12 Poems About Purpose

We all have a purpose in life. Let these poems give you thoughts about your purpose. May they encourage and inspire you to find your purpose and live it.

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  1. What's The Reason?
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    What's the reason you were born,
    To grow, and love, not to scorn?  
    You're here to make a difference,  
    There is a reason for your existence.  

    We each have a part to play,
    Find your purpose, you find your way.
    For life success that is the key
    With purpose a fuller life you will see.

  2. Days Be Understood
    Poet: Jane Taylor

    It seems that life is all a void,
    On selfish thoughts alone employed:
    That length of days is not a good,
    Unless their use be understood;
    While if good deeds one year engage,
    That may be longer than an age;
    But if a year in trifles go.
    Perhaps you 'd spend a thousand so.
    Time cannot stay to make us wise -
    We must improve it as it flies.

  3. God's Kin
    Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    There is no summit you may not attain,
    No purpose which you may not yet achieve,
    If you will wait serenely, and believe,
    Each seeming loss is but a step toward gain.

    Between the mountain tops lie vale and plain;
    Let nothing make you question, doubt, or grieve;
    Give only good, and good alone receive;
    As you welcome joy, so welcome pain.

    That which you most desire awaits your word;
    Throw wide the door and bid it enter in.
    Speak, and the strong vibrations shall be stirred;
    Speak, and above earth’s loud, unmeaning din
    Your silent declarations shall be heard.
    All things are possible to God’s own kin.

  4. Purpose Of Life, The Base?
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Purpose of life is never found in worldly things
    It's not about gold, wealth, or what status brings.
    It's not about the power to make our mark
    But more a quest to reach within our heart.  

    The purpose of life is to learn and grow
    Building character and a love that flows
    To others offer compassion, kindness and grace
    Is that the purpose of life, is that the base?

  5. More poems that reflect our purpose:

    Poems About Character

    Poems About Helping Others

    A Life Well Lived Poem

  6. Live With Purpose
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Though life can take many turns,
    Our paths are predetermined.
    No matter what people tell us,
    Our lives do really matter.

    Hear the truth that I shall speak -
    In God's eyes, each person is unique.
    We should strive to fight for our worth
    And live with purpose here on earth.

  7. Purpose
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    Not for the sake of the gold,
    Not for the sake of the fame,
    Not for the prize would I hold
    Any ambition or aim:
    I would be brave and be true
    Just for the good I can do.

    I would be useful on earth,
    Serving some purpose or cause.
    Doing some labor of worth,
    Giving no thought to applause.
    Thinking less of the gold or the fame
    Than the joy and the thrill of the game.

    Medals their brightness may lose,
    Fame be forgotten or fade.
    Any reward we may choose
    Leaves the account still unpaid.
    But little real happiness lies
    In fighting alone for a prize.

    Give me the thrill of the task.
    The joy of the battle and strife,
    Of being of use, and I'll ask
    No greater reward from this life.
    Better than fame or applause
    Is striving to further a cause.

  8. A Bigger Purpose
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    I am here for a bigger purpose,
    That I will seek and not recess,
    Thinking, pondering, and meditating day and night,
    Reflections, hopes, and visions of insight.

    Focusing my journey by faith strong and true,
    Choosing words of courage to give me the clue;  
    Bearing fruits in this life abounding with grace,
    Living my purpose within God's embrace.

  9. Life's Plans And Purpose Poet: Unkown Oh may each hour and moment bring A sweeter, fuller blossoming, And all life's plans and purpose tend Through patient work to perfect end.
    Life Journey Poems

  10. Have You Ever Asked
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Have you ever asked why we're here and why our paths are chosen?
    Maybe it's not just to wallow in what we've seen broken.
    Perhaps the things that define us, lend us real direction
    Are altruistic motivations and how we treat those around us.

    In helping others reach their dreams, we pave a road of joy,
    A path that goes beyond ourselves and brings us true employ
    Let go beyond our own desires and spread love and camaraderie,
    Maybe this is our purpose - to benefit others endlessly!

  11. Life Is A Journey
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Life is a journey, you must find the key
    To unlock the door that can set you free.
    The path to purpose will open your eyes
    Promising life with the grand prize!

    God has given us all gifts to help us on our way
    So don't wait until old age to find out, do it today.
    The guidance the Lord has provided, on that rely
    Then your true purpose in life you'll no longer deny.

  12. Be Quiet
    Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy

    Be quiet; don't murmur,
    Nor sink in the dust;
    The good day approaches,
    When onward you must:
    Your fears cast away,
    Be cheerful and gay;
    Look up and look on,
    Soon night will be gone.

    Be quiet: stop weeping,
    And keep a good heart,
    Each morning and evening,
    To take a fresh start.
    Within and about
    Keep a sharp lookout,
    That nothing betray
    Or block up your way.

    Be quiet, be earnest:
    A purpose so high
    Should give you true courage,
    Arid make you defy
    The storms that approach,
    And foes that encroach,
    To darken your skies,
    Or close Reason's eyes.

    Be quiet, be patient:
    The still are the sure;
    While others are grasping,
    The prize they secure.
    Blind haste and quick zeal
    To passion appeal,
    And raise a loud storm,
    But nothing perform.

    Be quiet; don't murmur:
    Work fairly and slow,
    And daily in wisdom
    And power you'll grow;
    Accomplish whatever
    In heart you endeavor:
    No honor comes late
    To the watchful who wait.

  13. Questions Linger
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Questions that linger in my mind,
    Seeking answers hard to find.
    How am I meant to understand
    This life and where I do stand?

    What is the point of all this strife
    And why do I question my own life?
    Is there a goal beyond sight,
    To bring understanding and delight?

    Questions linger in my mind
    With answers I know I have to find.
    I must look at my life and figure it out
    I'll live my life with purpose not doubt.

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Live your purpose, you will find yourself more contentent and happy with your life!

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