Abundance Prayer

Use an abundance prayer to give thanks to God for all that you have. You may think that you don't have a lot or that you are not wealthy enough, however, each day that we have, the food that we have, the beauty that surrounds us in nature each and every day is wealth beyond money. And we all have abundance when you think of eternal life that God sent Jesus to give us. So each and every one of us has plenty in many ways and it is only right that we thank God!

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Heavenly Father,
I graciously give you thanks for all that you provide.
The blessings You have given are much, much more than I can ever imagine,
and have failed many times to give You thanks for Your bounty.
Most of all, Father, I thank you for Your mercy and grace;
for the atoning death of Our Lord Jesus Christ that I,
a wretched sinner, may be saved from eternal separation from You.
I thank you for my hope, a life filled with the promise of eternal life through Christ Jesus.
Nothing in this world could ever, ever come close to Your abounding unconditional love.
Thank you, Father, as I give you all praise, all honor and glory as I pray in Jesus' name.

Father God,
how infinite is Your abundance.
You are the bread of all life.
You alone give unselfishly of your One and Only Son, Jesus Christ,
that I might live beyond the brokenness and chaos of this my earthly life.
For I know, Father, that You give me such abundance in each day
whether I recognize it or not amidst my failing of thanklessness.
Let me never forget, Father, that all that I have,
all that I possess is not of me but provided for me through your unconditional love.
It is Your love, Father, that has guided my steps even as I try and force my own way.
Oh Gracious Father, I thank you for turning me from my desires to those aligned with Yours
so that I may serve for Your Glory, Father, for life lasting upon this earth is as short
as the life and death of a blade of grass.
Thank You for the undeserved gift of everlasting life that I in no way deserve or could have ever earned.
I give You all praise and all thanks in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

I thank you for removing the chains that shackled me to eternal destruction and death.
Thank you for helping me see so clearly that the promises of this earthly life are
only set to deceive me and to keep me bound in chains that lead to certain death.
Thank you, God, for my undeserved mercy and grace that you have abundantly freely given.
It is now, through you, God, that I can experience an abundant life free from earthly hurts,
pains and sorrow. It is a peace that transcends all understanding;
it is this peace, God, that I can now experience through your unconditional love.
It is my belief in and submission to Jesus Christ that opens the door to Your eternal presence.
Thank you, God, that I can look beyond this earthly life as a journey and not my permanent and everlasting home.
I pray all of this in the Mighty name of Jesus My Lord and Savior.

Lord God,
I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to reside within me;
to guide me; to lead me to understanding and wisdom;
and to be my constant advocate. Let me be abundantly grateful,
Lord, that You have chosen me, an undeserving sinner,
to be saved through the atoning death of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, for understanding that as part of
Your church that I can serve to Your glory in whatever manner
or mechanism You choose.
Let me never forget, Lord, that I serve to Your glory and not to mine.
Let me never sway from placing You first in all aspects of my life
from the smallest to the greatest.
I pray, Lord, that I am never distracted from You and the Way
by things going on around me or the allure of things promised by
earthly desires for it is always true, Lord, that I have it all, right now, right here through You.
I look forward, Lord, to being with You whatever day You call me to enjoy Your Holy presence forever.
I pray, God, in Jesus' name.

Heavenly Father, God Almighty,
I have never wanted; I have received my daily bread;
and I have been freely given peace. I thank you, Father,
for without You I am lost; I am but a miserable person;
and I am forever doomed to be set apart from You forevermore.
Thank you, Father, for releasing me from all earthly chains;
chains that lead to a certain death.
Through Your gracious abundance, Father,
through Your unfailing and unconditional love,
I have been set free.
Please, Father, grant me Your counsel and Your wisdom so that
I might complete the work for which you have purposed me to complete.
Let me not wander off Your course;
let me not give way to the great deceiver;
and let me be used as Your vessel so that I may plant so that You can reap.
I give You all praise and glory in Jesus' name I pray.

Oh Lord,
I give You thanks for everything that You grant to me even though Your abundance is never truly known by me.
I pray, Lord, that you guide my steps made clear through your sight.
I pray that You smooth the road, grant me strength and perseverance,
so that I might finish the good race that I run.
Lord, I do not ask for wealth, unless that is Your will to further Your Kingdom;
I do not ask for doors to be opened, unless that is Your will.
Please continue to show me the light revealed in Your Word that it may be a lamp unto my feet.
I seek, Lord, only that Your will be done.
Let me play, I pray, even a small part in furthering Your Kingdom.
Please help my brothers and sisters in Christ overcome
their sorrows, temptations and tribulations through the power of the Holy Spirit
as I pray to You in Jesus' name.

Our Father,
may we begin this day with a song in our hearts, -
a song as rich and full and free as the bird sings at
the earliest dawning of the sun's light, -
a song so attuned with infinite life
and hope and love that it must be sung.

Thou giver of abundance unto the rich and poor alike,
help our souls to mount unto the highest reaches of
living thoughts and generous deeds,
that we may give unto others as Thou givest.

Unfettered by unholy passions and freed from the spirit of greed,
may we feel the unity of the bonds of a universal brotherhood,
and be just and true, honest, and helpful
in all our dealings with all men this day.
by Henrietta G. Moore

We who are poor in spirit, turn to Thee
who art the giver of every good and perfect gift,
to hold out our empty hands and pray that Thou wilt make us rich.

During the past days and years we have been out in
Thy world striving for more things and
then more things and yet more things,
forgetful of the fact that a man's life consisteth not
in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Now, realizing the poverty of our real lives,
we ask Thee to bestow upon us those eternal riches
which pertain to the human soul and
possessing which we shall have treasure in that heaven
within where moth and rust do not corrupt nor thieves break through and steal.
So shall we be rich indeed.
by Frank Oliver Hall

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