31 Goodbye Poems, Farewell Poems
Explore heartfelt verses that capture the essence of saying goodbye.
Short Poems & Quotes | Inspirational Poems / Goodbye Poems, Farewell Poems
Updated October 15, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
A collection of goodbye poems and farewell poems to give you words to help you say goodbye. And we say farewell on different occasions, a break-up, moving, death, retirement, and graduation, to name only a few. Here find verses and poetry that express sentiments for and from the person who is leaving. During our lifetime we will experience many goodbyes. May these short inspirational poems express thoughts of leaving, of see you around, of farewells that lead us to say goodbye.
Table of Contents for Goodbye Poems, Farewell Poems
Dear Friend
Poet: Grinnell Willis
Dear friend, 'tis hard to say farewell,
And harder yet it is to tell,
In parting words, how strong the tie
We sever now in this good-bye.
We all shall miss thy gentle grace.
Thy willing hand and cheerful face;
No other friend thy place can fill.
Though absent we shall claim thee still;
God bless the work thou hast begun,
And guard thee in the years to come.
And when thy heart is weary, or alone.
Come back and rest in this thy home. -
Sometimes Think Of Me
Poet: Lillian E. Curtis
The pleasant hours have past,
And I must now return;
Tis hard to say good-bye,
But the lesson we must learn. . . .
Read the entire poem, Sometimes Think Of Me -
Happy Be
Poet: Eloise A. Skimings
Ever mayst thou happy be,
Life holds precious gifts for thee;
E'en if now a shadow lay
Around thy heart - 'twould pass away.
Ne'er forget the friend you leave
On Huron's shore, and believe
Regretfully I part from thee.
Yours very sincerely. -
Parting Words
Poet: Melissa E. Banta
When lovers part at eventide
To meet again tomorrow,
With laughing lips and backward glance,
Undimmed by thought of sorrow,
Ah, then, as glows the sickle moon,
And soft distils the dew,
What other word so fitting sweet
As, "Love, adieu, adieu"?
When true friends part whose lives in one,
Like rippling streamlets blended,
As clinging hands and tearful eyes
Bespeak that all is ended,
Ah, then beneath life's summer noon,
Or autumn's stormier sky,
What word so fond on friendship's lips
As, "Friend, good-by, good-by"?
When o'er some life knit to our own
Death's darkness settles stilly,
As fades the love-light from the eyes,
And falls the clasped hand chilly;
With raining tears and aching loss
That tears may not dispel,
The tortured heart throbs to the lips,
"Farewell, beloved farewell." -
Goodbye Forever
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Goodbye are the words we often say
When people leave for work for a day
But when we say goodbye forever
We realize we are no longer together.
Goodbyes can be so hard
Sometimes leaving us scarred
But time has a way of healing things
Life has more hello's to bring.
So while you may feel sad today
Keep moving forward it will be okay
Express your feelings and even cry
You will feel better as time goes by. -
Hello, Goodbye
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
Hello and goodbye are two words we use a lot
One is welcome and the other when we part
The best is always the hello's
Some say it quiet, others often bellow.
But goodbyes are no fun
Especially with a special one.
Why is the word "good" include in a bye
I often wonder about this with a sigh.
They say there is good in everything
But oftentimes goodbye sadness brings.
May life bring hellos a lot more
And let the goodbyes go without keeping score. -
To-morrow I'm Away
Poet: Max Ehrmann
Come here and take my hand
And press my lips,
Just for today —
To-morrow I'm away;
With pulsing heart
And quickened feet
I'll tread another street;
And in the toils
Of duty's net
I may sometimes forget
You for awhile,
And this sweet day
In life's all stormy way;
And oft I'll know
The want of heart
Again life's work to start,
So press my lips
Just for today —
To-morrow I'm away. -
Poet: William Freeland
Why should I say goodbye, my dear?
Why should I say goodbye?
I am only going a little way
Over the hills, and only a day,
Only a sleep, with a dream, and then,
When morn breaks rosily up the glen,
With blackbird, and throstle, and lark,
I'll come again,
And wait till the bird of the dark
Outwarbleth the song of the lark.
And wooeth the moon from the dark,
And lifteth our souls on high, my dear:
So, why should I say goodbye, my dear?
Why should I say goodbye?
Why should I say goodbye, my dear?
Why should I say goodbye?
I go, yet still I'll be with thee,
And staying here, thou shalt be with me!
Ah! nought can part us : and when the night
Flies from the dreaming rose, and the light
Hath kindled in flashes of song,
Love in his might
Shall fold us from terror and wrong
In the murmuring garden of song;
For song hath no kindred with wrong,
But only with love that is high, my dear:
So why should I say goodbye, my dear?
Why should I say goodbye? -
Moving Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Today I come to say goodbye
I will miss you, I can't deny
But as I move to another town
Leaving you makes me frown.
I will stay in touch, I promise that
I will call you often and we will chat.
It won't be the same I know
But we can call and say hello.
So I won't say goodbye, I'll say so long
You're a friend indeed, one who is lifelong
The bonds we share will never break
We will keep in touch, of that, there is no mistake. -
Leaving Is Sad
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
What we had was something unique
Similar to a special antique.
I wish I didn't have to leave
Life without you is hard to conceive.
Life without you won't be the same
But I do hereby proclaim
I wish you luck and much happiness
But leaving is sad, regardless. -
Poet: Unknown
Now, little children, you and I
Have walked beneath the autumn sky;
With old Jack Frost in wintry land
We've gone together hand in hand.
In spring we've plucked the daffodil
And buttercup on every hill;
And now in summer you and I
Must close the book and say goodbye. -
A Little Work
by George Du Maurier
A little work, a little play
To keeps us going - and so, good-day!
A little warmth, a little light
Of love's bestowing - and so, good-night!
A little fun, to match the sorrow
Of each day's growing - and so, good-morrow!
A little trust that when we die
We reap our sowing! And so - good-bye! -
Happy Trails
by Dale Evans
Happy trails to you, until we meet again
Some trails are happy ones
Others are blue
It's the way you ride the trail that counts
Here's a happy one for you.
Poet: John Imrie
Reader, "Adieu!" — I will not say "farewell!"
That word, full-fraught with sorrow as a knell,
Breathes forth a strain of sadness to mine ear,
And is too often mother to a tear!
"Adieu!" speaks hopeful that we yet may meet
And with each other hold communion sweet.
If aught that I have said doth give thee cheer
I've made a friend of thee — and friends are dear!
In this stern world of ours each friend we gain
Makes life more sweet, and helps to soothe life's pain!
Remember, then, dear friend, before we part,
These simple strains are from a glowing heart
That seeks to find an echo to its voice
In heart of thine — and, finding that, rejoice! -
Good-bye Means Not Farewell
Poet: John Imrie
"Good-bye! good-bye!" what kindly words,
As they fall on the parting ear,
Like the singing of summer birds,
With their wonderful power to cheer;
Their meaning true —
With kiss and sigh —
"Good-bye! good-bye!" . . . .
Read the entire poem, Good-bye Means Not Farewell -
Saying Goodbye
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Saying goodbye is never easy
Actually, it makes me queasy
So let's just say see ya later
Keep in touch by email or notepaper.
Goodbyes seem like the end
But we will always be friends
We may be separated by miles
Just say keep in touch and smile! -
Why Does Good
Poet: Kate Summers
Why does good appear
When goodbye means I disappear
What's the good in not seeing you
It just means that I will be blue.
I think goodbye should drop the good
Just "bye" would be better understood
So from now on the good is gone
And only "bye" will be my song. -
Poet: Sam Fickinsen
Farewell, so long
Means I am gone
Today, tomorrow
Leaving brings sorrow.
See ya around
The words they sound
Like goodbye
I say with a sigh! -
A Farewell
by Charles Kingsley
My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and gray;
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
For every day.
Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
And so make life, death, and that vast forever
One grand, sweet song. -
Farewell! But When Roses
Poet: Mary C. Ryan
Farewell! but when roses shed their perfume o'er thee,
At twilight's sweet hour, sacred to love.
Search thy memory's dark vaults, for remembrance of me,
And find the charms, which thy bright eyes wove;
And then if thou canst, oh, dispel that strange power
Which has doomed me their captive to be!
For afar from those orbs, a faithful sunflower,
My poor heart will be turning to thee. . . .
Read the entire poem, Farewell! But When Roses -
Fare Thee Well
Poet: M. E. B.
Fare thee well, my heart is weary
The sunshine fades, the clouds remain
And all around seems dark and dreary.
Until I see thee once again.
Yet I would never mar thy gladness,
A fond farewell, and happy be;
Forgive thy little friend her sadness,
As all the world is fair to thee. -
A Blessing
Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)
May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.
A Blessing in Goodbye
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
May God's peace surround your way,
As you step into a brand-new day.
Though parting brings a hint of pain,
In Christ, we’ll surely meet again.
May His hand guide your every stride,
With angels walking by your side.
In moments when the road seems long,
His strength will keep your spirit strong.
His blessings fall like gentle rain,
To wash away your fear and strain.
He holds your future in His care,
So trust His love is always there.
Though now we say goodbye, my friend,
In faith, we know it's not the end.
For where you go, His grace will be,
And in His love, we'll always see.
Friendship Farewell Poems
Poems that celebrate the bonds of friendship while bidding farewell.

Goodbye Poems For A Friend
Related: Goodbye Poems For Lovers
Goodbye Reflection Poems
Thoughtful verses reflecting on the significance of saying goodbye.

Saying Goodbye Poem
Related: Think Of Me Poem
Moving On Poems
Inspirational pieces about embracing new beginnings after farewells.

Forget Me Not Poem
A short goodbye poem written by a Teacher to her students as the school year ends.
Related: Good-bye Old Year Poem
Hopeful Goodbye Poems
Uplifting poems that convey hope and positivity in farewells.

Goodbye Poems For A Teacher
Related: Letting Go Poem
Poignant Farewell Poems
Touching verses that evoke deep emotions during farewells.
This goodbye poem is written to a daughter by her father,
short but full of wisdom!

Goodbye Love Poems
Related: Remember Our Love Poems
Inspirational Blessing Poems
Poems that offer blessings and encouragement during transitions.
A blessing from the bible that is a good one to use when someone is leaving.

Poems of Goodbye Death
Related: Poems About God's Blessings
Key Reflections in these poems:
- Goodbyes are bittersweet but often temporary – Many poems emphasize that while farewells may bring sadness or pain, they also hold the promise of future reunions or continued connection, either through memories or spiritual ties.
- Friendship and love transcend distance – The poems frequently express that true friendships and relationships can endure beyond separation, with the hope that bonds remain strong despite physical distance or time apart.
- Faith offers comfort during transitions – Several poems highlight how trusting in God's guidance and care can bring peace during goodbyes, reinforcing the belief that goodbyes are not the end, but a new chapter under God’s watchful care.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Common queries about farewell and goodbye poems answered.
- Can I use a goodbye poem for a farewell speech?
Yes, goodbye poems can be a wonderful addition to a farewell speech. They add emotional depth and can help express feelings that may be difficult to put into words. Poems like "Goodbye Forever" by Catherine Pulsifer or "Farewell" by Sam Fickinsen can complement your speech beautifully.- What are some farewell poems for retirement?
Retirement is a significant life transition, and farewell poems for this occasion often express gratitude, reflection, and well-wishes. A good poem for retirement is "Moving Day" by Catherine Pulsifer, which talks about leaving but staying connected. Another is "A Little Work" by George Du Maurier, which touches on the balance between work and rest in life.- Are there short goodbye poems for leaving a job?
Yes, there are many short goodbye poems that work well for saying farewell to coworkers or a job. "Saying Goodbye" by Catherine Pulsifer is a light and simple poem that can express your appreciation without being too formal. "Goodbye Forever" is another short poem perfect for a professional setting.- What is a good poem for saying goodbye to a loved one who has passed away?
Poems that help express the grief and love for someone who has passed away are deeply moving. "Parting Words" by Melissa E. Banta is a touching poem that reflects on parting due to death, expressing the emotional weight of such goodbyes. Another is "Farewell! But When Roses" by Mary C. Ryan, which beautifully captures the lingering feelings of love and loss.- Can I personalize a goodbye poem for a specific occasion?
Absolutely! Many people personalize goodbye poems to fit their specific situation, whether it’s a graduation, a breakup, or moving to a new city. You can modify poems by adding names, specific memories, or inside jokes. A flexible poem like "Moving Day" or "Fare Thee Well" can easily be adapted for various farewells.- What are some uplifting goodbye poems that offer hope for the future?
Goodbye poems don't have to be sad; many can be uplifting and hopeful. "A Blessing in Goodbye" by Catherine Pulsifer is a Christian poem that offers encouragement and peace, reminding us that parting is not the end. Another uplifting choice is "Happy Be" by Eloise A. Skimings, which encourages happiness and positive thoughts for the future.- Are there funny or lighthearted goodbye poems?
Yes, not all goodbyes need to be serious or somber. Lighthearted poems can bring a smile during parting moments. Poems like "Hello, Goodbye" by Catherine Pulsifer and "Why Does Good" by Kate Summers add humor to the goodbye process, making the farewell less heavy and more cheerful.- Where can I find goodbye poems for specific occasions, like graduations or moving?
There are many specific goodbye poems for life events such as graduations, moving, or retirement. For example, "Moving Day" is ideal for someone moving away, while "Farewell" by an unknown poet is perfect for end-of-year goodbyes from teachers to students.
- How can I use a goodbye poem in a card or letter?
Goodbye poems are great for cards or letters because they concisely capture feelings. You can write a few lines of the poem that resonate with you and follow it with a personal note, making the message both poetic and heartfelt.- Are there any copyright restrictions on these poems?
Yes, all of our poems are copyrighted. However, if you wish to use one of our poems for personal use you have our permission and they are free to use. However, if the poems are for commercial use please contact us for guidelines and permission.- Can I submit a nature poem to be published:
Yes, see our submission guidelines, how to submit, and the review process on our submit a poem page.
Many words express goodbye: farewell, cheerio, ta-ta, see you, so long, au revoir. Goodbyes are seen as a sad time, however, the memories that we have from time spent together will always be with us.
And at other times, goodbyes may not feel like it, but truly they are the best thing that could have happened to us. It allows us to move on, to find new relationships.
And technology today allows us to stay in touch so perhaps it is not a permanent goodbye, but a talk later, goodbye. Technology not only allows us to talk but also to see the person. So while you may say goodbye, you can always keep in touch.
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