36 Mentor Quotes

Mentor quotes reveal the significant power and value of someone who is at the heart of our personal or professional development. Everyone could use a mentor but not all have one. Thus, within the following quotes on mentoring, coaching or advising comes the demonstrated worth that you may be able or willing to provide to a person you know whether that is a colleague, a relative or someone within an organization or club you belong to.

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  1. After twenty years of coaching leaders at all levels... I believe there are two universal things that ignite excellence within people: recognition of their uniqueness and acknowledgment that they matter. Gary Chapman, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
    Poems of Encouragement

  2. One of the best things you can do in life is to surround yourself with people who are better than you are. High-grade people. You will end up behaving more like them, and they, in turn, will get it back from you. Warren Buffet, in Getting There by Gillian Zoe Segal

  3. Guiding souls through the realm of books, mentors who teach with gentle looks. Catherine Pulsifer, Share Their Wisdom
    Poems About Literacy

  4. You will say goodbye to great friendships, and mentors alike. Start to make new friendships, and see life with new sight. Julie Hebert, Great Endings And New Beginnings

  5. We firmly believe in the power of mentors to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
  6. We firmly believe in the power of mentors to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Ivan Misner, The Networking Mentor
    Make A Difference Quotes

  7. Never say, "I can't," ....find some one who knows, and ask, till you have your lesson learn'd; never mind how hard the task; Never say it. Unknown, I Can't

  8. Be a role model - people are watching you even when you don't realize it. Be positive in all actions you take
    Catherine Pulsifer

  9. The most productive business leaders I coach recognize productivity is not about getting more things done; it’s about getting the right things done.
  10. The most productive business leaders I coach recognize productivity is not about getting more things done; it’s about getting the right things done. Michael Hyatt, Free to Focus

  11. Role models inspiring, never disenchanted, children's hearts and minds forever enchanted. Catherine Pulsifer, Within The Family's Embrace

  12. Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to. Wayne Rooney
    Dad Poems

  13. Grandpa - You have been a mentor and an advisor, a supporter and just one great guy. Catherine Pulsifer, My Anchor And My Rock
    Grandpa Poems

  14. We have many mentors in our life, like my Grandma, she taught, inspired, and encouraged me more than I could have ever learn in a book. Kate Summers
    Grandma Quotes

  15. When we are children, other people, typically our parents, guide us through our encounters with reality.
  16. When we are children, other people, typically our parents, guide us through our encounters with reality. Ray Dalio, Principles
    Children Quotes

  17. Mother - a special woman through and through, you are a role model, kind and true, Catherine Pulsifer, Roses Are Red
    Thank You Poems To Mom

  18. A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of us to show us how they did it. A mentor walks alongside us to show us what we can do. Author Unknown
    Encouragement Quotes

  19. Our Teacher and our Mentor your teachings we’ll always remember. Catherine Pulsifer, Our Teacher, Our Mentor
    Goodbye Poems For A Teacher

  20. ... we have found that the best advice we ever gave or received was given in less than a minute ... the guidance that really made a difference did not come in the form of long, complex theories—it came in short, meaningful insights. Ken Blanchard, One Minute Mentoring

  21. You can build a coaching habit, but only if you understand and use the proven mechanics of building and embedding new habits.
  22. You can build a coaching habit, but only if you understand and use the proven mechanics of building and embedding new habits. Michael Bungay Stanier, The Coaching Habit

  23. I remember the mentoring experiences of some teachers that I had, like a second term home room teacher in public school that really was very helpful to me. Sanford I. Weill
    Quotes About Schools

  24. And, if possible, it’s nice to have a mentor—someone further down the path than you are .... who can remind you that your persistence will pay off.
  25. And, if possible, it’s nice to have a mentor—someone further down the path than you are .... who can remind you that your persistence will pay off. Jordon Rosenfeld, A Writer's Guide To Persistence

  26. A core function of both developmental coaching and developmental mentoring is that they help people with the quality of their thinking about issues that are important to them. David Clutterbuck, Powerful questions for coaches and mentors
    Helping Others Quotes

  27. Dream big and find other like-minded individuals to mentor you along the way.
  28. Dream big and find other like-minded individuals to mentor you along the way. Drew Eubanks, Getting Results

  29. You can plan, you can study, but a mentor can give you more guidance and knowledge than all the planning and studying in the world. Sam Fickinsen

  30. Grandma, . . . you give encouragement and are a true life guide. Catherine Pulsifer, Wonderful Grandma

  31. Mentoring is that part of the leadership role that has learning (competence, proficiency, skill, know-how, wisdom) as its primary outcome. Chip R. Bell, Managers As Mentors
    Life Journey Quotes

  32. Who’s pulling for you? Who’s got your back? Who’s putting your hat in the ring? Odds are, this person is not a mentor but a sponsor.
  33. Who’s pulling for you? Who’s got your back? Who’s putting your hat in the ring? Odds are, this person is not a mentor but a sponsor. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor

  34. Graduation is more than just saying, goodbye to a classroom of books.
    It's leaving behind great friendships, and mentors who always left you hooked. Julie Hebert, We're Graduating

  35. Encouragement is God’s native tongue. But encouragement without change is like a bicycle with only one pedal. Our participation is required.
  36. Encouragement is God’s native tongue. But encouragement without change is like a bicycle with only one pedal. Our participation is required. Wayne Cordeiro, The Divine Mentor

  37. Misfortune helps us appreciate the true value of a mentor because it causes us to seek ideas from others to help learn how to keep “No" from happening the next time. Jeff Lehman, The Sales Manager's Mentor

  38. If you want to succeed as a mentor, first seek to understand yourself and others...Mentoring is who you are as much as what you do. John C. Maxwell, Mentor 101

  39. Great mentors extend the human activity of care beyond the bounds of the family. They see us in ways that we have not been seen before.
  40. Great mentors extend the human activity of care beyond the bounds of the family. They see us in ways that we have not been seen before. Lois J. Zachary, The Mentor's Guide
    Poems About Winning

  41. And when you have a big decision to make, you need all the love and support you can possibly get. The only place I know to find that for sure is in the presence of Jesus. Emily P. Freeman, The Next Right Thing

  42. In my life and career, I have seen all kinds of leaders, but the ones who have had the greatest positive impact on my life are the select few who have been not only leaders but also mentors.
  43. In my life and career, I have seen all kinds of leaders, but the ones who have had the greatest positive impact on my life are the select few who have been not only leaders but also mentors. Tony Dungy, The Mentor Leader

  44. Be a wonderful role model because you will be the window through which many children will see their future. Thomas Mckinnon
    Thank You Teacher Quotes

  45. Some of us have been very successful financially in business, and the next level of success is to move beyond our own interests to that of helping others. This helping can take the form of ... mentoring young hopefuls from disadvantaged backgrounds. Byron Pulsifer

  46. When selecting a mentor we must be aware of what it is we want from them.
  47. When selecting a mentor we must be aware of what it is we want from them. Russell Brand, Mentors
    Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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