40 Quotes About New Beginnings

We all face new beginnings in our lives. It could be the start of a new year, a graduation, or a marriage. Let these quotes inspire you as you begin. You may also be inspired by our poems about new beginnings .

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  1. The only way to get rid of your past is to make a future out of it. God will waste nothing. Phillips Brooks
    Inspirational Poems

  2. A thousand times more good than I deserve God gives me every day. Celia Thaxter, Courage
    Christian Poems

  3. The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are. J. P. Morgan
    Poems of Encouragement

  4. The day is just beginning - a day for truly living as none of us is guaranteed tomorrow we will see. Catherine Pulsifer, A New Day
    Good Morning Poems

  5. Your first birthday was a beginning, and each new birthday is a chance to begin again, to start over, to take a new grip on life. Wilfred Peterson
    Birthday Poems

  6. This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will, I can waste it or use it for good
  7. This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will, I can waste it or use it for good Dr. Heartsill Wilson, A New Day
    A New Day Poem

  8. But a new beginning is upon us and forward will we march with knowledge and a purpose we will leave our mark. Unknown, The Last Day
    Graduation Poems

  9. A new year is a new beginning, 365 days lay ahead - you can look forward or be full of dread. Catherine Pulsifer, A New Year Is A New Beginning
    New Year New Beginnings Poems

  10. A new year can be a new beginning, filled with hopes, dreams, and goals. A time to look back on the past year, but also a time to look forward with hope and anticipation! Catherine Pulsifer
    New Year Poems

  11. January, the month of new beginnings, a time for repentance and forgiveness. Catherine Pulsifer, Open To God's Messages
    January Poems

  12. A bright shining future lies ahead - now new milestones for you to make. The start of a new chapter in life starts today Catherine Pulsifer, You Are Well On Your Way
    Graduation Poems For Daughter

  13. Each sunrise is new with splendour, each programme so well planned; each day holds forth its promise of life throughout the land. Greta Zwaan, Sunrise
    Sunrise Poems

  14. Though it's hard to bid adieu, with tears in our eyes, remember, dear one, new beginnings often arise. Catherine Pulsifer, Goodbyes Are Tough
    Goodbye Love Poems

  15. Forget me not, as we embark on new ways, for our friendship, like a flower, shall endure Catherine Pulsifer, Parting Ways
    Forget Me Not Poem

  16. January, the start of the year, could be considered a new beginning to set your goals and keep on living. Catherine Pulsifer, Months of The Year
    Month Poems

  17. This is not the end, but a new start, as you leave a new journey you will chart. Catherine Pulsifer, Time To Part Ways
    Goodbye Poems For A Friend

  18. At the beginning of a new year, we should give thanks for the year of life we just had, and pray for the upcoming year that may we be filled with God's presence and His purpose for our lives. Catherine Pulsifer
    New Year's Hymn

  19. A new year is beginning, we look forward to. Help us each day to be more like you, Jesus. Catherine Pulsifer, Thank Thee Lord Jesus
    Religious New Years Poems

  20. So ask yourself where you want to go, then create goals that will get you there.
  21. So ask yourself where you want to go, then create goals that will get you there. Julie Hebert, One Question
    Poems About Goals

  22. Go slowly if it helps and build a path one step at a time Catherine Pulsifer, Fear And Doubt
    Poems About Fear

  23. The farewell is bittersweet, for it marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Author Unknown
    Goodbye Quotes

  24. Each day brings new beginnings to help us grow and no matter what happens, these stories will always show Catherine Pulsifer, Memories Of Time
    Poems About Memories

  25. A new year, is it the end, or is it a new beginning. Does our life just blend or is it winning? Catherine Pulsifer, An Awesome Year
    Poems About Winning

  26. A new beginning, but also a good-bye. Unknown, Never Forget
    Graduation Poems for High School

  27. With each dawn, a promise of a new start, we'll nurture our dreams, let them paint our art. Catherine Pulsifer, February's Inspiration
    February Poems

  28. I'm done being frightened, it's time to face the facts. Moving on to a new chapter, I will move forward and not look back. Julie Hebert, Frightening Life Changes
    Poems About Life Changes

  29. You may feel graduation is the end but let me tell you this friend it is only the beginning. Catherine Pulsifer, Only The Beginning
    Graduation Sayings

  30. A season ends and a new one begins don't lose your smile or your grin with a positive attitude with you - you will find success in all you do
  31. A season ends and a new one begins don't lose your smile or your grin with a positive attitude with you - you will find success in all you do. Catherine Pulsifer, Seasons of Life
    Attitude Poems

  32. Laughter fills days, love unfolds like May, new beginnings thrive in a June wedding day.
    Wedding Poems

  33. Let April's gentle rains wash away sorrows, leaving room for new beginnings. Catherine Pulsifer
    April Quotes

  34. In the tranquil embrace of March, as winter bids farewell, new beginnings unfurl like delicate snowflakes. Let the beauty of this season's transition inspire you to embrace change and discover the possibilities that await. Author Unknown
    March Quotes

  35. January beckons us to shed the old skin and embrace the transformative power of new beginnings. Embrace this month with open arms, for it holds the key to unlocking a world of endless possibilities. Emily Johnson
    January Quotes

  36. September's breeze carries the promise of a fresh start. Author Unknown
    September Quotes

  37. August teaches us that even in the midst of endings, there is the promise of new beginnings. Author Unknown
    August Quotes

  38. Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. Ralph Blum
    Encouragement Quotes

  39. o matter what your new beginning is your attitude toward it will always determine your success! Catherine Pulsifer
    Attitude Quotes

  40. As a graduate remember the hard work you put in, and let it continue as a new chapter in life begins. Catherine Pulsiifer, Milestone of Your Graduation
    Graduation Poems From Parents

  41. A new chapter is about to begin, Congratulations on your accomplishment! Julie Hebert, Great Endings And New Beginnings
    A New Chapter In Life Poem

  42. A chance to start anew ...May the New Year be filled with blessings and love. Catherine Pulsifer
    New Years Blessings

  43. Why is it that so many, many people view difficult situations as a roadblock or the end of the road? Is it because they are ill-equipped to handle issues really well or is it because they do not think of the situation as a new beginning, or as a teacher of life skills? Maybe, it is a bit of both. Catherine Pulsifer
    Difficult Situation

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