11 Poems about Fear

We all have fears the difference is how we deal with the fear. Let these short poems about fear give you thoughts about how to overcome your fears, encourage you and give you suggestions on handling fear. The feeling of fear is something none of us want to experience. The Poets express their feelings by sharing their experiences of fear and how to cope with it.

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  1. A poem that discusses the feelings of fear and thoughts on how to overcome fears you may have.
    Overcome Your Fears
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Fear is an unpleasant feeling
    It can cause us to panic, sends us reeling
    Many fears are created in our own mind
    Causing us not to see reality as we are blind.

    Fear can stop any progress
    It can stop our success.
    Fear has no use in our life
    It can cause many a strife.

    But you can overcome your fears
    By talking about them with someone dear.
    Someone you look up to and trust
    Is a first step that is a must.

    They may help you see more clearly
    That what you fear is only
    A thought in your mind that may
    Never happen in any way.

    Acknowledge and facing fear is the first step
    To send fear down the doorstep.
    Relax your mind and your body
    Focus your thoughts on the jolly.

    Don't let fear control your mind
    When you change your thoughts you will find
    That your fear
    May suddenly disappear!

  2. attitude poems
    Attitude Poems

    Verses that remind us we are not alone. Trust God to help us through our fears.
  3. When We Cannot See Our Way
    Poet: Unknown

    When we cannot see our way,
    Let us trust and still obey;
    He who bids us forward go.
    Cannot fail the way to show.
    Though the sea be deep and wide.
    Though a passage seem denied;
    Fearless let us still proceed.
    Since the Lord vouchsafes to lead.

  4. Trust In God
    Trust In God Poems

    An analogy using a babbling brook and how fear and doubt leave the brook.
  5. The Brook
    Poet: Anna K. Thomas

    Little rambling, sunny stream,
    Round thee plays the bright sunbeam
    Racing, chasing — never mind;
    Doubt and fear you'll leave behind.
    With thy dimpled smile draw near,
    Into crease and crevice peer,
    Into secret crannies look,
    Laughing, babbling little brook.

    Catching rain-drops as they fall,
    Pressing through the garden wall,
    Flowing, going everywhere —
    Busy here and busy there;
    Bounding, springing, full of glee,
    Ever trending toward the sea,
    Bold to enter every nook,
    Gurgling, rippling, bubbling brook.

  6. Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.
    Poems On Adventure

    Whether you are a leader or are dealing with anyone in your family, using fear is never a good solution to get others to do something!
  7. Speak Gently
    Poet: David Bates

    Speak gently; it is better far
    To rule by love than fear.
    Speak gently; let no harsh words mar
    The good we might do here.

    Speak gently. Love doth whisper low
    The vows that true hearts bind,
    And gently friendship's accents flow;
    Affection's voice is kind.

  8. kindness poems
    Kindness Poems

  9. Fear And Doubt
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    When fear and doubt entwine, it's easy to feel paralyzed.  
    But look closer, and you'll find that fear can be refuted.
    Build your confidence, you are valuable!
    Redirect your energy - your strength is renewable.

    Go slowly if it helps and build a path one step at a time;  
    Nothing is too big when faith in yourself is prime.
    Courage and confidence will lead the way, each timid step bringing cheer, 
    For every challenge that we face, we can show up and persevere!

  10. poems about confidence
    Poems About Confidence

    A poem that reminds us of God's promises and how if we believe then we have nothing to fear
  11. Faithful Promises
    Poet: Frances Ridley Havergal

    Standing at the portal
    Of the opening year,
    Words of comfort meet us,
    Hushing every fear;
    Spoken through the silence
    By our Father's voice,
    Tender, strong, and faithful,
    Making us rejoice.

    He will never fail us;
    He will not forsake;
    His eternal covenant
    He will never break.
    Resting on his promise,
    What have we to fear?
    God is all-sufficient
    For the coming year.

  12. God's Promises Poems
    God's Promises Poems

    In the King James Version of the Bible "fear not" is used 170 times. The poem below encourages us to fear not. It reminds us that God is has told us over and over that we should not fear!
  13. Fear Thou Not
    Poet: Unknown

    "Fear thou not, for I am with thee";
    Child of God, be this thy stay;
    God, the mighty God, is with thee,
    Yielding comfort by the way.

    "Fear thou not" when want draws nigh thee;
    Poorer he has fared than thou:
    Can the stores of heaven supply thee?
    Plead his promise, precious now.

    "Fear thou not" when sickness falleth;
    Healing balm will then be given;
    Or it may be Jesus calleth,
    Calleth his beloved to heaven.

    "Fear thou not" when death bereaves thee,
    When the loved can love no more;
    He is near who never leaves thee;
    He can soothe — he wept before!

    "Fear thou not" when hopes have faded
    And thick sorrow clouds the mind;
    Though the light a while is shaded,
    Know thy sun is still behind.

  14. Christian poems
    Christian Poems

    Many times the little things in life can expand into big things if we let them.  A fear may start as a small thing but if we don't face it or overcome it we may find it developing into a major issue in our life.
  15. Fear Is Born
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In the depth of darkness, fear is born,
    When night consumes and shadows mourn.
    But with faith in God our hearts ignite,
    We find peace within the darkest night.

    For He is the light that guides our way,
    Dispelling fears with His eternal ray.
    With steadfast trust, we'll never lose sight,
    God's presence is with us throughout the night.

  16. poems about night
    Poems About Night

  17. Fear In Our Mind
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Halloween the night of treats
    Children roam the haunted streets,
    Dressed in costumes, they bravely stride,
    Fear may linger, yet they won't hide,
    For they know one thing that is clear,
    The fun they seek outweighs the fear.

    So let this eve, with magic spun,
    Teach us all, when fears have won,
    To move beyond and find
    That many times fear is only in our mind.

  18. Halloween Poems
    Halloween Poems

  19. A Fear
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    A fear can be a little thing
    But over time, trouble it brings.
    We can feel paralyzed
    If not dealt with and recognized.

    A fear can make us feel afraid
    Into our life, it will raid
    Taking away our happiness
    Fear is not something we should dismiss.

    A fear can bring anxiety
    Impeding our purpose in society.
    And the distress we may feel
    May be in our mind and not real.

    In your life do not let fear control
    Push forward toward your goals
    When you get beyond your fear
    Your feelings will be full of cheer!

  20. You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.
    Fear Quotes

  21. Out In The Fields With God
    Poet: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    The little cares that fretted me,
    I lost them yesterday,
    Among the fields, above the sea,
    Among the winds at play;
    Among the lowing of the herds,
    The rustling of the trees;
    Among the singing of the birds,
    The humming of the bees.

    The foolish fears of what may happen,
    I cast them all away
    Among the clover-scented grass,
    Among the new-mown hay;
    Among the rustling of the corn,
    Where drowsy poppies nod,
    Where ill thoughts die and good are born -
    Out in the fields with God.

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Our hope is that you have been encouraged by these poems about fear - we hope they help you overcome your fear and look at fear in a different light!

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