57 Rain Quotes

Be inspired by these rain quotes. There are times when we hate to see the rain and other times where rain is a welcome relief.

Our lives sometimes reflect the rain and the sun, good times being the sunshine and difficult times being the rain. But always remember the sun always shines after a rain storm! We hope these quotes give you thoughts to think about rain. You may find more thoughts on rain in these poems about rain.

Quotes    /   rain quotes

  1. Refreshingly descends the rain, But some dislike the wet; whether you find it joy or pain, is as your heart is set. David V. Bush, No Bad Weather
    Inspirational Poems

  2. And every tiny drop of rain which falls in gentle shower, and then in mist ascends again tells of His wondrous power. Maria J Dodge, God's Power
    Christian Poems

  3. The heavy clouds may be raining, but with evening comes the light
  4. The heavy clouds may be raining, but with evening comes the light S. K. Phillips, We Shall Be Satisfied
    Poems of Encouragement

  5. Life is a blending of sunshine and showers Lillian E Curtis, Sunshine And Shadow
    Train Of Life Poem

  6. Happiness is taking a walk in the garden under bright sunshine soon after rain. Author Unknown
    Garden Poems

  7. Good morning to you, may your day be full - may sunshine throughout your day rule. May any rain that falls be short-lived. Catherine Pulsifer, May Your Day Be Full
    Good Morning Poems

  8. I watched a little sailing boat....It plunged its way ahead- through wind and spray and driving rain towards the harbour light Patience Strong, Sailing Boat
    Keep Going Poem

  9. Sow some seeds, inside a pot or in a plot ...they drink the sunshine, they eat the rain Catherine Pulsifer, The Process of Growth
    Funny Garden Poems

  10. Good, kindly Mother Nature...her rains upon all creatures fall. Edgar A. Guest, Mother Nature
    Nature Poems

  11. I saw God wash the world last night with His sweet showers on high, and then, when morning came, I saw Him hang it out to dry. William L. Stidger, I Saw God Wash The World
    God's Garden Poem

  12. Into each life some rain must fall - some days must be dark and dreary.
  13. Into each life some rain must fall - some days must be dark and dreary. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Rainy Day
    Poems About Hope

  14. Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book. Bill Patterson
    Book Quotes

  15. But the morning dew must fall, and the sun and summer rain must do their part, and perform it all over and over again. Josephine Pollard, Over And Over Again
    Poems on Life Lessons

  16. No matter how hard the rain may pour, with Mother around we weather each storm. Catherine Pulsfier, Like A Tree
    A Mother's Love Poem

  17. My garden grows with rain and sun, a careful touch and lots of fun. Catherine Pulsifer, My Garden Grows
    Poem How Does Your Garden Grow

  18. Showing kindness is like the rainbow appearing after a rain storm. Catherine Pulsifer
    Kindness Poems

  19. The first rainbow to appear was brilliant and so clear - it was God's promise of no more rain Catherine Pulsifer, When You See A Rainbow
    Rainbow Poems

  20. Daisies standing in the rain, hold their heads together, but they never once complain of the drenching weather.
    Annette Wynne, Daisies Standing in the Rain
    Poems About Daisies

  21. After the rain, the rainbow appears. And in life, after the tears the smiles appear. Nothing last forever. Catherine Pulsifer
    Rainbow Quotes

  22. ... the brightest and warmest sunshine comes after the rain is gone.
  23. ... the brightest and warmest sunshine comes after the rain is gone. Clara McAlister Brooks, Life's Mystery
    LIfe Is Good Poems

  24. If the heart be true and the love be strong; for the mist, if it comes, and the weeping rain will be changed by the love into sunshine again. George MacDonald, Right And Wrong
    Short Love Poems

  25. Complaints are like the clouds that produce no rain no matter how thick they gather. Israelmore Ayivor
    Quotes About Clouds

  26. Be thankful for the rain that falls and for snow that make snowballs. Catherine Pulsifer, The Little Things
    Be Thankful Poems

  27. Raindrops sparkle on the blade with dew, in the grass for me 'n you. Catherine Pulsifer, The Grass Is Home To ...
    Poems about Grass and Lawns

  28. A rainy day seems so dark and gray but remember the sun will follow bringing color to your day. Kate Summers
    Quotes About Color

  29. Whoever makes a garden has never worked alone; the rain has always found it, the sun has always known Douglas Malloch, Who Makes A Garden
    Plant Your Own Garden Poem

  30. Oh, friend, for some such day of cheer and rain, books, and the dear companionship of you! Theodosia Garrison, This Is My Dream
    Poems About Books

  31. The dust lay over everything. The roadsides powdered grey, we watched for clouds to bring us rain for weeks, day after day. Lucy P. Scott, After Drought
    Summer Poems

  32. How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, in the broad and fiery street, in the narrow lane
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, How Beautiful Is The Rain

  33. If it weren't for the rain, we'd all live in a desert - with no trees, grass or flowers, just dirt and prickly cactus. Julie Hebert, Look For The Upside Of Life
    Living Life Poem

  34. Which is the wind that brings the rain? The East Wind, and farmers know Unknown, What The Wind Brings
    Poems About The Wind

  35. It may rain again tomorrow, it may rain - but say, ain't it fine today?
  36. It may rain again tomorrow, it may rain - but say, ain't it fine today? Douglas Malloch, Today
    A Life Well Lived Poem

  37. A life built on the sands of celebrity can be wrecked by the rains of reverses. William Arthur Ward, A Life Built
    Poems About Life

  38. And what if rain shall fall today and you with grief are sad; be grateful that you can recall the joys that you have had. Edgar A. Guest, Be Grateful
    Gratitude Poems

  39. April showers nourish both the earth and the dreams within our hearts. Catherine Pulsifer
    April Quotes

  40. God sendeth sun, he sendeth showers; alike they're needful for the flower S. F. Adams, Thy Will Be Done
    Poems About God

  41. For the gladness of the sunshine for the dropping of the rain, for the springtide's bloom of promise Agnes Maule Machar, A Thanksgiving Hymn
    Thanksgiving Poems

  42. Listening to this tapping sound of the rain pouring to the ground and the wind playing with the last leaves at will Zivan Vujcic, Autumn
    Autumn Poems

  43. And when the sun shines after the rain, it's lovely to look down - upon the coloured roofs below, lit by the sun's bright ray
    Patience Strong, Roofs

  44. But I would not worry, if I were you...The rain will cease and the sky grow blue, and God to your heart will kindly send His message of love S. B. McManus, He Knoweth Your Need
    Poems About Worry

  45. With such a comrade, such a friend, I fain would walk till journeys end, through summer sunshine, winter rain Henry VanDyke
    A Mile With Me

  46. God hath not promised sun without rain
  47. God hath not promised sun without rain Annie Johnson Flint, What God Hath Promised
    The Promises Of God

  48. Yes work while the sun shines, that is the way, for to-morrow may be a rainy day David J. Cable
    Make Hay While The Sun Shines

  49. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. An Irish Blessing
    Saying Goodbye Poem

  50. If all the skies were sunshine, our faces would be fain to feel once more upon them the cooling splash of rain. Henry VanDyke
    If All The Skies

  51. Rain or shine, blue sky or gray, joy and sorrow sharing hand in hand along the way we'll go bravely faring. Edgar A. Guest, Hand In Hand
    Wedding Poems

  52. The little, smoky vapors produce the drops of rain S. W. Irvin, A Little Sonnet About Little Things
    Little Things Poems

  53. Though it rains like the rain....and the clouds are forbidding and thick. You can make the sun shine in your soul, little man — do something for somebody, quick. Unknown, Do Something
    How to Live Your Best Life

  54. Look hopefully up to the skies, for sunshine will come after rain.
  55. Look hopefully up to the skies, for sunshine will come after rain. John Imrie, Life's Brighter Side
    Easy Poems to Understand

  56. Still green and fragrant thro' the Summer rain, when freer airs are thrilled with light perfumes. Dora Read Goodale, Sweet Brier
    Rose Poems

  57. The day you get to retire - a day which we all aspire - you don't need to worry about rain inside you can remain Catherine Pulsifer, Hard To Believe
    Retirement Poems

  58. Hot July brings cooling showers, apricots and gilliflowers Sara Coleridge, The Months
    Month Poems

  59. Though rains descend and loud winds call, this happy house shall never fall. Henry VanDyke

  60. You love the roses - so do I. I wish the sky would rain down roses, as they rain George Eliot, Roses
    Easy Poems to Memorize

  61. We thank Thee, Lord, for sunshine bright...for soft white snow and rains that fall. Janie Mohanna, We Thank Thee, Lord
    Thanksgiving Prayers

  62. What to earth are sun and rain? Never was a kind word wasted; never was one said in vain.
  63. What to earth are sun and rain? Never was a kind word wasted; never was one said in vain. M. T., Loving Words
    Kind Words Are Like Honey

  64. Who made thee flowers? Not the sun, rain or sod. Nor man's vital powers - but the quiet thought of God.
    Wilhelmina Stitch, Whence Came The Flowers

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