The Bible

Let this poem, The Bible, by Lillian Curtis remind you that the greatest of the all words written will be found in the bible. Greater than any book ever written, its words have life.

Of all the books in the world, the Bible is the best seller year after year. You can read it and reread it and every time you will find something new. People often think of the Bible as never returning void, as Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) states: "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

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The Bible
by Lillian E. Curtis

We may love to read the brilliant novel,
Or of fashions the last display,
Or some grand and thrilling historic work
Of an ancient far off day.

But after the toil of the day is over,
We love the Bible best,
For, as we turn its sacred pages,
We find within them rest.

The novel will lose its charms,
Because it is not true,
The fashions will grow dull,
When they're no longer new.

Of the historic work we soon may tire,
But the Bible we know is true,
And ever, within its hallowed pages,
We find something new.

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Be inspired by this poem about how you are feeling or the type of person you are and what to read in the Bible:

Timely Advice
by Unknown Author

If you are impatient,
sit down quietly and talk with Job.

If you are just a little strong-'headed,
go and see Moses.

If you are getting weakkneed,
take a good look at Elijah.

If you are a policy man,
read Daniel.

If you are getting sordid,
spend awhile with Isaiah.

If you feel chilly,
get the beloved disciple to put his arms around you.

If your faith is below par,
read Paul.

If you are getting lazy,
watch James.

If you are losing sight of the future,
climb up the stairs of Revelation and
get a glimpse of the promised land.

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