17 Poems About Worry

Let these poems about worry encourage you not to feel anxiety, fear, or distress. When you worry it solves nothing it will only elevate your stress levels. Worry accomplishes nothing at all it just robs you of happiness and peace. The Poets remind us not to worry or fret about things that we have no control over.

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  1. Take It Easy
    Poet: Unknown

    Do not worry, do not fret,
    Time will pass and we'll forget
    All the problems of the present
    In a future far more pleasant.

    Grief will go and joy will come;
    For you and I life's just begun.
    A smile of joy, a sigh of bliss
    To be sure we'll never miss

    With our head held high,
    And keep our eyes opened wide,
    We'll go along, taking things in stride
    And never let our courage die!

  2. The Captor Of Joy
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry, the captor of joy so dear,
    Binds us tightly with unforgiving fear.
    A thief that steals tomorrow's light,
    Leaving today hidden in shadows, out of sight.

    For it clings to our minds like a relentless tide,
    Preventing happiness from walking by our side.
    But as we embrace fretting over what may be,
    We forget the sweet solace of living worry-free.

  3. A Life Well Lived Poem
    A Life Well Lived Poem

  4. Shouldn't Worry So
    Poet: James Whitcomb Riley

    O heart of mine, we shouldn't
    Worry so!
    What we've missed of calm,
    We couldn't have you know!
    What we've met of stormy pain,
    And of sorrow's driving rain,
    We can better meet again,
    If it blow!

    For we know, not every morrow can be sad;
    So, forgetting all the sorrow
    We have had,
    Let us fold away our fears,
    And put by our childish tears,
    And through all the coming years,
    Just be glad.

  5. Worry
    Poet: C. E. Lund

    We may as well attempt to remove
    The spots from off the sun,
    Or change the flow of ocean's tide,
    And stop its daily run,
    As worry over what is past,
    Or what is not begun.

  6. funny poems
    Funny Poems

  7. In Worry's Grasp
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In worry's grasp, stress takes root,
    Anxiety thrives, a poisonous shoot.
    The burden heavy, the mind conforms,
    Neglecting health in these worrisome storms.

    Each breath tainted by endless strife,
    Marring wellness throughout the life.
    No solace found in worry's intrusion,
    Seek balance instead, free from illusion.

  8. Poems About Stress

  9. Not Work, But Worry
    Poet: Unknown

    It is not the work, but the worry.
    That wrinkles the smooth, fair face;
    That blends gray hair with the dusky
    And robs the form of its grace;
    That dims the luster and sparkle
    Of eyes that were once so bright.
    But now are heavy and troubled,
    With a weary, despondent light

    It is not the work, but the worry,
    That drives all sleep away;
    As we toss and turn and wonder
    About the cares of the day,
    Do we think of the hands' hard labor
    Or the steps of the tired feet?
    Ah, no! but we plan and ponder
    How both ends can be made to meet.

    It is not the work, but the worry,
    That makes us sober and sad;
    That makes us narrow and sordid
    When we should be merry and glad.
    There's a shadow before the sunlight,
    And even a cloud in the blue;
    The scent of the roses is tainted,
    The notes of the song are untrue.

    It is not the work, but the worry,
    That makes the world grow old;
    That numbers the years of its children
    Ere half the story is told;
    That weakens their faith in Heaven
    And the wisdom of God's great plan.
    Ah, 'tis not the work, but the worry,
    That breaks the heart of man!

  10. poems about work
    Poems About Work

  11. Restless Heart
    Poet: Edith Willis Linn

    Dear restless heart, be still; don't fret and worry so;
    God hath a thousand ways His love and help to show.
    Just trust, and trust, and trust, until His will you know.

    Dear restless heart, be still; for peace is God's own smile;
    His love can every wrong and sorrow reconcile;
    Just love, and love, and love, and calmly wait a while.

    Dear restless heart, be brave; don't moan and sorrow so;
    He hath a meaning kind in chilly winds that blow;
    Just hope, and hope, and hope, until you braver grow.

    Dear restless heart, be still; don't struggle to be free;
    God's life is in your life, to Him you may not flee;
    Just pray, and pray, and pray, till you have faith to see.

  12. Christian poems
    Christian Poems

  13. Never Happens
    by Sir John Lubbock

    We often distress ourselves greatly in the
    apprehension of misfortune which
    after all never happens at all.

    We should do our best, and wait calmly the result,
    We often hear of people breaking down from overwork;
    but in nine cases out of ten they are really
    suffering from worry or anxiety.

  14. Poems About Anxiety
    Poems About Anxiety

  15. He Is Rich
    by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    He only is rich who owns the day;
    And no one owns the day who
    Allows it to be invaded with
    Worry and fret and anxiety.

  16. just for today poems
    Just For Today Poems

  17. What's The Use
    Poet Unknown

    What's the use of always fretting
    At the trials we shall find
    Ever strewn along our pathway —
    Travel on, and never mind.

  18. Do Not Worry
    Poet: Charles F. Deems

    The world is wide
    In time and tide.
    And God is guide;
    Then do not hurry.
    That man is blest
    Who does his best
    And leaves the rest;
    Then do not worry.

  19. Somehow Or Other
    Poet: Unknown

    Life has a burden for every man's shoulder,
    None may escape from its trouble and care;
    Miss it in youth and 'twill come when we're older,
    And fit us as close as the garments we wear.

    Sorrow comes into our lives uninvited,
    Robbing our hearts of their treasures of song;
    Lovers grow cold, and friendships are slighted,
    Yet somehow or other we worry along.

    Every-day toil is an every-day blessing,
    Though poverty's cottage and crust we may share;
    Weak is the back on which burdens are pressing,
    But stout is the heart that is strengthened by prayer.

    Somehow or other the pathway grows brighter
    Just when we mourn there were none to befriend;
    Hope in the heart makes the burdens seem lighter,
    And somehow or other we get to the end.

  20. What's the use of always fretting
    Worry Quotes

  21. Do Not Look For Troubler
    Poet: Mark Gut Pearse

    Do not trouble trouble
    Till trouble troubles you.
    Do not look for trouble;
    Let trouble look for you.
    Do not borrow sorrow;
    You'll surely have your share.
    He who dreams of sorrow
    Will find that sorrow's there.

    Do not hurry worry
    By worrying lest it come.
    To flurry is to worry;
    'Twill miss you if you're mum.
    If care you've got to carry,
    Wait till it's at the door;
    For he who runs to meet it
    Takes up the load before.

    If minding- will not mend it,
    Then better not to mind;
    The best thing- is to end it —
    Just leave it all behind.
    Who feareth hath forsaken
    The heavenly Father's side;
    What He hath undertaken
    He surely will provide.

    The very birds reprove thee,
    With all their happy song;
    The very flowers teach thee,
    That fretting is a wrong.
    "Cheer up!" the sparrow chirpeth;
    "Thy Father feedeth me;
    Think how much more he careth,
    O lonely child, for thee!"

    "Fear not," the flowers whisper;
    "Since thus he hath arrayed
    The buttercups and daisy,
    How canst thou be afraid?"
    Then do not trouble trouble
    Till trouble troubles you;
    You'll only trouble trouble,
    And trouble others, too.

  22. poems about God
    Poems About God

  23. The End Will Tell
    Poet: B. L. Austin

    What if you've made mistakes in life?
    Don't hang your head in sorrow,
    But profit by the lesson learned,
    And better make tomorrow.

    There's no one who can boast of none,
    Philosopher or prophet.
    All you can do is to do your best;
    When you see you're wrong, then stop it.

    If you should find you're in a fault,
    And the devil keeps a grinding,
    Just shake him off and fix it up,
    And thank God for the finding.

    When others think they see your faults,
    Your soul enough to sink it,
    And you are sure you're in the right,
    Keep still and let them think it.

    Keep close to Jesus; let him break
    Each selfish band asunder.
    Some day the battle you will win
    While they look on with wonder.

    The battle is the Lord's, not yours;
    Then give him all the glory.
    Stand firm as steel and do not fear;
    He'll win it- — don't you worry.

    So trudge along though none may know
    Your worth or give you glory;
    To start out brisk don't win the race;
    The end will tell the story.

  24. The Empty Lives
    Poet: Unknown

    So many die that have not lived at all;
    It is as though they journeyed through the years
    Upon a path hedged by a gloomy wall
    Of other people's little frets and fears.
    Beyond the wall the joyous fields stretch out
    And there are little paths to lure the feet,
    But duty framed by others of their doubt
    Has made them feel the by-paths are not meet.

    To spend their days with friends they did not choose;
    They toil at tasks unfitted for their hands;
    They join the chorus of them that abuse
    The one who lives — because he understands;
    They sing the songs the others bid them sing.
    While in their souls are stifled marvel strains;
    They build and they destroy, they fetch and bring;
    They fume of petty losses and of gains.

    They count as truth the rote that they are told.
    They spurn as lies whatever they are bid;
    They ban as heretic the overbold
    The one who would uncover what is hid,
    And they succeed — they say they have success
    And call another careless, blind, and weak
    Who finds the joy they may not even guess,
    Who reaches goals they may not even

    What if some dazzling outburst of the light
    Should show them how supremely far they miss
    The core of life, the lasting truth and right?
    But Fate is kind, and does not deal them this.
    It is as though they plodded through dead years
    Upon a path hedged by a barren wall
    Of other people's little frets and fears —
    So many die, and have not lived at all.

  25. Poems About Fear

  26. He Knoweth Your Need
    Poet: S. B. McManus

    I would not worry, if I were you;
    The days will come, and the days will go,
    And anon the sky will be gray or blue,
    And the earth be covered with flowers or snow,
    The sun will shine or the rain will fall,
    But God stands over and under all.

    Some days will be dark, with scarcely a sign
    That God ever gave you a loving thought;
    And his face will be hid with his love benign,
    And your soul lie prone with a flght ill fought;
    And life will seem empty of every joy —
    A worthless bauble, a broken toy.

    But I would not worry, if I were you;
    It will all come right, pretty soon, depend;
    The rain will cease and the sky grow blue,
    And God to your heart will kindly send
    His message of love — and by and by
    You will wonder why you should be sad and cry.

    Bide close to the Father, let come what may;
    Reach out for his hand in rain or shine:
    He will turn your night into sweetest day
    And share his bounty of love divine.
    He never forgets for a single day;
    Why need, then, to fret and worry alway?

  27. A Sovereign Remedy
    Poet: John Kendrick Bangs

    When, tossing on my couch at night,
    Old Worry comes my rest to ruin,
    I stare at him with all my might
    And tell him that "There's nothin' doin'."

    "I'm very busy now," I say.
    "To put you off fills me with sorrow;
    But you must come some other day
    Say ten o'clock, perhaps, tomorrow?"

    I find that by this style of chaffing
    It isn't long before I'm laughing
    And when he sees my smiling lips
    Why then, of course, old Worry skips.

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One last thought on the topic of worry:

Worry Table
by Author Unknown

Some careful observer of life has constructed a "Worry- Table." He has classified various types of worries, and through considerable research has determined which are the most popular among the large number of professional worriers:

1. Worry about disasters which, as later events proved, never happened — 40 percent.

2. Worry about decisions in the past that cannot be recalled or remedied — 30 percent.

2. Worry about possible sickness that never came — 12 percent.

4. Worries about children and friends — 10 percent.

5. Worries that have real foundation — 8 percent.

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