140 Encouragement Quotes

Need encouragement? Let these quotes encourage you. Inspirational words of wisdom from many different people from many different walks of life share their thoughts in these quotations. Reading a quote can give you a different perspective on a situation or they may encourage you not to give up or to keep going or just to realize things are not as bad as they seem.

We all need a bit of encouragement from time to time we hope you find words to inspire and motivate you in these short quotes.

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  1. The seed of sorrow we often sow, which grows to be a dwarfish plant; to weed and reap a successful row, we must not say I can't. J. J. Thorne, Never Say I Can't

  2. With hope we tread, on this journey, we stride, encouraged by God's word, our fears subside. Catherine Pulsifer, God's Promises

  3. At all times, e’en when I have failed to do His will, His love has in my heart prevailed - and guides me still. Henry Reed Conant, God's Love

  4. Never lose an old friend no matter what the cause. We wouldn't ever do it if we didn't look for flaws. Unknown, Friends

  5. When you get to know a fellow and you understand his ways, then his faults won’t really matter, for you’ll find a lot to praise. Edgar A. Guest, When You Know A Fellow

  6. You've earned your degree, and that's quite a feat, no more all-nighters, or notes to repeat. Catherine Pulsifer, You've Earned It

  7. Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead. Nora Ephron

  8. Middle age is the time to savor life's greatest experiences and make the most of every moment. Catherine Pulsifer

  9. We all have the power to make one another shine, offer a kind word or two of encouragement in our time. Catherine Pulsifer, Help Build Confidence In Others

  10. You decide each day, you see how happy you will be
  11. Happiness is found in you - how you look at life and what you do. You decide each day, you see how happy you will be Catherine Pulsifer, Looking For Happiness

  12. A pat on the back from a stranger or friend when your jaw starts to sag and your knees start to bend will bring you right up with new courage and grit and you'll keep in the fight when you were going to quit Edgar A. Guest, A Pat On The Back

  13. We can endure much more than we may imagine. We just have to stay grounded and stay true to our roots. Catherine Pulsifer

  14. God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile. Max Lucado

  15. Encourage, lift, and strengthen where we can, for family bonds hold God’s eternal plan. Catherine Pulsifer, As Darkness Falls

  16. Speaking encouragement, sympathy, understanding is giving help but not demanding. Catherine Pulsifer, A Lofty Measure

  17. Would you give to life your best? Shall your service upward soar? Here again is still the test . . .will you do the common chore? William Arthur Ward

  18. Your words they did encourage me over the years. Lifting me when I was down and filled with fear. Catherine Pulsifer, Your Words Encouraged

  19. Education brings, a world filled with knowledge without strings. Encouragement to learn and talk aglow, building strong skills we didn't know. Catherine Pulsifer, Encouragement To Learn

  20. Grateful we stand on this literacy shore, educators who encourage us to explore. Catherine Pulsifer, Share Their Wisdom

  21. Your encouragement is truly an essential part of me, my day is instantly brighter when I know you'll see. Catherine Pulsifer, One Of A Kind

  22. It's not about never falling down, but rather, about getting back up, and finding the strength within yourself, to keep moving forward, never giving up. Catherine Pulsifer, The Road to Resilience

  23. A mother's love is never-ending...a mother's presence comforts like no other, her support is one that no one can smother. Catherine Pulsifer, A Love That Is Never-Ending

  24. When you feel discouraged by others, remember there are always people in your life who love you and care about you whether you realize it or not. Shadonna Richards, A Gift of Hope

  25. There is no summit you may not attain, no purpose which you may not yet achieve Ella Wheeler Wilcox, God's Kin

  26. For when praise is given our hearts will glow, with respect for critique, our spirits will grow! Catherine Pulsifer, Let Us Rejoice

  27. Encouragement from others lights the way, guiding us through darkness, doubters may say Catherine Pulsifer, Encouragement From Others

  28. To artists, paint with vibrant strokes, to writers, bind words in tender cloaks. With every flicker of imagination's flame, encouragement brings them acclaim. Catherine Pulsifer, Challenges Abound

  29. A new beginning, a fresh start so bright, letting go of old, embracing what's right. Catherine Pulsifer, A New Beginning

  30. If your heart contains a thought that will brighter make his lot, then in mercy hide it not, tell him so. Unknown, Tell Him So

  31. At Christmastime, people suddenly turn loving and unselfish...they give and give and don’t really expect anything in return. Alden Perkes, The Santa Claus Book

  32. No matter what road in life you go down your family is always there even when you frown.
  33. No matter what road in life you go down your family is always there even when you frown. Catherine Pulsifer, Families Are Forever

  34. When thy heart is sad and heavy, when thy life is all misread. Give not anger for injustice, give a gentle word instead. Unknown, A Soft Answer

  35. With love as guide, encouragement we bestow, for in our community, a nurturing habit begins. Catherine Pulsifer, A Mission Unfolds

  36. When the world beats you down, open up your Bible. Lysa TerKeurst

  37. Encourage others by the words you use and if you can't say something nice, then yourself excuse. Catherine Pulsifer, Words Make A Difference

  38. Your encouragement meant so much to me - you have shaped the person I am and will be. Catherine Pulsifer, I Have To Say

  39. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Joseph Addison

  40. The world is a blank page before you; may your story see you happy, one filled with achievements all around Catherine Pulsifer, A Blank Chapter

  41. For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it; for every truth there is an ear somewhere to heed it; for every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it. Unknown, And I...

  42. God uses those around you to encourage you and to help you with changes you may wish to make. You may be the person God uses to help others. Tim Sawyer

  43. Be yourself! Don’t try to fabricate your personality in the guise of impressing others. Ashish Patela

  44. The Bible is the best self-help book - if you haven't read it you should take a look. It is full of life stories that we all can see that life is, at times, not so easy. Catherine Pulsifer, Take A Look

  45. Don't ever hesitate to say sorry - it will be appreciated and recognized. Catherine Pulsifer, Choices We Make

  46. Not knowing is what has me worried; as long as I know, it's okay - I'll try to endure winter's dark days, if summer returns here some day. Greta Zwaan, Summers Demise

  47. A pastor..offers encouragement when we are down, he listens with care, when we wear a frown Catherine Pulsifer, A Shining Light

  48. ... by giving the world the best in you, as has so often been proven true, the best will then come back to you. Minnie Brehm, Be Good To Yourself

  49. Don't look for the flaws as you go through life; and even when you find them, it is wise and kind to be somewhat blind Ella Wheeler Wilcox, A Hint Of Life

  50. Don’t think defeat, don’t talk defeat, the word will rob you of your strength
  51. Don’t think defeat, don’t talk defeat, the word will rob you of your strength. "I will succeed," this phrase repeat throughout the journey’s length. Wilhelmina Stitch

  52. From our earliest memories, we can recall Mom being there to pick us up when we fall and to encourage us to reach for the stars. Catherine Pulsifer

  53. When he's deep down in the dumps and has known life's rocky bumps....that's the time a word of praise lifts a fellow up for days. Edgar A. Guest, The Time for Brotherhood

  54. In a world where kindness seems quite rare, let's be encouragers if we dare! Catherine Pulsifer, Boosting Growth

  55. Take a peak at the sky, rejoice in the miracle of it, watch the cloud formations and pick out the shapes. Love that you are a part of it. Angela Rogers

  56. My parents always tried to encourage me to try different things, even when it seemed like the road ahead was impossible. Their encouragement gave me the courage to try new things. Jennifer Arnold

  57. No matter how bad things are right now, no matter how stuck you feel, no matter how many days you’ve spent crying and wishing things were different, no matter how hopeless and depressed you feel, I promise you that you won’t feel this way forever. Keep going. Helen Wilson

  58. Sad soul, take comfort, nor forget that sunrise never failed us yet. Celia Thaxter, Never Failed Us Yet

  59. Many things are possible for the person who has hope. Even more is possible for the person who has faith. And still more is possible for the person who knows how to love. But everything is possible for the person who practices all three virtues. Brother Lawrence

  60. Words of encouragement from the ocean:
    Be shore of yourself. Come out of your shell. Take time to relax and coast. Avoid pier pressure. Sea life's beauty. Don't get tide down.Make waves! Author Unknown

  61. No star is ever lost we once have seen: we always may be what we might have been. Adelaide A. Procter, What We Might Have Been

  62. Aim toward the sun; reach into your soul, and find your rainbow. Patricia Overson, Find Your Rainbow

  63. Grumble? No; what's the good? If it availed, I would; but it doesn't, not a bit Joan Somerset, Your Outlook

  64. Don't waver, man, there is a way if you but have the will David V. Bush, Where There's A Will There's A Way

  65. No matter what happens, no matter the time - find the good and upward you will climb. Catherine Pulsifer, Our Journey

  66. Focus on all of life's good and you will find things work out as they should feeling sorry and just sitting around it is a sure thing to bring you down. Catherine Pulsifer, Move Past This

  67. As we meet and touch, each day, the many travellers on our way...each helping on the other's best, and blessing, each, as well as blest. Susan Coolidge, As We Meet

  68. Or dare you, whether you win or fail, strike out for a goal that's new? Edgar A. Guest, The Things That Haven't Been Done Before

  69. We each contribute our own book to the great library of humanity. Steve Maraboli

  70. The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings. Henry Ward Beecher

  71. November is a reminder that even in the midst of change and uncertainty, we have the strength within us to keep moving forward and embrace new beginnings. Author Unknown

  72. Farewells are hard when deep down you wish to stay, but growth comes from stepping into the unknown, they say. Catherine Pulsifer, Farewells Are Hard

  73. When mistakes are made, learn - but keep going...because perseverance just keeps going! Kate Summers, Keep Going

  74. Whenever I need advice or someone to just listen, Dad is always the man. The confidence he has in me is terrifying and encouraging all at the same time. Asha Patrick

  75. Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Carl Bard

  76. When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place. C.S. Lewis

  77. No local church can afford to go without the encouragement and nourishment that will come to it by sending away its best people. David Penman

  78. I believe people like you will do extraordinary things when given the chance, turning some of the most entrenched, seemingly intractable situations of our day into something hopeful, something… Possible. Stephan Bauman

  79. In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. James Allen

  80. Happiness branches from the tree of kindness, abounding with the fruit of sweet smiles. Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes

  81. Don't let fear control your mind when you change your thoughts you will find that your fear will disappear! Catherine Pulsifer, Overcome Your Fears

  82. Be they better, be they worse, I take things jest as they be, an' I try to be content - thet there's my philosophy. Douglas Malloch, The Unconscious Philosopher

  83. It doesn't matter what others say you just do your best and don't be swayed Byron Pulsifer, You Are The One

  84. A strong woman knows who she is and the path she wishes to travel on. Lailah Gifty Akita

  85. It is not possessing the money that is at fault - it is the worshiping of money that causes the assault. Byron Pulsifer, No Riches Within

  86. When the weather is bleak and the winds are loud, we'll look on the brightest side.
  87. When the weather is bleak and the winds are loud, we'll look on the brightest side. Lillian E Curtis, The Bright Side

  88. December is the month of hope, be encouraged to find the light in every situation. Catherine Pulsifer

  89. When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back. L. Poindexter

  90. January encourages us to embrace the power of self-care, to nurture our bodies, minds, and souls, and to prioritize our well-being as we embark on a new year's journey. Author Unknown

  91. The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself. Douglas MacArthur

  92. When you're blaming some one's weakness, or accusing some of pelf - it's time that you went out to take a walk around yourself. Unknown, Take A Walk Around Yourself

  93. As April unfolds, embrace the unfolding chapters of your own story. Lucy V. Smitty

  94. As the month of March unfolds be encouraged to move boldly towards your dreams, as taking action is the key to achieve them, don't wait for the perfect day, take action today. Catherine Pulsifer

  95. Words are, though today comes rain sunshine will return again. Mary C. Plummer, The Babbling Brook

  96. When your problems seem overwhelming don't quit. Take one step at a time - keep going. Samatha Lynch, Keep Going

  97. But before you judge another - just to lay him on the shelf - it would be a splendid plan to take a walk around yourself. Unknown, Take A Walk Around Yourself

  98. Encourage not repining, but look for joy instead. Unknown, Trip Lightly

  99. Life is not meant to be absorbed; it is meant to be experienced. Byron R. Pulsifer

  100. The black and white of winter leaves us as the season of spring arrives. The sky seems bluer, the color of the first blooming flowers, the grass turning green always seems to pick up people's spirit. Byron Pulsifer

  101. The worries will vanish, the work will be done, No man sees his shadow - who faces the sun. Unknown, Face The Sun

  102. Respect is a thing you can freely give. Respect will make the world a better place to live. Catherine Pulsifer, Respect Is

  103. Make every hour count in the moments you spend; tomorrow's a stranger, today is a friend. Everett Wentworth Hill, One Task At A Time

  104. Though the heart and the head be weary, let faith inspire the soul S. K. Phillips, We Shall Be Satisfied

  105. Don't cry when the sun is gone because the tears won't let you see the stars.
  106. Don't cry when the sun is gone because the tears won't let you see the stars. Violeta Para

  107. And in your heart, until life's journey ends, the priceless gift of youth, hope that inspires and courage that endures, may all these Gifts be Yours! Berton Braley, The Gifts

  108. God can take the broken pieces of your life and turn them into something beautiful. Author Unknown

  109. God's mercy is a gives us hope, and encouragement. It is a fundamental aspect of God's character and is often emphasized in the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible.

  110. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

  111. God's plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard, but don't forget that when God is silent, He's doing something for you. Rick Warren

  112. Encouragement is the fuel that keeps the fire of faith burning bright. Author Unknown

  113. In the midst of the storms of life, we can find encouragement in the fact that God is in control and His plans for us are good. Max Lucado

  114. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved. Samuel Smiles

  115. Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends.
  116. Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends. John Lennon

  117. Be never discouraged - mock, mock at the tears that fall in your pathway, and laugh at the fears Daniel C. Colesworthy

  118. "You'll never succeed, or at least in that way; we know that you surely will rue it;" But while they shouted nay, every night, every day, he went right on determined to do it. David V. Bush

  119. For envy, thoughtlessness and scorn make full many a life forlorn - distrust and selfishness remove all thought of Charity and Love. Arthur Franklin Fuller

  120. Focus on the blessings of the day - find the good in everything Catherine Pulsifer, Count Your Blessings

  121. Be not only attentive in hearing, but retentive after hearing. Thomas Watson

  122. Encourage honesty and welcome the occasional negative comment as an opportunity to improve your products or services. David Jenyns

  123. Industry is the bloom of life, through honor it shares to grant, man becomes a slothful sluggard.when he says I can't. J. J. Thorne

  124. I could say nice things about him - I could praise him if I would; I could tell about his kindness, for he's always doing good. Edgar A. Guest, Waiting

  125. Be as bold and vibrant as a pumpkin in a field of ordinary gourds. Author Unknown

  126. All man can do. The greatest fame is e'er by trifles won, success's the meed of well spent time, and peace, of tasks well done. Mary C. Ryan

  127. Each one can give - the poor, the weak, and be an angel guest; how small a thing, to smile, to speak, and make the wretched blest! Daniel C. Colesworthy

  128. We often do not think in time, our words are cold and bleak; think twice with careful thought, before we haste to speak.
  129. We often do not think in time, our words are cold and bleak; think twice with careful thought, before we haste to speak. J. J. Thorne

  130. Remember, our God is able to do far more than we can ever dare to ask or even dream of – infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Brian Steenhoek, Straight From God

  131. Read books that encourage you - take one step at a time, don't get overwhelmed Catherine Pulsifer, Short Thoughts To Live By

  132. For the prize-winning man sticks to one golden plan, and works just a little bit better! David V. Bush

  133. Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, "It’s going to be a good day!" Lindsay Lohan

  134. Never despair, let come what will, think there are better days in store. Press on, press on, with courage bold, and never despair any more. Lillian E. Curtis

  135. For those combating rough winds on life's changeful strand. Open the heart and lend a hand.
  136. For those combating rough winds on life's changeful strand. Open the heart and lend a hand. Lillian E. Curtis

  137. In storm and in sunshine, whatever assail, you'll onward and conquer, and never say fail. Daniel C. Colesworthy

  138. My regrets from a heart of compassion and pain, if you've fled from the fray and will not try again. For the road's just as broad, just as smooth, just as bright in the beckoning future, if only you'll fight. David V. Bush

  139. The words you think, the words you say do make a difference not only to our own thinking but to those aroundv you. Catherine Pulsifer, Inspirational Words

  140. If your bright star is on the wane, cease not your task — plunge in again! Vict'ry will come through grief and pain - do not lose your pep! David V. Bush

  141. So do your work and play your game — play fair and hard all day; and let the townsmen wag their tongues, the gossips have their say....for in the end you'll beat them all — although you're oft kicked down! David V. Bush

  142. The gift we give without our love is worthless, dead, and cold - while gifts we give from out the heart are worth their weight in gold. Patience Strong

  143. Lift, and the load is easy; lean, and it seems too great; you should throw your force in the proper course if you want it to move the weight! David V. Bush

  144. Surround yourself with those who uplift...encouragement and support you will find - surround yourself with this kind! Catherine Pulsifer, Choice Is Yours

  145. The hills ahead look hard and steep and high and often we behold them with a sigh; but as we near them level grows the road... the climb is not so steep, the top so far, the hills ahead look harder than they are. Douglas Malloch

  146. My prayers shall first be upward sent for those dear friends of mine who lent Encouragement.
  147. My prayers shall first be upward sent for those dear friends of mine who lent Encouragement. Douglas Malloch

  148. There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, there are thousands to prophesy failure...just start in to sing as you tackle the thing that "cannot be done," and you’ll do it. Edgar A. Guest

  149. With doubt and dismay you are smitten you think there's no chance for you...for the best verse hasn't been rhymed yet, the best house hasn't been planned, the highest peak hasn't been climbed yet...for the Best jobs haven't been started, the Best work hasn't been done Berton Braley


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