Life Quotes Page 3

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  1. Self-care isn’t about just five or maybe twenty minutes of ‘Me-time’ every day. It’s about creating a life in which you relish every moment of your existence. Ankita S., Self-Care
    Poems About Life

  2. To me life is, blessings abound. Beauty before us, the wondrous sounds Julie Hebert, Life Is...
    Life Is Good Poems

  3. ... some day you will be surprised to find that the truly great occasion of your life would have been overlooked had you not been keeping track of the small things. Maria Frink, Small Things
    opportunity poems

  4. "If you have a positive attitude you look for the good in life. But, if your attitude is a negative, your focus is on everything that is wrong in your life." Catherine Pulsifer, Life is The Way It Is
    positive thoughts

  5. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God. Phillips Brooks, Pray For
    devotion about prayer

  6. In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. Robert Frost
    fire and ice poem

  7. Every true mother anywhere, old or young, rich or poor, lives a life of sacrifice Judy, In Return
    Verses About Mothers

  8. Our little baby speaks not, save with her pleading eyes....yet many a holy lesson our baby teaches me Unknown
    The Little Things

  9. But if from life you take the best, and if in life you keep the zest...You are not old
  10. But if from life you take the best, and if in life you keep the zest...You are not old Edward Tuck, Age
    Turning 30 Poems

  11. When our work is done on earth may our belief in Jesus and our life be worth a place in heaven ... Catherine Pulsifer, We Can't Imagine
    God's Garden Poem

  12. In life, failure is a constant; there is and never will be any guarantee that failure is only something that happens to other people. Byron Pulsifer
    Try, Try Again

  13. "Don't keep sitting in the audience of your own life. It is time to become the star of your own show." Rosemary Peck
    Independence Quotes

  14. Our capable God holds the reigns of your life, but you make your destiny sure, He offers you all when you reach out to Him, a peace that will always endure. Greta Zwaan, Our Capable God
    God Will Provide

  15. When you consider life as a gift, it can give you a big lift. Catherine Pulsifer
    Baby Steps

  16. When some sorrow, like a mighty river, flows through your life with peace-destroying power...say to your heart each trying hour: "This, too, shall pass away." Lanta Wilson Smith, This Too, Shall Pass Away
    This Too Shall Pass Poems

  17. Life can be wonderful and grand, it just takes a few helpful hands.
    A great attitude also helps, you must be your biggest fans. Julie Hebert, Your Journey Through Life

  18. A life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing. Thomas A. Kempis
    a new day poem

  19. Heads that think and hearts that feel, hands that turn the busy wheel, make our life worth living here George W. Bungay, Heads, Hearts, And Hands
    a life well lived poem

  20. As we appreciate the smell and gloriousness of summer roses we should never forget that life still has thorns, but, these thorns only hide the splendor that is ours if only we see beyond the potholes of life. Byron Pulsifer

  21. Life is giv'n for noble ends, lofty thoughts and actions John Imrie

  22. There is a bond between friends that can last a lifetime. Even we when don't see them on a regular basis, when we do see them it is like we were never apart. Catherine Pulsifer
    Goodbye Poems For A Friend

  23.  ... a life devoid of love is a life filled with unhappiness.
  24. ... a life devoid of love is a life filled with unhappiness. Byron Pulsifer
    Love Is

  25. Life to me is all that I's the family I love, the people I speak of, it's a smile I receive on my way. Julie Hebert, Life To Me

  26. Life gives back what you give out - if you love others you will get it back without a doubt Catherine Pulsifer, A Little Loving

  27. Life is not lived but only once. Byron Pulsifer

  28. The tree is a symbol of life - good times and times of strife Kate Summers, Plant A Tree
    A Letter From Heaven

  29. May your life be like the day - more beautiful in the evening; like the summer - aglow with promise Unknown, May Your Life

  30. Life holds no measure to a new baby and the pleasure Catherine Pulsifer, Life Holds No Measure
    Welcome Baby

  31. Another little wave upon the sea of life, another soul to save amid its toil and strife Mrs. Lucy A. Akerman, The Baby
    Thankful For My Child

  32. Life has so many hidden woes, so many thorns for every rose; the "why" of things in our hearts would see, if I knew you and you knew me. Nixon Waterman

  33. Once you let go forward you move and you will find life will start to improve. Julie Hebert, Getting You Down
    letting go poem

  34. The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worth while,
    That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile Rolf Thelan, It's Worth A Million Dollars

  35. The effort to be always cheerful, kind, considerate, and gentle, no matter what wars may be rankling in the heart, has a great influence in transforming the life. Orison Swett Marden, Radiate Sunshine
    Spread Sunshine

  36. Yet other men whose lot in life was "down" from Fate 's worst stacking, go on with plucky gain through strife. David V. Bush

  37. My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done - leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets this evening sun.
  38. My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done - leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets this evening sun. Strickland Gillilan
    As I Go On My Way

  39. If life were always merry, our souls would seek relief, and rest from weary laughter in the quiet arms of grief. Henry VanDyke

  40. Don't ever let life pass you by. Life's too precious, to just standby. Julie Hebert, It Is Our Choice
    life choices

  41. If you will develop a daily self-feeding program from the Bible and allow yourself to be daily, hourly mentored by God’s Holy Spirit, your life will undergo an unprecedented change for the better. Wayne Cordeiro, The Divine Mentor
    mentor quotes

  42. The tempest of life is a fierce, howling blast, yet sweet, hidden joys it may bar Lillian E Curtis

  43. The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder Suzy Kassem
    Wonderful Things

  44. Give living its savour, I'd rather die daring than never to dare! Berton Braley
    The Joy Of Life

  45. There is simply no issue more important. Conservation is the preservation of human life on earth, and that, above all else, is worth fighting for. Rob Stewart
    Conservation Quotes

  46. The real challenge to effective sales is to be able to overcome the usual "no's" in order to get to the "yes's". The same thing applies to life, you have to keep going no matter what the obstacles you face! Byron Pulsifer
    Motivational Sales Quotes

  47. Life's countless blessings was to live at all!
    Phoebe Cary, Field Preaching

  48. Now, my son, is life for you, and I wish you joy of it - joy of power in all you do, deeper passion, better wit than I had who had enough Thomas MacDonagh, Wishes For My Son
    This Is Father's Day

  49. But life, like the flowers, hath changeable hours, and sunshine and show'r intervene John Imrie, A Bouquet Of Flowers

  50. I often think that drudgery is a blessing in disguise - I'm sorry for the people with no tasks in life Patience Strong

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