20 Rainbow Poems

Let these rainbow poems give you hope, remind you of God's promises, and inspire you. The brilliance of a rainbow can be awesome to see. It is the one thing people often stop and stare at. But it is also a reminder that good things do happen after a storm; not just in the weather storms but also in the storms of life!

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  1. When You See A Rainbow
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    When you see a rainbow
    The colors they do show
    They blend together so
    Some even seem to glow.

    The first rainbow to appear
    Was brilliant and so clear
    It was God's promise of no more rain
    A promise that still remains.

    God's promises hold true
    To this day they continue.
    So when a rainbow you do see
    Thank God and happy be!

  2. Christian poems
    Christian Poems

  3. Rainbows Bring Hope
    Poet: Sarah Hale

    Oh, what marvel in the sky appears!
    A rainbow can take away fears.
    After the storm, a shining band,
    Symbol of hope, across the land.

    In vibrant hues, it lights the way,
    Promising a better day.
    Cheers erupt and hearts ignite,
    Rainbows bring hope so bright.

  4. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
    Rainbow Quotes

  5. A Promise
    Poet: Unknown

    A rainbow is a promise of:
    sunshine after rain
    calm after storms
    joy after sadness
    peace after pain
    love after loss.

  6. Red, Yellow, Green And Blue
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Red, yellow, green, and blue
    Across the sky, they give a clue
    Sometimes turquoise and purple
    Sometimes single and maybe a double.

    They make us stop and pause with awe
    The beauty of them drops our jaw
    How brilliant is the sky
    The beauty we can't deny.

    And at the end of the rainbow
    We would like to follow
    To see if there is a pot of gold
    That is what we have been told.

    Be thankful for the beauty of the sky
    Rainbows and the clouds that float by
    Take a moment, stop and look
    It can change your outlook!

  7. Attitude Poems
    Attitude Poems

  8. My Heart Leaps Up
    Poet: William Wordsworth

    My heart leaps up when I behold
    A rainbow in the sky:
    So was it when my life began;
    So is it now I am a man;
    So be it when I shall grow old,
    Or let me die!
    The Child is father of the Man;
    And I could wish my days to be
    Bound each to each by natural piety.

  9. Money Cannot Buy
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    I never fail to be inspired
    By the rainbow colors in the sky
    They slowly do appear
    Then their brilliance becomes so clear.

    The simple things in life can be inspiring
    If we just stop and start pondering
    Money, riches can not buy
    A single rainbow in the sky!

  10. Poems about The Sky
    Poems About The Sky

  11. Inspired
    by Matthew Williamson

    I’m continually inspired by nature, and
    The rainbow is one of nature’s greatest optical phenomenon.
    The sighting of a rainbow never fails
    To bring a smile to people’s faces.
    They signify optimism and positivity:
    With them comes the sunshine after the rain.

  12. When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars.
    Poems About Stars

  13. Dark Clouds
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Think of your life and your darkest days
    Nothing seems to work out, in any way
    But there is always hope, we should not doubt
    Say a prayer rather than pout.

    When you see a rainbow realize the clouds before
    Were dark ones and wet ones with no open door.
    But then the rainbow appears and our hopes seem to soar
    We know there is a God who loves us even more.

    Rainbows are a symbol of hope and love
    Sent to us from God above.
    He sent the rainbow so we could see
    Bad times will pass like the wind in the tree.

    Encouraging us with hope and cheer
    Realizing that God thinks of us as dear.
    Look at that rainbow in the sky
    Give thanks and know that God is nearby!

  14. poems about God
    Poems About God

  15. The Rainbow
    Poet: Vine Colby

    Whose doorway was it, in the sordid street,
    That gave us shelter from the sudden rain, -
    Two vagrant sparrows on a dripping branch,
    Waiting a moment to spread wing again?

    The beggar children danced through pavement pook
    Barefoot and joyous, splashing at their will;
    The rain washed green that dusty sycamore
    And straws swirled wildly down the gutter's rill.

    Fast-breathing from the run, our hands still clasped.
    We leaned out laughing, shaking free our hair
    Of dewy drops, while still the clouds poured down
    A freshness that made heavenly the air.

    Then we both saw, above the sodden world.
    The Rainbow like a miracle appear,
    And you said, whispering, " Oh, kiss me once
    Before it fades! " - Kiss me then quickly, Dear!"

    One warm sweet touch of lips - then forth we went
    Oblivious of all the rain and wet.
    To-day I saw a rainbow after rain. . . .
    My heart remembered then - does yours forget?

  16. You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.
    Poems Of Encouragement

  17. The Rainbows
    Poet: James Baldwin

    Out of water, clear and white,
    Who has built a bridge so bright?
    Light the fairy arches rise,
    Tinted with their glowing dyes—
    Gold and red and azure blue,
    Like the sunset’s rarest hue.

    Right against the dusky sky
    Shines the path-way, fair and high,
    From the valley, cool and green,
    Where the floating mists are seen,
    To the mountain far away
    In the distance, dim and gray.

    Busy fancies, strange and sweet,
    Throng the bridge with fairy feet,
    Crossing to the wondrous land
     There the cloudy castles stand;
    Till the gray mists slowly fall
    Like a curtain over all!

  18. Time For Rainbows
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    If you are looking for a pot of gold
    You could end up working until you are very old
    But you would be missing the joys of life and perhaps feel some sorrow
    As you must make time to see the colors in the rainbow.

    Life goes by so very fast,
    No matter what we do it will not last.
    The same is true of the rainbow colors for
    They disappear and you see them no more.

    So work hard but also allow
    Time for the little things that give you a wow.
    Rainbows can be seen by those who
    Focus on living a life with balance, that's true!

  19. poems about life
    Poems About Life

  20. Promise
    Poet: Unknown

    There is a rainbow in the sky,
    Upon the arch where tempests trod;
    God wrote it ere the world was dry
    It is the autograph of God.

  21. Wilt thou not ope thy heart to know What rainbows teach, Aand sunsets show? Ralph Waldo Emerson

  22. Trace The Rainbow Through The Rain
    Poet: George Matheson

    Love that wilt not let me go,
    I rest my weary soul in Thee;
    I give Thee back the life I owe,
    That in Thine ocean depths its flow
    May richer, fuller be.

    O Light that followest all my way,
    I yield my flickering torch to Thee;
    My heart restores its borrowed ray,
    That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day
    May brighter, fairer be.

    O Joy that seekest me through pain,
    I cannot close my heart to Thee;
    I trace the rainbow through the rain,
    And feel the promise is not vain
    That morn shall tearless be.

  23. poems about rain
    Poems About Rain

  24. The Rainbow
    by Emilie Poulsson

    Magical, magical weather
    When sunshine and rain meet together!
    They weave of the drops and the radiance soft
    A glorious rainbow that arches aloft,
    A rainbow whose wonderful colors amaze,
    A shimmering rainbow that fades as we gaze.

  25. Poems About Colors
    Poems About Colors

  26. Look For Rainbows
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Yellow, blue, orange, and red
    Are the colors overhead
    When after the rain does end
    A rainbow God does send.

    In your life look for the rainbows
    No matter the challenges and lows
    They are there waiting for you
    Keep moving forward, don't be blue.

    Storms we all face
    But keeping moving with grace
    You will see your rainbow appear
    The storm will be over and the sky will clear.

  27. the oak tree poem
    The Oak Tree Poem

  28. The Rainbow
    Poet: Unknown

    I sometimes have thought in my loneliest hours,
    That lie on my heart like the dew on the flowers,
    Of a ramble I took one bright afternoon,
    When my heart was as light as a blossom in June.
    The green earth was moist with the late fallen showers;
    The breeze fluttered down and blew open the flowers;
    While a single white cloud to its haven of rest,
    On the white wing of peace floated off in the west

    As I threw back my tresses to catch the cool breeze
    That scattered the raindrops and dimpled the seas,
    Far up the blue sky a fair rainbow unrolled
    Its soft-tinted pinions of purple and gold.
    'Twas born in a moment, yet, quick as its birth,
    It has stretched to the uttermost ends of the earth;
    And, fair as an angel, it floated all free,
    With a wing on the earth and a wing on the sea.

    How calm was the ocean! how gentle its swell!
    Like a woman's soft bosom, it rose and it fell;
    While its light sparkling waves, stealing laughingly o'er,
    When they saw the fair rainbow, knelt down to the shore.
    No sweet hymn ascended, no murmur of prayer,
    Yet I felt that the spirit of worship was there,
    And bent my young head in devotion and love
    'Neath the form of the angel that floated above.

    How wide was the sweep of its beautiful wings!
    How boundless its circle! how radiant its rings!
    If I looked on the sky, 'twas suspended in air;
    If I looked on the ocean, the rainbow was there;
    Thus forming a girdle as brilliant and whole
    As the thoughts of the rainbow that circled my soul;
    Like the wing of the Deity, calmly unfurled,
    It bent from the cloud, and encircled the world.

    There are moments, I think, when the spirit receives
    Whole volumes of thought on its unwritten leaves;
    When the folds of the heart in a moment unclose,
    Like the innermost leaves from the heart of a rose;
    And thus, when the rainbow had passed from the sky,
    The thoughts it awoke were too deep to pass by;
    It left my full soul like the wing- of a dove,
    And fluttering with pleasure, and fluttering with love.

    I know that each moment of rapture or pain
    But shortens the links in life's mystical chain;
    I know that my form, like that bow from the wave,
    May pass from the earth and lie cold in the grave;
    Yet oh! when death's shadows my bosom uncloud,
    When I shrink from the thought of the coffin and shroud,
    May Hope, like the rainbow, my spirit unfold
    In her beautiful pinions of purple and gold.

  29. The Rainbow
    Poet: Lillian E. Curtis

    Oh, what a glorious sight it is,
    When the sun is growing low,
    To look far down in the west
    And see the beauteous rainbow.

    I love to look at the rainbow
    Not merely because it is pretty to see,
    But because it reminds me of God s promise
    And all He has been to me.

    At any time I love to see the rainbow,
    But I think it by far a prettier sight,
    And love to gaze at it longer
    When 'tis growing nearly night.

    It reminds me of something cheerful
    The beautiful, beautiful rainbow;
    And what a pretty sight it is
    Just at night, when the sun is low.

    Other subjects, than this, to write upon,
    To me far easier seem,
    And of this one I should not have thought,
    But, for my mothers dream.

  30. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain
    Positive Attitude Poems

  31. The Place Where The Rainbow Ends
    Poet: Paul Laurence Dunbar

    There’s a fabulous story
    Full of splendor and glory,
    That Arabian legends transcends;
    Of the wealth without measure,
    The coffers of treasure,
    At the place where the rainbow ends.

    Oh, many have sought it,
    And all would have bought it,
    With the blood we so recklessly spend;
    But none has uncovered,
    The gold, nor discovered
    The spot at the rainbow’s end.

    They have sought it in battle,
    And e’en where the rattle
    Of dice with man’s blasphemy blends;
    But howe’er persuasive,
    It still proves evasive,
    This place where the rainbow ends.

    I own for my pleasure,
    I yearn not for treasure,
    Though gold has a power it lends;
    And I have a notion,
    To find without motion,
    The place where the rainbow ends.

    The pot may hold pottage,
    The place be a cottage,
    That a humble contentment defends,
    Only joy fills its coffer,
    But spite of the scoffer,
    There’s the place where the rainbow ends.

    Where care shall be quiet,
    And love shall run riot,
    And I shall find wealth in my friends;
    Then truce to the story,
    Of riches and glory;
    There’s the place where the rainbow ends.

  32. The Rainbow
    Poet: Thomas Campbell

    Triumphal arch that fill'st the sky,
    When storms prepare to part,
    I ask not proud philosophy
    To teach me what thou art.

    Still seem, as to my childhood's sight,
    A mid-way station given
    For happy spirits to alight,
    Betwixt the earth and heaven.

  33. Beautiful Rainbow
    Poet: Sarah Hale

    O beautiful rainbow - all woven of light!
    There's not in thy tissue one shadow of night:
    Heaven surely is open when thou dost appear;
    And, bending above thee, the angels draw near
    And sing, - The rainbow! the rainbow!
    The smile of God is here.

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