Be inspired by these poems about daises, one of the simplest and beautiful flowers. A daisy is a flower that grows in the wild and is planted. Children often pick daisies for their Moms. And teenagers use daisies to tell of a love.
A bouquet of daisies is always beautiful to look at and add
a positive atmosphere to any room. May their be lots of daisies in your life!
I lift my heart as a spring lifts up
A yellow daisy to the rain;
My heart will be a lovely cup
Altho' it holds but pain.
For I shall learn from flower and leaf
That color every drop they hold,
To change the lifeless wine of grief
To living gold.
A Daisy
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I picked the daisy and did say
Does he love me in any way?
He loves me, he loves me not
This will put him on the spot.
A childish way to find true love
A daisy is a flower from above
So simple, its pedals of white
That seem to dance in the light.
Daisies are the flower of spring
And happiness they do bring.
We picked them as a child
We picked them as they grow wild.
Daisies are the flower of sunshine
They can make a garden look so fine
Dancing in the summer breeze
Symbolizing no more cold, no more freeze.
Daisies standing in the rain,
Hold their heads together,
But they never once complain
Of the drenching weather.
Daisies know the sun will dry
All their dripping laces;
They're far too wise to frown and sigh
And spoil their dainty faces.
Disk of bronze and ray of gold
Glimmering through the meadow grasses,
Burn less proudly! for behold,
Down the field my princess passes.
Hardly should I hold you fair —
Golden, gay, midsummer daisies,
But for her, the maiden rare.
Who, amid your starry mazes.
Makes you splendid with her praises.
Soft brown tresses, eyes of blue,
Is a heart beneath you waking?
Maiden here's a heart for you,
Fain were worthier of your taking.
Golden daisies, you have met
In a fairy ring around her —
Does she hear my footfall yet.
Wher, enchanted, you have bound her?
Hold her charmed, till we have crowned her!
Softly, blossoms, while she stands
In the sunny stillness dreaming, —
Softly hither, to my hands —
Wreathe for her a circlet gleaming!
Lights her face a shy, swift smile;
Flower-like head she slowly raises:
Was her heart mine all the while?
Blossoms, royal with her praises,
Crown my queen, ye golden daisies!
Be Like A Daisy
Poet: M. M. Dodge
I'd like to be a daisy
In the clover,
That I might look up bravely
At my lover.
What should I do, I wonder.
When he went?
Why, I would - like a daisy -
Be content.
The daisy follows soft the sun,
And when his golden walk is done,
Sits shyly at his feet.
He, waking, finds the flower near.
"Wherefore, marauder, art thou here?"
"Because, sir, love is sweet!"
We are the flower, Thou the sun!
Forgive us, if as days decline,
We nearer steal to Thee,
Enamoured of the parting west,
The peace, the flight, the amethyst,
Night's possibility!
Buttercups and daisies,
Oh, the pretty flowers;
Coming ere the spring time,
To tell of sunny hours,
While the trees are leafless,
While the fields are bare,
Buttercups and daisies
Spring up here and there.
Ere the snow-drop peepeth,
Ere the crocus bold,
Ere the early primrose
Opes its paly gold,
Somewhere on the sunny bank
Buttercups are bright;
Somewhere midst the frozen grass
Peeps the daisy white.
Little hardy flowers,
Like to children poor,
Playing in their sturdy health
By their mother's door.
Purple with the north-wind,
Yet alert and bold;
Fearing not, and caring not,
Though they be a-cold!
What to them is winter!
What are stormy showers!
Buttercups and daisies
Are these human flowers!
He who gave them hardships
And a life of care,
Gave them likewise hardy strength
And patient hearts to bear.