harbor wisdom like gentle sheaths.
    Quotes About Schools

  15. Afternoon in School - The Last Lesson
    Poet: D. H. Lawrence

    When will the bell ring, and end this weariness?
    How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apart
    My pack of unruly hounds: I cannot start
    Them again on a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt,
    I can haul them and urge them no more.
    No more can I endure to bear the brunt
    Of the books that lie out on the desks: a full three score
    Of several insults of blotted pages and scrawl
    Of slovenly work that they have offered me.
    I am sick, and tired more than any thrall
    Upon the woodstacks working weariedly.

    And shall I take
    The last dear fuel and heap it on my soul
    Till I rouse my will like a fire to consume
    Their dross of indifference, and burn the scroll
    Of their insults in punishment? - I will not!
    I will not waste myself to embers for them,
    Not all for them shall the fires of my life be hot,
    For myself a heap of ashes of weariness, till sleep
    Shall have raked the embers clear: I will keep
    Some of my strength for myself, for if I should sell
    It all for them, I should hate them -
    I will sit and wait for the bell.

  16. Key Reflections in these Classroom Poems:

    • These classroom poems reflect on the complexities of classroom dynamics, highlighting the challenges of managing noise and distractions while fostering a productive learning environment.

    • They emphasize the vital role teachers play in nurturing students' minds and guiding their growth, even amidst obstacles.

    • Classrooms are portrayed as fertile grounds for intellectual and personal development, where curiosity thrives, but the poems also capture the varying levels of student engagement and motivation, showcasing the struggles teachers face in inspiring their students.

    • Ultimately, these reflections prompt readers to consider their own experiences within the classroom, both as students and educators, and the lasting impact of these formative years on their lives.

    Related: Poem About Education

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    School Friendship Poems

    Celebrate the bonds and friendships formed during school years with these heartfelt poems.

  17. Summer Comes
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    I always look forward to when summer comes
    And the school year is finally done.
    No more teachers, no more books,
    I'll just sit by the winding brook.

    I'll dream of things that life will bring
    The days are great, it makes me sing
    I can do whatever I want with the day
    I love summer in every way!

    But by summer's end
    I do miss my friends
    So off to school I will go
    My friends greet me with a big hello.

    Another school year has begun
    I will learn and ask questions.
    I'll study again and do my best
    I will ace every test.

    As the year passes by
    To my work, I will apply
    I will dream of summer days
    No more study, just full of play.

  18. I will dream of summer days No more study, just full of play.

  19. Junior Class Poem
    Poet: Adelore Ferron

    When it’s springtime we remember
    Joys we had in bleak December
    So when alone we must recall
    The peace we felt in study hall.

    Now is the time when pondering
    We put ourselves to wondering
    Of what we did or left undone
    When as Juniors we had our fun.

    A final thought but not the least
    Sure as the sun rose in the East
    We’ve loved our school its praises sung
    And in our studies we have won.

  20. Key Reflections in these School Friendship Poems:

    • Poems that reflect on the significance of friendships formed during school years, highlighting the joy and anticipation of summer break and the bittersweet feeling of returning to school.

    • They emphasize the importance of social connections, as the excitement of summer is often tempered by the longing for friends when the school year ends.

    • The poems also celebrate shared experiences and memories, suggesting that friendships provide comfort and joy throughout the ups and downs of academic life.

    • Additionally, they remind readers of the growth that occurs through these relationships, as students navigate their studies together and cherish the moments spent in each other’s company.

    • Overall, these reflections encourage an appreciation for the bonds formed during formative years and the lasting impact of friendship on personal development.

    Related: Friendship Poems

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    Humorous School Poems

    Enjoy a laugh with these lighthearted poems that poke fun at various aspects of school life.

  21. Just For One Day
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    The teacher says, "open your books."
    With that comment, I gave her a look.
    Oh why do I have to be here
    I think with a sneer.

    Teachers, books, and tests I don't like
    I'd rather be in the woods on a hike.
    All this learning hurts my brain
    School just seems like a pain.

    There must be more to life I think
    Pens, and paper, and just more ink
    If I could only have my way
    School would be just for one day!

  22. If I could only have my way School would be just for one day!

  23. I Got To Go To School
    Poet: Nixon Waterman

    I'd like to hunt the Injuns 'at roam the boundless less plain!
    I'd like to be a pirate an' plough the ragin' main
    An' capture some big island, in lordly pomp to rule,
    But I just can't be nothin' 'cause I got to go to school.

    'Most all great men, so I have read, has been the ones 'at got
    The least amount o' learnin' by a flickerin' pitchpine knot;
    An' many a darin' boy like me grows up to be a fool.
    An' never 'mounts to nothin' 'cause he's got to go to school.

    I'd like to be a cowboy an' rope the Texas steer!
    I'd like to be a sleuth-houn' er a bloody buccaneer!
    An' leave the foe to welter where their blood had made a pool,
    But how kin I git famous? 'cause I got to go to school.

    I don't see how my parents kin make the big mistake
    O' keepin' down a boy like me 'at 's got a name to make.
    It ain't no wonder boys is bad an' balky as a mule;
    Life ain't worth livin' if you've got to waste your time in school.

    I 'd like to be regarded as " The Terror of the Plains! "
    I'd like to hear my victims shriek an' clank their prison-chains!
    I'd like to face the enemy with gaze serene an' cool,
    An' wipe 'em off the earth! but, pshaw! I got to go to school.

    What good is 'rithmatic an' things exceptin' just fer girls
    Er them there Fauntleroys 'at wears their hair in twisted curls?
    An' if my name is never seen on hist'ry's page, why, you'll
    Remember 'at it's all just 'cause I got to go to school.

  24. You Never Can Tell!
    Poet: Althea Randolph

    I go to school and try to read.
    But it is very hard!
    I'd so much rather stay at home,
    And play here in the yard.

    But Mother says that I must learn.
    And try to be content;
    For maybe some day when I'm grown
    I'll be the President!

  25. Poems About Reading

  26. Digging Gold
    Poet: S. M. Priest

    I am going to California,
    As smart as any man,
    To dig among the shining gold;
    For I am sure I can.

    I think you 'd better go to school.
    And study all you can,
    And never think of digging gold
    Till you become a man.

    Our fathers, and our mothers too,
    Would like a little gold;
    If we could get a lump or two,
    'Twould help them when they 're old.

    I think we 'd better stay at home.
    And dig for knowledge bright;
    'Twill be much better than the gold.
    With all its dazzling light.

  27. Key Reflections in these Humorous School Poems:

    • Encouragement for us to find humor in life's everyday frustrations, reminding us that challenges like education or work are shared experiences.

    • The poems emphasize the value of persistence, showing that while the present may feel tedious, long-term rewards come from sticking with it.

    • Through laughter and lighthearted reflection, these poems inspire a positive outlook, reminding us that even difficult moments can contribute to personal growth and future success.

    Related: Funny Poems

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    Inspirational School Poems

    Find motivation and encouragement with poems that inspire students to achieve their best in school.

  28. A Good Foundation
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    Oh I recall my school filled days
    I now realize how much it pays
    To learn and get an education
    It truly gives you a good foundation.

    Life will teach you many things
    Ups and downs and many swings
    But the learning that I got at school
    Has made me not anyone's fool.

    So learn all you can while you're in school
    Don't worry about being so cool.
    Always do your very best
    And life will take care of the rest.

  29. Always do your very best And life will take care of the rest.

  30. Success Is Yours
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    To be successful in school
    Don't clown around and act like a fool
    Have a learning attitude
    Be full of gratitude.

    Ask the questions, learn all you can
    Determine what you want and have a plan
    These are the best days of your life
    Don't fill them with foolishness and strife.

    Your teachers only want the best
    That is why they give you the test.
    They want success for you
    In your life and all you do.

    The choice is yours to make
    You can learn or be a fake
    When you look back you will see
    That it prepared you for your degree!

    Try to be cheerful and kind, bringing pleasure into
    the lives of those at home and at school.

  31. Ask the questions, learn all you can
    Learning Quotes

  32. Do Your Best
    Poet: Phoebe Cary

    Do your best, your very best,
    And do it every day.
    Little boys and little girls,
    That is the wisest way.

  33. Do your best, your very best, And do it every day.

    Key Reflections in these Inspirational School Poems:

    • Emphasizes the importance of education as a foundation for future success.

    • Encouragement for students to work hard, stay curious, and make the most of their school years.

    • Gratitude, perseverance, and a positive attitude are highlighted as key traits that lead to both academic and personal growth.

    • The poems also remind readers that the lessons learned in school shape character and prepare them for life’s challenges.

    Related: Inspirational Quotes For Schools

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    Poems About School Challenges

    These poems address the struggles and obstacles faced in school, offering comfort and understanding.

  34. Quit?
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    School enough, I am going to quit
    I have had enough I am going to split
    Why do I have to go,
    What do I have to show?

    I talked about this to friends of mine
    They did not think quitting would be fine
    They said, "What will you do
    No education, no job for you."

    I thought about the words they said
    And even though school I dread
    I need this education to survive
    I will change my attitude and thrive.

  35. I need this education to survive I will change my attitude and thrive.
    Knowledge Quotes

  36. The Schoolboy
    Poet: William Blake

    I love to rise in a summer morn,
    When the birds sing on every tree;
    The distant huntsman winds his horn,
    And the skylark sings with me:
    O what sweet company!

    But to go to school in a summer morn, -
    O it drives all joy away!
    Under a cruel eye outworn,
    The little ones spend the day
    In sighing and dismay.

    Ah then at times I drooping sit,
    And spend many an anxious hour;
    Nor in my book can I take delight,
    Nor sit in learning's bower,
    Worn through with the dreary shower.

    How can the bird that is born for joy
    Sit in a cage and sing?
    How can a child, when fears annoy,
    But droop his tender wing,
    And forget his youthful spring!

    O father and mother if buds are nipped,
    And blossoms blown away;
    And if the tender plants are stripped
    Of their joy in the springing day,
    By sorrow and care's dismay, -

    How shall the summer arise in joy,
    Or the summer fruits appear?
    Or how shall we gather what griefs destroy,
    Or bless the mellowing year,
    When the blasts of winter appear?

  37. The Years Of School
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021

    Grade one, grade two, grade three
    Were fun, happy, and free
    I made friends and had lots of play
    I loved going to school every day.

    But then came four, five, and six
    The work seemed hard as bricks.
    We now were subject to many tests
    Maybe school is not what they suggest.

    Next, you know came seven, eight, and nine
    I felt I was starting to shine
    I could do a lot of things on my own
    Sometimes school just made me groan.

    And the last, ten, eleven, and twelve
    School I was ready to shelve.
    But when graduation day came
    I proudly showed my diploma in the frame.

    The next chapter of life for me
    Will see me in university for my degree
    May the foundation that my teachers gave
    Serve me well in every way.

  38. "The Years Of School" by Catherine Pulsifer reflects on the different stages of a school journey. In the early grades, like one, two, and three, school is full of fun, friends, and play, and the speaker enjoys it. However, as they progress to grades four, five, and six, they face tougher challenges and tests, making them question if school is what it's cracked up to be. Then, in grades seven, eight, and nine, they start to feel more confident and capable, though school can still be a bit frustrating. Finally, in grades ten, eleven, and twelve, the speaker is ready to leave school behind, but upon graduation, they proudly display their diploma.

    Key Reflections in these Poems About School Challenges:

    • Points to the value of persistence and the importance of education in overcoming challenges.

    • While school can feel difficult and even discouraging at times, sticking with it builds resilience and opens doors to future success.

    • The contrast between frustration and the pride of achievement encourages us to push through tough moments, knowing that the effort they invest will pay off in the long run.

    • These poems also highlight that growth is gradual, and with the right attitude, even daunting experiences can lead to thriving and personal accomplishment.

    Related: Poems About Knowledge

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    School Break and Vacation Poems

    These poems address the struggles and obstacles faced in school, offering comfort and understanding.

  39. A School Break
    Poet: E. K. Linton

    Into the yard a rush of little feet;
    And then the summer air enshrines delight
    Of children's laughter in its fall and flight;
    While the sun shines more gaily, since such sweet
    Divine fair faces turn like flowers to greet
    His gentle gaze, and his gold beams may light
    In tender kisses slow and exquisite
    On their soft mouths that smile beneath his heat.

    Ah, sweeter far, I ween, to the Lord's ear
    This joyous laughter than the solemn hymn
    Of white-robed choir in measured melody
    Pacing the aisle of some cathedral dim;
    Nay, for God surely smiles and counts most dear
    Of all his wealth this childish ecstasy.

  40. School Is Done
    Poet: Mary D. Brine

    The daisies and the buttercups
    Now merrily are growing;
    And everywhere, for June's sweet sake,
    Are crimson roses blowing.
    The sunbeams o'er the meadows lie,
    And breezes light are straying;
    And oh! 'tis time the schools were done,
    And children out a playing.

    "Vacation is the time for fun!"
    All girls and boys are saying,
    When schools and books grow wearisome,
    And hearts are ripe for playing.
    So, little folks, come one and all,
    And tumble out together,
    Amid the sunbeam's golden bright,
    All in the sweet June weather.

  41. Vacation Time
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    Vacation time! How glad it seemed
    When as a boy I sat and dreamed
    Above my school books, of the fun
    That I should claim when toil was done;

    And, Oh, how oft my youthful eye
    Went wandering with the patch of sky
    That drifted by the window panes
    O'er pleasant fields and dusty lanes,

    Where I would race and romp and shout
    The very moment school was out.
    My artful little fingers then
    Feigned labor with the ink and pen,

    But heart and mind were far away,
    Engaged in some glad bit of play.
    The last two weeks dragged slowly by;
    Time hadn't then learned how to fly.

    It seemed the clock upon the wall
    From hour to hour could only crawl,
    And when the teacher called my name,
    Unto my cheeks the crimson came,

    For I could give no answer clear
    To questions that I didn't hear.
    "Wool gathering, were you?" oft she said
    And smiled to see me blushing red.

    Her voice had roused me from a dream
    Where I was fishing in a stream,
    And, if I now recall it right,
    Just at the time I had a bite.

    And now my youngsters dream of play
    In just the very selfsame way;
    And they complain that time is slow
    And that the term will never go.

    Their little minds with plans are filled
    For joyous hours they soon will build,
    And it is vain for me to say,
    That have grown old and wise and gray,

    That time is swift, and joy is brief;
    They'll put no faith in such belief.
    To youthful hearts that long for play
    Time is a laggard on the way.

    'Twas, Oh, so slow to me back then
    Ere I had learned the ways of men!

  42. Key Reflections in these School Break and Vacation Poems:

    • Reminders us of the pure joy and excitement that come with school breaks and vacations.

    • The poems capture the anticipation children feel as they look forward to time away from school, filled with laughter, play, and the freedom of summer days.

    • Reflections on how time seems to move slowly for children, while adults recognize how quickly it passes.

    • Encouragement for us to appreciate the balance between work and rest, and to cherish both the carefree moments of childhood and the wisdom that comes with time.

    Related: Poems About Vacation

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find questions and answers asked by our readers.

  • Can I use school poems for classroom activities?
    Yes, school poems are great for classroom activities. Teachers often use them to introduce poetry, spark discussions, or encourage students to write their own poems. Poems about school can also be used in school events, assemblies, or yearbooks.

  • What are some short poems about school for younger children?
    Short poems about school, like nursery rhymes or simple verses, are perfect for younger children. They are often easy to memorize and fun to recite, making them a great way to introduce kids to poetry and the joys of learning. See our selection of poems for kids

  • Are there any poems that reflect the emotions of leaving school or graduation?
    Yes, many poems capture the bittersweet emotions of leaving school or graduating. These poems often reflect on the memories made, the lessons learned, and the mix of excitement and nostalgia that comes with moving on to the next chapter in life. Find poems that express the emotions of graduation on our page: graduation poems.

  • Where can I find poems about teachers and their impact on students?
    Poems about teachers often express gratitude, admiration, and respect for the important role they play in shaping students' lives. These poems can be a wonderful way to honor teachers during special occasions like Teacher Appreciation Week or the end of the school year. View our collection of Teacher appreciation poems or a quote at thank you Teacher quotes

  • Express gratitude, admiration, and respect for the important role Teachers play in shaping students' lives

  • Are there any copyright restrictions on these poems?
    Yes, all of our poems are copyrighted. However, if you wish to use one of our poems for personal use you have our permission and they are free to use. However, if the poems are for commercial use please contact us for guidelines and permission.

  • Can I submit a poem about school to be published:
    Yes, see our submission guidelines, how to submit, and the review process on our submit a poem page.

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