91 Birthday Quotes

Welcome to our collection of birthday quotes and sayings! May these short but heartfelt messages remind you to celebrate life to its fullest every day, not just on your birthday. Let these inspiring words uplift you on your special day and encourage you to spread the joy of celebration to those around you. Celebrate the moments, and cherish the memories on this special day.

Quotes    /    Birthday Quotes

  1. A birthday celebrated without friendship is like a garden without flowers. Victoria L. Adenson
    Birthday Poems

  2. No wise man ever wished to be younger. Jonathan Swift
    This quote expresses the idea that wisdom and life experience often lead individuals to value their current age and not wish to be younger. It implies that those who have gained knowledge and insight over the years understand the value of their accumulated experiences.  It emphasizes the notion that wisdom and age often go hand in hand and are more desirable than the fleeting attributes of youth.

  3. To me old age is 15 years older than I am.
  4. "To me old age is 15 years older than I am." Bernard M. Baruch
    70th Birthday Quotes

  5. "God schedules a birthday, not man." Robert A. Bradley
    This quote suggests that the timing of one's birth is predetermined or controlled by a higher power (God) rather than being within human control or planning. It emphasizes the idea that the occurrence of a person's birthday is part of God's timing not ours.

  6. Sixty seems like such a big number, almost like a time of slumber. But looking at you that will not be turning 60 and so happy. Catherine Pulsifer, Sixty Seems Like....
    60th Birthday Poems

  7. Oh, behold the sixtieth birthday year, full of grace, where dentures have replaced the dental brace. Don't worry about a steak or corn to chew, with new false teeth, you'll chew more than a few. Catherine Pulsifer, New False Teeth
    Funny 60th Birthday Poems

  8. May your day be full of blooms and the upcoming year be full of roses. Kate Summers
    75th Birthday Quotes

  9. O Hapless day! O wretched day! I hoped you'd pass me by-Alas, the years have sneaked away and all is changed but I! Eugene Field, Thirty-Nine
    Funny Poems About Aging

  10. 	The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
  11. The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. Rabindranath Tagore

  12. May love surround you, and blessings always stay near, have a spectacular birthday, filled with cheer. Catherine Pulsifer, Happy 40th Birthday
    40th Birthday Poems

  13. So another birthday comes around, my age, the number leaves me astound! Catherine Pulsifer, Time Keeps Moving On

  14. A special occasion for joy and cheer, your birthday marks another year! Catherine Pulsifer, Congratulations On This Milestone
    70th Birthday Poems

  15. With music, drinks, and friends en masse - your birthday smile is one to surpass Seventy-Five years, a long way, celebrate life and play! Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Seventy-Five
    75th Birthday Poems

  16. So on this birthday, I wish only the best don't let your age make you feel stressed. Celebrate and be happy for another year, for you in store. Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday Sister
    Birthday Poems for Sister
    This quote expresses a birthday wish for the person to embrace the best moments, not letting age cause stress. It encourages celebration and happiness, highlighting the anticipation of another year filled with positive experiences for the individual.

  17. Success and joy to always walk beside you - have the very best birthday, we wish you!! Catherine Pulsifer, Happy 21st Birthday Son
    21st Birthday Poems

  18. There is beauty in the celebration of birthdays, you're here to be blessed each and every day. Catherine Pulsifer, Beauty of Birthdays

  19. Don't let the wrinkles or gray hair get you down
    Don't give age a second care. Keep on smilin', no big frowns! Catherine Pulsifer, Your Age
    This quote would be suitable for a friend, family member, or anyone who needs a little boost in their confidence and outlook on getting older.

  20. The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. E. Joseph Cossman
    Birthday Poems for Wife

  21. Happy Birthday, my love - I thank God above for your love and who you are - in my life, you are a star. Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday My Love
    Birthday Love Poems

  22. A day of birthday celebration surrounded by family is a cherished blessing.
  23. A day of birthday celebration surrounded by family is a cherished blessing. Kate Summers

  24. A milestone reached, your 65th birthday shines, for decades, you’ve nurtured with love so pure Catherine Pulsifer, Beloved
    65th Birthday Poems

  25. Goodbye, dear friend, though distance does us part, on your birthday, a flame burns within my heart. Catherine Pulsifer, On Your Birthday

  26. In gardens green, where flowers bloom, birthdays come like a sweet perfume. Catherine Pulsifer, In Gardens Green

  27. Oh, Grandpa, we wish you a happy birthday to celebrate your life and to mark this day. Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday Grandpa
    Birthday Poems For Grandpa

  28. May your birthday be filled with sunshine and laughter, and may the coming year bring happiness ever after. Catherine Pulsifer, Your Special Day
    Happy Birthday Poems To My Love

  29. May your Birthday be blessed....May you blow out the candles and your age, just forget. Catherine Pulsifer
    Birthday Blessings

  30. Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday
  31. You can't celebrate your birthday without recognizing that this day was not demanded; it is instead a clear sign of how much you are loved and valued. Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday. B. C. Artworst

  32. By the time you’re 80 years old you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it. George Burns
    80th Birthday Poems

  33. It's your birthday, oh how we love, to shower you with gifts and hug. Catherine Pulsifer, Celebrate With Great Zest
    Holiday Poems

  34. ...on your birthday we give back to you - love and happiness for all you do. Catherine Pulsifer, Love From Your Kin
    Birthday Poems for Grandma

  35. Blow out the candles on the cake and a wish, you should make. Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday Dad
    Birthday Poems for Dad

  36. We are so thankful your birthday we can share. Catherine Pulsifer, Celebration
    Birthday Poems For Granddaughter

  37. I count my blessings you are our Mom and I thank God each day
    As you are special, like no other a very Happy Birthday I do say! Catherine Pulsifer, Count My Blessings
    Birthday Poems For Mom

  38. Happy Birthday is more than a phrase to me; it means that you are a special and unique person.
  39. Happy Birthday is more than a phrase to me; it means that you are a special and unique person. Freddy J. W. Parkes
    Birthday Celebration Poems

  40. Another birthday has come your way, another year older and a bit more gray. Catherine Pulsifer, Another Year Older
    Birthday Poems for Husband

  41. Happy birthday to a loving aunt so dear, whose compassion shines bright, year after year. Catherine Pulsifer, To My Aunt
    Birthday Poems for Aunt

  42. A cousin, a friend, family we are. Wishing you a Happy Birthday from afar. Kate Summers
    Cousin Birthday Poem

  43. So we take a moment and we pray for you, on this your birthday. May God be with you in all you do - we are so thankful for YOU! Catherine Pulsifer
    Religious Birthday Poems

  44. When the candles on your cake are lit It will be bright we will admit.
  45. Why did we get sunglasses for you? Well we know what is true.
    When the candles on your cake are lit It will be bright we will admit.
    Theodore Higgingsworth
    Funny Birthday Poems

  46. So be happy to see your birthday arrive you have another year and you're alive Catherine Pulsifer, Once a Year
    Famous Birthday Poems

  47. I'm done with counting life by years or temples turning gray. No man is old who wakes with joy to greet another day. Edgar A. Guest, Old Age
    Funny Birthday Poems About Old Age
    The quote expresses a desire to stop measuring their life solely based on the number of years that have passed or the visible signs of growing older.  Instead, it suggests that the true measure of youthfulness and vitality is one's attitude and enthusiasm for each new day. The quote highlights the idea that age is not defined by chronological years but by the joy and excitement one feels when starting a new day.  It encourages a positive and youthful outlook on life, regardless of one's age.

  48. On this birthday I pray you are blessed
    Because you my brother deserve the best.
    Byron Pulsifer, You Deserve The Best
    Happy Birthday To My Brother

  49. You, my friend, deserve the best
    May this birthday find you blessed! Catherine Pulsifer, Birthday Wishes
    Birthday Poem For Friend

  50. Today is your birthday, and there is something I must say, It's time to confess your age, as we all can see, you've gone grey.
  51. Today is your birthday, and there is something I must say,
    It's time to confess your age, as we all can see, you've gone grey. Catherine Pulsifer, Time To Fess Up
    Funny 40th Birthday Poems

  52. Age is a quality of mind: if your dreams you've left behind, if hope is cold....Then you are old. Edward Tuck, Age
    Turning 30 Poems

  53. With each birthday, the years tick by, time's relentless march, I cannot deny. Catherine Pulsifer, Each Birthday
    Grown-Up Poem

  54. Birthdays are not a time to feel stressed, they are a time of celebration! Catherine Pulsifer
    50th Birthday Poems

  55. The years have been good to you my friend
    But your age keeps climbing and seems to never end Catherine Pulsifer, Over The Hill?
    Funny Birthday Poems For Friends

  56. If I want to express my gratitude to you then all the words of this world seem not enough. You deserve something more than that. All I could tell you – happy birthday, mama. Sam Dawn, Happy Birthday Mom
    Birthday Poems For Mom

  57. The candles on your cake you blow The smile on your face just glows.
  58. The candles on your cake you blow
    The smile on your face just glows. Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday Baby Girl
    Happy Birthday Baby Girl or Boy

  59. Lo now four other act upon the stage, Childhood and Youth the Manly & Old age Anne Bradstreet
    The Four Ages Of Man Poem

  60. A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. Robert Frost

  61. Your birthday is not only a day to celebrate for you, it is a special day for me. Without you, I would never have known what true love is. Happy Birthday Robert Rivers

  62. A birthday can be compared to Thanksgving, in that you should count your blessings you have reached another year. Sam Fickinsen
    This quote draws a parallel between a birthday and Thanksgiving, suggesting that both occasions are moments for reflection and gratitude. Just as Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings and be thankful for the good things in your life, a birthday can also serve as a similar opportunity.

  63. Hoping your birthday is filled with laughter and the coming year is even better! Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday Sister In Law

  64. On this Birthday my wish for you is happiness and sunshine the whole year through Catherine Pulsifer

  65. A birthday reinforces the notion that each day is a new day; a day to be celebrated; a day to recount the many blessings that one has been given; and a day to understand again how precious each day remains. Robert Rivers

  66. Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.
  67. "Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time." Jean Paul Richter
    Time Quotes
    Just as feathers collectively make up the wings of a bird, birthdays collectively make up the course of a person's life. The quote suggests that each birthday is a marker, a reminder of the time that has passed and the experiences accumulated over the years. It encourages us to recognize and appreciate the value of each birthday 

  68. The vast riches of this world could never compare to the unconditional love you so generously share. Happy Birthday! Rosy Lee Anderson

  69. Happy 25th birthday to you, a milestone that's fresh and new. A time to reflect on the past, and look forward to the future vast. Catherine Pulsifer
    25th Birthday Poems
    This quote could be used for any milestone birthday, just change the 25th to whatever age the person is turning.

  70. Your 65th birthday, the mirror did show, a dome more naked than winters without snow. Catherine Pulsifer, The Naked Dome
    Funny 65th Birthday Poems

  71. Since only once we catch the year that doesn't mean a thing...come, let us journey on our way a year, good Thirty-Nine! Eugene Field, Thirty-Nine

  72. "No matter how often I tell people I'm thirty-nine some of them refuse to believe I'm that old." Jack Benny

  73. forty isn't fatal
  74. "Forty isn't fatal." Linda Evans

  75. "All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much." George Harrison

  76. You see our attitude plays a big part of whether we are young or just an old fart. Catherine Pulsifer, Some Complain
    Growing Old Poems

  77. "To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age." Thomas Bailey Aldrich
    This quote suggests that keeping one's heart "unwrinkled" is a metaphor for preserving a youthful and lively spirit even as the physical signs of aging may appear. The qualities mentioned in the quote – being hopeful, kindly, cheerful, and reverent – are all associated with a positive and optimistic outlook on life.  

  78. "My mother is going to have to stop lying about her age because pretty soon I'm going to be older than she is." Tripp Evans

  79. "You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake." Bob Hope

  80. One negative thought can leave you in dismay, One year older brings wisdom they say!
  81. One negative thought can leave you in dismay, One year older brings wisdom they say! Kate Summers, Wisdom They Say
    Birthday Poems to My Son

  82. "Forty's kind of like New Year's. It's an age to think about what you've done up till now, and what you ought to do in the future." Eric Berne
    40th Birthday Poems

  83. On this blessed day, your birthday's here, let joy and laughter fill the air. Catherine Pulsifer, Your Birthday's Here

  84. On your 55th birthday, you may get the chills, because every moment, a chance to fulfill. Years of wisdom, laughter and grace Catherine Pulsifer, A Smiling Face
    55th Birthday Poems

  85. Happy birthday to those born in January, a month that sparkles with the magic of winter. Like the glistening snowflakes, may your day be filled with unique beauty and may the year ahead bring you countless blessings.

  86. "Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated." Author Unknown
    This quote emphasizes that maturity is not solely determined by the number of years a person has lived (as indicated by birthdays) but is more related to the experiences they've gone through and the lessons they've learned from those experiences

  87. 	A birthday is a time to reflect on the year gone by, but to also set your goals for the upcoming year.
  88. A birthday is a time to reflect on the year gone by, but to also set your goals for the upcoming year. Catherine Pulsifer
    This quote reminds us that a birthday is a time for both looking back on the past year's experiences and accomplishments, and for planning and setting goals for the year ahead.

  89. My birthday’s come around again. Another year I can’t defend - my age has added one more score Catherine Pulsifer, A Race Of Time

  90. "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm... As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others." Audrey Hepburn

  91. New Year's Day is every man's birthday.
  92. "New Year's Day is every man's birthday." Charles Lamb

  93. At this time when I turn 50, because so there's many of my friends and family who didn't get to see 50-years-old, and so, I'm celebrating for them too. Reba McEntire
    Celebrate Quotes

  94. And so we, on this birthday thine, do with great gratitude incline to speak thy praise! Caleb Davis Bradlee, Birthday In Heaven
    In Loving Memory Poems

  95. Don't count your candles or think about the years
    Think about your blessings - don't let your birthday be a fear. Catherine Pulsifer, Years Go By
    Roses Are Red Birthday Poems
    This quote encourages a positive perspective on birthdays and aging. ​ In essence, it encourages a mindset of gratitude and happiness on your birthday, appreciating the present rather than worrying about the passage of time.

  96. 	Age doesn't matter,  unless your cheese.
  97. Age doesn't matter, unless your cheese. John Paul Getty
    This famous quote is a humorous play on words that suggests age is generally not significant or relevant unless you are talking about cheese. It's a lighthearted way to say that for most things in life, a person's age doesn't have a major impact or isn't a primary concern. The quote essentially humorously contrasts the importance of age, implying that while age doesn't matter for many things, it definitely does matter when it comes to the deliciousness of cheese.

  98. A birthday is a time to celebrate. You are the best, there is no debate! Kate Summers, A Happy Birthday

  99. At the grand birthday of fifty-five, it's no myth, in your heart and your hips, you still desire to dance the twist. Catherine Pulsifer, Dance The Twist?
    Funny 55th Birthday Poems

  100. Aging mean's you've lived, and birthdays mean one more.
    Have a happy birthday, as there is still so much to explore. Julie Hebert, Old Age
    This quote highlights that aging signifies a life lived, and each birthday marks another milestone in that journey. It encourages celebrating birthdays joyfully, recognizing the ongoing opportunities for exploration and growth in life.
    Poems On Aging

  101. The lessons you've learned in your travels on earth, To those who are younger can share of your worth.
  102. The lessons you've learned in your travels on earth,
    To those who are younger can share of your worth. Greta Zwaan, Age Is Beauty
    Middle Age Poems

  103. May God bless you with joy and peace,
    With love and grace that never cease.
    May sunshine follow all you do,
    Bringing light and warmth to you. Catherine Pulsifer
    Religious Birthday Wishes

  104. Do not sigh for the years gone by, but, rather thank our Heavenly Father Lillian Curtis
    To My Mother On Her Birthday

  105. Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It's all about the memories. Buddy Valastro
    This quote encourages us to appreciate the significance of cakes in celebrations, especially on birthdays. It underscores the idea that cakes are not just sweet treats but symbols of the special moments and memories associated with those celebrations. It encourages us to embrace the tradition of having a cake during these occasions because it helps create lasting memories. In essence, the quote is encouraging us to value the tradition of having cake during celebrations as a way to make those moments even more memorable and meaningful. It reminds us that it's not just about the cake itself but the joy, connections, and cherished memories that it represents and helps create.

  106. January Baby...you'll watch all nature turn to gold, and then when this bleak month returns, you'll have a cake, dear One-year-old, on which a little candle burns. Wilhelmina Stitch

More Quotes to Encourage and Inspire

Birthdays are not just for you to give thanks but also to express well wishes to those you love, to friends, and to your colleagues. There is always something special about receiving salutations for one's birthday; a day that can be cherished like no other. This is the day your mother felt pain but also love and joy. This is the day your father demonstrated through loving care that his family had grown.

Author Of Birthday Quotes
Catherine Pulsifer has compiled and written some of these birthday quotes. Over the years she has collected many quotes that add a positive thought on the topic of birthdays. We hope you have found one to suit the person or just as a reminder that birthdays are to be celebrated. You can read more about Catherine on our, about us page.

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