20 Poems About The Bible

A collection of uplifting poems about the Bible. We hope these poems encourage you to pick up your Bible and read it. The Bible is a number of different books written over a period of hundreds of years. Many people throughout history have tried to destroy this book, however, the Bible continues to change the lives of millions of people. The Bible has been on the #1 bestseller list for so many years they have actually removed it from the bestseller list, as year over year, it is the number 1 book sold.

Many times when reading the Bible people do not understand it. It is important to understand the culture at the time before you can understand what is happening. There are many excellent study Bibles available today that can help you understand what you are reading. Remember the Bible was written over a thousand years ago so understanding the culture and the issues of the time will help you see the message more clearly.

And most importantly the Bible is the Word of God. The creator of the universe inspired people to create the book. It is one that you should read and discuss with others. We hope these poems may inspire you to pick up your Bible today.
By Catherine Pulsifer - Updated August 5, 2024

Christian Poems    /    Poems About The Bible

Table of Contents

    Inspirational Bible Poems

    Poems that uplift and encourage through reflections on faith, divine love, and spiritual hope.

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  1. See You In Heaven?
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Let me tell you a story
    About a man who came from glory.
    It happened long ago, more than 2000 years
    If you reflect upon this story it can calm your fears.

    Think about this I say
    How many books are around this day
    That we were written more than 1500 years ago
    It is one that should make you think so.

    A man sent from God above
    Sent to show His love
    And to show His people the way
    For those who have gone astray.

    You don't believe in God you say
    Well, that may seem okay
    But I ask a question of you
    What if He is true?

    Do you believe in the wind that blows
    You can't see it, so who knows
    You can feel the wind on your face
    The same is true of God, in any case.

    The same is true with God you know
    You can't see him but if you follow
    The teachings laid out in the Bible
    You will feel His love, like a disciple.

    This is a story about a man
    Who had a short lifespan
    But what he did with his time
    We couldn't imagine in our prime.

    What will happen when you die?
    Up to heaven do you think you will fly?
    God gives us all a choice
    And He gives us all a voice.

    Read the Bible - a great self-help book,
    Take some time and take a look.
    Investigate, discover with an open mind
    Don't close your mind and be blind.

    I want to see you in Heaven someday
    It will be a place we want to stay
    But to get there you must believe
    And Jesus you will receive.

  2. Every Day A Little
    Poet: Maria Frink

    Every day a little knowledge.
    One fact in a day.
    How small is one fact!
    Ten years pass by.
    Three thousand six hundred and fifty facts are not a small thing.

    Every day a little self-denial.
    A thing that is difficult to day will be an easy thing to do
    three hundred and sixty days hence,
    if each day it shall have been repeated.
    What power of self-mastery shall he enjoy who,
    looking to God for grace,
    seeks every day to practice the grace he prays for.

    Every day a little helpfulness.
    We live for the good of others,
    if our living is in any sense true living.
    It is not great deeds of kindness only in which the blessing is found.
    In little deeds of "kindness," repeated every day,
    we find true happiness.
    At home, at school, in the street,
    in the neighbor's house, on the playground,
    we shall find opportunity every day for usefulness.

    Every day a little look into the Bible.
    One chapter a day.
    What a treasure of Bible knowledge one may acquire in ten years.
    Every day a verse committed to memory.
    What a volume in twenty-five years!

  3. Related: Poems About God

    Poems on the Importance of the Bible

    Poems emphasizing the Bible's profound role in providing wisdom, guidance, and solace in life.

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  4. The Bible
    by John Quincy Adams

    The Bible is not to be read once,
    twice, or thrice through,
    and then laid aside,
    but to be read in small portions of
    one or two chapters, every day;
    and never to be intermitted,
    unless by some overruling necessity.
    In whatever light we regard the Bible,
    whether with reference to revelation,
    to history, or to morality,
    it is our invaluable and inexhaustible
    mine of knowledge and virtue.

  5. Holy Scripture
    Poet: Unknown

    Who has this Book and reads it not
    Doth God himself despise;
    Who reads but understandeth not,
    His soul in darkness lies.

    Who understands, but savors not,
    He finds no rest in trouble;
    Who savors but obeyeth not,
    He hath his judgment double.

    Who reads this Book, who understands,
    Doth savor and obey,
    His soul shall stand at God's right hand,
    In the great judgment-day.

  6. My Bible
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    And should my soul be torn with grief
    Upon my shelf I find
    A little volume, torn and thumbed,
    For comfort just designed.
    I take my little Bible down
    And read its pages o'er,
    And when I part from it I find
    I'm stronger than before.

  7. Read The Bible
    by Unknown Author

    If you have the Blues read the 27th Psalm.
    If your pocketbook is empty, read the 37th Psalm.
    If people seem unkind, read the 15th chapter of John.
    If you are discouraged about your work, read the 126 Psalm.
    If you are out of sorts read the 12th chapter of Hebrews.
    If you are losing confidence in men, read the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians.
    If you can’t have everything your own way, read the 3rd chapter of James.
    If you are impatient, sit down and quietly commune with Job.
    If you are strong-headed, read Moses and Peter.
    If you are weak-kneed, look at Elijah.
    If there is no song in your heart, listen to David.
    If you are a politician, read Daniel.
    If you are getting sordid, read Isaiah.
    If you are chilly, read the beloved Disciple.
    If your faith is low, read Paul.
    If you are getting lazy, watch lames.
    If you are losing sight of the future, read in Revelation of the promised land.

  8. Related: Poems about Faith

    Poems on God's Promises and Faithfulness

    Poems celebrating the unwavering promises and faithfulness of God throughout history.

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  9. Faithfulness Of God
    by C. H. Spurgeon

    It is the everlasting faithfulness of God
    that makes a Bible promise
    “exceeding great and precious."

    Human promises are often worthless.
    Many a broken promise has left a, broken heart.
    But since the world was made God has
    never broken a single promise made
    to one of His trusting children.

  10. I look upon the Bible as the book for the world, and I see its divine authorship as plainly as I see the authorship of God in the stars.

  11. Faith
    Poet: Maud Frazer Jackson

    What if I say -
    "The Bible is God's Holy Word,
    Complete, inspired, without a flaw" -
    But let its pages stay
    Unread from day to day,
    And fail to learn therefrom God's law;
    What if I go not there to seek
    The truth of which I glibly speak,
    For guidance on this earthly way, —
    Does it matter what I say?

    What if I say
    That Jesus Christ is Lord divine;
    Yet fellow-pilgrims can behold
    Naught of the Master's love in me,
    No grace of kindly sympathy?
    If I am of the Shepherd's fold,
    Then shall I know the Shepherd's voice
    And gladly make his way my choice.
    We are saved by faith, yet faith is one
    With life, like daylight and the sun.
    Unless they flower in our deeds,
    Dead, empty husks are all the creeds.
    To call Christ, Lord, but strive not to obey,
    Belies the homage that with words I pay.

  12. Related: God's Promises Poems

    Poems Reflecting on Truth and Wisdom

    Poems exploring the deeper truths and timeless wisdom found within Biblical teachings.

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  13. What Is Truth
    Poet: Chauncy Hare Townshend

    Oh, how we pine for truth! for something more
    Than husks of learning! How did ancient Greece
    Hang on the virtuous lips of Socrates,
    Turning from words more sounding to adore
    The wisdom that sent souls to their own store
    For knowledge. So let us our hearts release!

    'Tis time the jargon of the schools should cease, —
    Errors that rot Theology’s deep core,
    Lying at the base of things. Down, down must fall
    The glittering edifice, cemented much
    With blood, but baseless. At Truth’s simple touch
    All the vain fabric will be shattered, — all!

    But not the Bible! Nature there is stored,
    And God! Eternal is the Saviour’s Word!

  14. The Path That’s Just And True
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In ancient scripts of sacred lore,
    Lie truths profound, both rich and pure.
    Through parables and verses told,
    Timeless wisdom does unfold.

    From Genesis to Revelation’s end,
    Life's greatest lessons, comprehend.
    Faith and love, they intertwine,
    Guiding hearts through the divine.

    In Psalms and Proverbs, voices rise,
    Revealing truths that make us wise.
    Seek the path that’s just and true,
    Biblical light will see us through.

  15. Related: Trust In God Poems

    Poems on Returning to Biblical Teachings

    Poems encouraging a return to the core principles and teachings of the Bible amidst modern confusion.

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  16. Back To The Blessed Old Bible
    Poet: D. O. Teasley

    Back to the blessed old Bible;
    Back to the city of God;
    Back to the oneness of heaven;
    Back where the faithful have trod;
    Back from the land of confusion,
    Passing the wrecks and the creeds;
    Back to the light of the morning:
    Jesus our captain leads.

    Back to the blessed old Bible,
    Saints of Jehovah, rejoice;
    Jesus is calling his people
    Back to the land of their choice.
    Often our fathers have sought it
    "While we in Babel abode;
    Now we have found the fair city -
    Church of the living God.

    Back to the blessed old Bible,
    Leaving confusion and strife;
    Fleeing from Babel to Zion,
    Back to the joy of our life.
    Over the mountains we wandered.
    Looking in vain for the right;
    Now in the evening we've found it -
    Truth of the Gospel light.

    Back to the blessed old Bible;
    Back at the Master's call;
    Back to the words of our Savior,
    Loving, obeying them all;
    Never in sects to be scattered,
    Never again to do wrong:
    Unity, holiness, heaven,
    Ever shall be our song.

  17. In Days Of Doubt
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In modern days of doubt and haze,
    Where truth seems lost in fleeting craze,
    Return to scriptures, ancient, wise,
    Where clarity and hope arise.

    The world may change, its values sway,
    Yet Biblical truths endure, convey.
    Love thy neighbor, seek the just,
    In God’s word, place your trust.

    Amidst confusion, hearts may roam,
    But in His teachings, find your home.
    Return, renew, with faith ignite,
    In sacred text, reclaim the light.

  18. Related: Christian Poems Of Encouragement

    Poems on Guidance and Life Lessons

    Poems offering insights and direction on navigating life according to Biblical principles.

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  19. God's Chart
    by Henry Ward Beecher

    The Bible is God's chart for you to steer by,
    To Keep you from the bottom of the sea,
    And to show you where the harbour is,
    And how to reach it without running on rocks or bars.

  20. The Bible is God's chart for you to steer by

  21. We Are
    by Billy Graham

    We are the Bibles the world is reading;
    We are the creeds the world is needing;
    We are the sermons the world is heeding.

  22. Related: Quotes About The Bible

    Poems on the Books of the Bible

    Poems detailing the different books of the Bible and their significance in the Christian faith.

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  23. Books Of The Bible
    Poet: Unknown

    In Genesis the world was made;
    In Exodus the march is told;
    Leviticus contains the law;
    In Numbers are the tribes enrolled;
    In Deuteronomy again
    We're urged to keep God's law alone;
    And these five works of Moses make
    The oldest writings that are known.

    Brave Joshua to Canaan leads;
    In Judges oft the Jews rebel;
    We read of David's name in Ruth
    And First and Second Samuel;
    In First and Second Kings we read
    How bad the Hebrew state became;
    In First and Second Chronicles
    Another history of the same;
    In Ezra captive Jews return,
    And Nehemiah builds the wall;
    Queen Esther saves her race from death
    These books "historical" we call.

    In Job we read of patient faith;
    The Psalms are David's songs of praise
    The Proverbs are to make us wise;
    Ecclesiastes next portrays
    How fleeting earthly pleasures are;
    The Song of Solomon is all
    About the love of Christ: and these
    Five books "devotional" we call.

    Isaiah tells of Christ to come,
    While Jeremiah tells of woe,
    And in his Lamentations mourns
    The Holy City's overthrow;
    Ezekiel speaks of mysteries
    And Daniel foretells kings of old;
    Rosea calls men to repent;
    In Joel blessings are foretold;

    Amos tells of wrath, and Edom
    Obadiah's sent to warn;
    While Jonah shows that Christ should die,
    And Micah where he should be born.
    In Nahum, Nineveh is seen;
    In Habakkuk, Chaldea's guilt;
    In Zephaniah, Judah's sins;
    In Haggai, the temple built;
    Zechariah speaks of Christ,
    And Malachi, of John his sign:
    The "prophets" number seventeen,
    And all the books are thirty-nine.

    Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and John,
    Tell what Christ did in every place;
    Acts shows what the apostles did,
    And Romans how we're saved by grace;
    Corinthians instructs the church;
    Galatians shows of faith alone;
    Ephesians, true love; and in
    Philippians God's grace is shown;
    Colossians tells us more of Christ,
    And Thessalonians of the end;
    In Timothy and Titus both
    Are rules for pastors to attend;
    Philemon Christian friendship shows;
    Then Hebrews clearly tells how all
    The Jewish law prefigured Christ;
    And these Epistles are by Paul.

    James shows that faith by works must live,
    And Peter urges steadfastness,
    While John exhorts to Christian love,
    For those who have it God will bless;
    Jude shows the end of evil men,
    And Revelation tells of heaven:
    This ends the whole New Testament,
    And all the books are twenty-seven.

  24. In Genesis the world was made

  25. Sixty-six Books
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Sixty-six books, a sacred scroll,
    From Genesis to Revelation’s goal.
    Old Testament tales of faith and fall,
    Prophets, psalms, God’s guiding call.

    In New Testament's embrace, we find,
    The Gospel's light, Christ’s love defined.
    Acts and letters, wisdom's guide,
    Revealing truths the Spirit provides.

    From law to grace, each book a part,
    God's grand design, His loving heart.
    Through every page, His word unfurls,
    A guiding light for all the world.

  26. Related: Bible Verses

    Poems on How to Read and Understand the Bible

    Poems providing advice and reflections on effectively reading and interpreting the Bible.

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  27. How Readest Thou?
    Poet: Unknown

    It is one thing to read the Bible through,
    Another thing to read to learn and do;
    It is one thing to read it with delight,
    And quite another thing to read it right.
    Some read it with design to learn to read,
    But to the subject pay but little heed;
    Some read it as their duty once a week,
    But no instruction from the Bible seek;
    While others read it with but little care,
    With no regard to how they read, or where.

    Some read it as a history to know
    How people lived three thousand years ago;
    Some read to bring themselves into repute
    By showing others how they can dispute;
    While others read because their neighbors do,
    To see how long 'twill take to read it through.
    Some read it for the wonders that are there -
    How David killed a lion and a bear;
    While others read it with uncommon care,
    But all to find some contradiction there.

    Some read as though it did not speak to them,
    But to the people at Jerusalem;
    One reads it as a book of mysteries,
    And won't believe the very thing he sees;
    One reads with father's specs upon his head,
    And sees the thing just as his father did;
    Another reads through Campbell or through Scott,
    And thinks it means exactly what they thought.
    Some read to wrangle for their creed,
    Hence understand but little what they read;
    For every doctrine in the Book they bend
    To make it suit that all-important end.

    Some people read, as I have often thought,
    To teach the Book instead of being taught;
    And some there are who read it out of spite.
    I fear there are but few who read it right.
    So many people in these latter days
    Have read the Bible in so many ways
    That few can tell which system is the best,
    For every party contradicts the rest.
    But read it prayerfully, and you will see,
    Though men do contradict, God's words agree;
    For what the early Bible prophets wrote,
    We find that Christ and his apostles quote.
    So, trust no creed that trembles or offends
    At any word the blessed Bible sends.

  28. So, trust no creed that trembles or offends At any word the blessed Bible sends.

  29. Reading the Bible
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Open the pages with a humble heart,
    Seek wisdom, guidance, a brand new start.
    Begin with prayer, a moment of peace,
    Ask for clarity, let confusion cease.

    Understand the context, the times of old,
    Stories of faith, of courage bold.
    Interpret with care, with a thoughtful mind,
    Lessons of love, for all humankind.

    Cross-references help to see the thread,
    The message consistent, where'er it's spread.
    Reflect on the words, let them deeply sink,
    In moments of stillness, pause and think.

    Discuss with others, share insights bright,
    Together we grow, in truth and light.
    The Bible, a guide through life's winding road,
    A source of hope, a blessed abode.

  30. Related: Christian Poems Of Hope

    Poems Reflecting on the Value of Old Bibles

    Poems appreciating the cherished and worn copies of the Bible that have guided and comforted over time.

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  31. My Old Bible
    Poet: Edmund Pillifant

    Though the cover is worn,
    And the pages are torn,
    And though places bear traces of tears;
    Yet more precious than gold
    Is the Book, worn and old,
    That can shatter and scatter my fears.

    This old Book is my guide;
    'Tis a friend by my side;
    It will lighten and brighten my way;
    And each promise I find
    Soothes and gladdens my mind
    As I read it and heed it today.

    To this Book I will cling,
    Of its worth I will sing,
    Though great losses and crosses be mine
    For I can not despair,
    Though surrounded by care,
    While possessing this blessing Divine.

  32. This old Book is my guide; 'Tis a friend by my side

  33. Cherished Pages
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worn leather binding, pages faded and torn,
    This old Bible, with wisdom well-worn.
    In its margins, notes of heartfelt prayer,
    Guiding hands and hearts with tender care.

    Each crease and stain tells a story told,
    Of comfort found in words so bold.
    Generations passed, yet still it remains,
    A testament of faith, through joys and pains.

  34. Related: Christian Poems Of Comfort

    Famous Poems About The Bible

    Renowned poems that have made a significant impact through their reflections on and interpretations of the Bible.

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One last thought about the Bible said by James H. Ecob:
"How the Bible fills our hope, even overwhelms our hope, by its exceeding great and precious promises! Ought we not to bare our souls more continually to the kindling influences of God’s promises?  They never rise nor set, nor are clouded in. It is our privilege to take into the very fibres of our souls their unbounded warmth and hopefulness."

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions and answers related to the Bible and its poems.

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  • How can poetry enhance my understanding of the Bible?
    Poetry can enhance your understanding of the Bible by presenting familiar stories and themes in a new and vivid light, offering fresh perspectives and emotional depth.

  • How can I use Bible poems in my personal devotionals or church services?
    Bible poems can be used in personal devotionals by reading them during prayer or meditation. In church services, they can be included in sermons, readings, or as part of worship music.

  • What themes are commonly explored in Bible-related poetry?
    Common themes include faith, redemption, creation, divine love, human frailty, grace, and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • Can Bible poems be used for teaching children about scripture?
    Yes, Bible poems can be an engaging way to teach children about scripture by simplifying complex themes and making the stories more relatable and memorable.

  • What are some ways to write my own poem inspired by the Bible?
    To write your own poem inspired by the Bible, start by selecting a specific passage or theme, reflect on its meaning, and express your thoughts and emotions through imagery, metaphors, and rhythm. You can also draw parallels between the scripture and contemporary life.

  • Can Bible poems be used in greeting cards or special occasions?
    Yes, Bible poems can be used in greeting cards for special occasions such as baptisms, weddings, confirmations, and funerals to provide comfort, inspiration, and blessings.

  • Can I use Bible poems in my personal prayer or meditation practice?
    Yes, Bible poems can enhance personal prayer or meditation practices by providing reflective and inspirational verses that help you connect with your faith and deepen your spiritual experience.

  • Are there any copyright restrictions on these poems?

    Yes, all of our poems are copyrighted. However, if you wish to use one of our poems for personal use you have our permission and they are free to use. However, if the poems are for commercial use please contact us for guidelines and permission.

  • Can I submit a poem about the Bible to be published:
    Yes, see our submission guidelines, how to submit, and the review process on our submit a poem page.

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