77 Opportunity Quotes

Be motivated by these opportunity quotes. Opportunities are presented to us at different times in our life. What we do with the opportunity is a choice. You may also be encouraged by our collection of opportunity poems .

Quotes    /    opportunity quotes

  1. Wherever you find yourself, every new day is an opportunity to tune in to your creative calling. Chase Jarvis, Creative Calling
    poems of encouragement

  2. Consider but this single day's demands, its dower of work, its wage of smiles and tears! So rich with opportunity it stands Edward A. Church, God And A Day
    Christian poems

  3. Opportunities are like gardens: if you tend to them, they will bloom. Catherine Puslifer
    Garden Poems

  4. "You have the opportunity to change the world, even if it's in a small way." Demond Jackson, The 101 Most Powerful Success Quotes for High Achievers
    Inspirational Poems

  5. "If we encounter problems, we can either succumb to it, or we can treat it as an opportunity to become stronger and to become better individuals. Winners would always treat their dilemmas as opportunities." Michael Lee
    motivational poems

  6. Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments and future goals.
  7. Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments and future goals. Kate Summers
    birthday poems

  8. We should be persistent and not give up so soon, a difficult challenge presents an opportunity to bloom. Catherine Pulsifer, Challenges We Face
    Don't Quit Poem

  9. Give it all you got and more - Look for opportunities and open the door Catherine Pulsifer, We Are Proud of You
    graduation poems

  10. Don't miss the opportunity of life's invite, with the thrill of literacy that ignites. Catherine Pulsifer, Literacy Ignites
    Poems About Reading

  11. Reading is an act of civilization; it’s one of the greatest acts of civilization because it takes the free raw material of the mind and builds castles of possibilities. Ben Okri
    poems about books

  12. Farewell to classes and hallways told...no more morning bell or forgotten locker key, but now our lives hold vast possibility. Catherine Pulsifer, Mixed Feelings
    Graduation Poems for High School

  13. See what others do not see, the opportunity in front of thee. Catherine Pulsifer, Opportunity In Front Of Thee
    Courage Poems

  14. Though it may not feel familiar at the start, New beginnings give us an opportunity to restart. Catherine Pulsifer, Opportunity To Restart
    Poems About New Beginnings

  15. With each day comes new opportunity, and gratitude fills our hearts with unity. Let's cherish this month and all it brings, for November truly is a time of beautiful things. Catherine Pulsifer, November's Chill
    Month Quotes

  16. We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. Edith Lovejoy Pierce
    new year poems

  17. A milestone achieved with enthusiasm and glee, it grants new opportunities for us to see. Catherine Pulsifer, A New Start
    Graduation Wishes For A Friend

  18. January's canvas, an opportunity, to craft a future with resolute unity. Catherine Pulsifer, Winter's Icy Reign
    January Poems

  19. Opportunity passes in the wind and gone, for those who wait until tomorrow comes along, Catherine Pulsifer, Time Can't Be Replaced
    Poems About Procrastination

  20. It might seem hard to stay positive after weeks or months of job seeking, but by doing what you can to keep your confidence high and yourself fulfilled with a sense of purpose, you'll be able to make it through until the right employment opportunity opens up. Dr. Silva Green, Future Proof Your Career
    positive poems

  21. Justice involves changing the distribution of power, resources and opportunities in the world.
  22. Justice involves changing the distribution of power, resources and opportunities in the world. Jacklyn C, War Against Ourselves
    poems about justice

  23. For opportunities lost will never return - regret, the price we painfully learn Catherine Pulsifer, 30 Days of April
    April Poems

  24. In life, we all experience conflict at one time or another with challenges we face or amidst turmoil but there exists in the conflict an opportunity for growth, resilience, understanding, and forgiveness. Catherine Pulsifer
    Poems About Conflict

  25. We count the hours, make each one count, seizing opportunities is paramount. Catherine Pulsifer, Embrace The Beauty
    February Poems

  26. Doing the best you can with the little opportunities that come along, will get you farther than idly wishing for the big chance that may never arrive. Unknown
    funny poems about life

  27. With literacy's key, doors open wide, opportunities beckon and dreams reside. Catherine Pulsifer, Education's Sanctuary
    Poems About Literacy

  28. With each day comes new opportunity, and gratitude fills our hearts with unity. Catherine Pulsifer, November's Chill
    November Poems

  29. Each milestone you reach will open a door, full of new possibilities and even more. Catherine Pulsifer, Keep Your Attitude Positive
    A New Chapter In Life Poem

  30. Continue to learn in the years ahead, for the future is full of opportunities to spread. Catherine Pulsifer, Today Is The Day
    Graduation Poems For Son

  31. Preparation for tomorrow, comes from hard work today. Catherine Pulsifer, Each and Every Day
    Poems About Work

  32. Father in Heaven...we thank Thee for our tasks; for our opportunities to work for Thee Frank W. Whippen
    prayer quotes

  33. View change as an opportunity, not as a threat.
  34. "View change as an opportunity, not as a threat." Catherine Pulsifer, Life is The Way It Is!
    positive quotes about change

  35. May you have new opportunities - may you have new goals ... be successful in every way. Catherine Pulsifer
    New Year Blessings

  36. View failure as an opportunity, take time to reassess, and then get back up! Catherine Pulsifer, Best Remedy
    Try Try Again Poem

  37. In each fumble and stumble lies a lesson untold, opportunities are there, waiting to unfold. Catherine Pulsifer, Mistakes And Blunders
    Poems About Education

  38. Opportunities don't happen. You create them. Chris Grosser
    Success Poem

  39. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Milton Berle
    determination quotes

  40. Interruptions can be viewed as sources of irritation or opportunities for service
  41. Interruptions can be viewed as sources of irritation or opportunities for service William Arthur Ward
    attitude quotes

  42. ‎Every opportunity missed is an opportunity for regret Karl Kloppenborg
    regret quotes

  43. Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you'll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke. Author Unknown
    Poetry About Words

  44. Ask for help. It gives someone an opportunity to feel great. Yvonne Oswald

  45. Also, with positivity and optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth. Ilya Alexi
    Quotes About Growth

  46. Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Richie Norton
    sunset quotes

  47. Opportunities are seldom labeled.
  48. Opportunities are seldom labeled. John A. Shedd
    success quotes

  49. You have two choices in life: you either see life as an array of abundant opportunity or as simply a time to exist. Mary S. Scotsburn
    encouragement quotes

  50. Taking chances on opportunities, even if they aren’t right for you, gives you a clearer picture of where you want to go with your life and career. Lauren Bush
    if poems

  51. opportunities I will conquer my obstacles and turn them into opportunities. Unknown, A Creed
    quotes about being yourself

  52. Your willpower teaches us that every mountain is an opportunity to touch the sky. Dan Bullock
    sky quotes

  53. Understand that each crisis in life contains an opportunity, and look for it!
  54. Understand that each crisis in life contains an opportunity, and look for it! Don McArt
    poems about life

  55. Life lessons that would be lost, if we never had any trouble? The opportunity to help others with what we learned, if we never had any trouble! Catherine Pulsifer, Lessons in Trouble
    Poems About Trouble

  56. Dark economic clouds are dissipating into an emerging blue sky of opportunity. Rick Perry
    quotes about clouds

  57. Take a chance and reach out to all the possibilities that await - you never know what opportunities may come your way! Catherine Pulsifer
    Birthday Poems To My Son

  58. If you hadn't been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn't have been lucky. Oprah Winfrey
    Quotes About Luck

  59. Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the Moon. Paul Brandt
    moon quotes

  60. Look for opportunities to make others smile - Do this every day not just once in a while
  61. Look for opportunities to make others smile - Do this every day not just once in a while Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Waste Your Days
    life is too short quotes

  62. Give your infant every possible opportunity to be perfect, and perfection will flower. Dale Hrabi
    quotes about babies

  63. Look at adversity as an opportunity to strengthen your identity. Catherine Pulsifer, Adversity Teaches
    adversity quotes

  64. December, a symphony of snowflakes, where each delicate note whispers of wonder and possibility. Author Unknown
    December Quotes

  65. Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. It’s an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day Norton Juster
    good morning poems

  66. No nation can hope - for prosperity so long as millions are denied opportunity.
  67. No nation can hope - for prosperity so long as millions are denied opportunity. Roy L. Smith, No Nation Can Hope
    poems about hope

  68. Today is yours, its richness and its chance and all it holds - its opportunities Unknown, Today Is Yours
    quotes about the future

  69. You hold the key to the future, great opportunities to explore, growth and joy ahead, opportunities that can't be ignored. Turning twenty one holds so many dreams - a lifetime of stories and endless possibilities. Catherine Pulsifer, Holds Many Dreams
    21st Birthday Poems

  70. Preparation for success enables you to take advantage of opportunities when they are available.
  71. Preparation for success enables you to take advantage of opportunities when they are available. Catherine Pulsifer, Preparation Equals Success
    adaptablity quotes

  72. Opportunities are like sunrises.
    If you wait too long, you miss them. William Arthur Ward
    sunrise poems

  73. The opportunities far outweigh the disappointments. Lailah Gifty Akita
    quotes on disappointment

  74. Tomorrow! It may bring a renewed attempt to solve old problems or a new opportunity to help my fellows.
  75. Tomorrow! It may bring a renewed attempt to solve old problems or a new opportunity to help my fellows. Author Unknown
    helping others quotes

  76. "Setting goals and taking action can result in less stress in your life. It prepares you for other opportunities. It gives you a focus on the future rather than being stuck where you are." Catherine Pulsifer, Words Without Actions
    goals quotes

  77. Good day, new year. Show me new entrances to life’s wide wonderlands, teach me new skills Catherine Baker, New Year's
    New Year's Resolutions Poems

  78. "Always remember that even during the hardest of times there are lessons to be learned, and through those lessons we have an opportunity to strengthen our spirit." Josh Hinds
    time quotes

  79. Money-saving opportunities abound for those who are able to see potential in unlikely objects.
  80. Money-saving opportunities abound for those who are able to see potential in unlikely objects. Cyndi Roberts
    money quotes

  81. "Reinforce your coping mechanisms by viewing change as an opportunity, not as a threat." Catherine Pulsifer, Life is The Way It Is
    stress quotes

  82. Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. Demosthenes
    Quotes About New Beginnings

  83. To win you find the opportunities - To lose you wait for the opportunity. Catherine Pulsifer, To Win or To Lose in Life
    quotes on winning

  84. Education is a right, not a privilege; it is an opportunity, not an entitlement. Arne Duncan
    Quotes About Education

  85. "Don't let challenges upset you or cause you stress. You can look at challenges as opportunities to do your best, or you can allow challenges to create stress in your life." Catherine Pulsifer, Does It Really Matter
    challenge quotes

  86. Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength.
  87. Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength. Betty Friedan
    poems on aging

  88. I am angry about policies that consistently favor the wealthy and powerful over average Americans, and insist that government has an important role in opening up opportunity to all. Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope
    angry quotes

  89. The best way for parents, as their child's first and most influential teachers, to think about the concept of discipline is to consider it an opportunity to teach your child self-restraint and impulse control. James L. Casale, Wise Up and Be the Solution
    children quotes

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