The Christmas Star Poem
Discover poems that celebrate the Christmas star’s message of hope and love.
Find a Christmas star poem to remind you of the star that shone so brightly and continues to give us peace and hope today. May these poems encourage you and remind you of God's love for all.
The Christmas star that shone many years ago, continues to shine today through those who believe in Jesus.
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The Christmas Star Poem
Last updated December 31, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
Christmas Star
Poet; Unknown
A diamond shines no brighter
Than that lovely Christmas star.
It shines in all its brilliance;
It’s seen from near or far.
A symbol of the Christ child
As He lay upon the hay,
It tells to all the waiting world
A King was born that day.
O Bethlehem Star keep shining
Give us faith and hope and love,
Keep our thoughts forever turning
To the Savior up above.
Give us strength and hope and courage
To do our best by far
And never falter in our faith
As we watch that Christmas star.
The Star Still Shines
Poet: Marian L. Moore
The star which guided the shepherds
Still shines on our fellowman,
And joy reigns again in human hearts
As it did in Bethlehem.
The Christ Child offers His blessings
Onto all who dwell on earth,
And those who know and love Him
Share in His glorious birth.
May His love, down through the ages,
Glow as the star did then,
And the spirit of peace on earth, good will
Live in the hearts of men!
Christmas Poems about Jesus
Just Where I Am
Poet: Minnie Klemme
The stars are lovely things at night;
They light the hills and make them bright.
They lift the valley from its knees,
And make the plains as bright as these.
One star shines brighter than the rest;
It is the one I like the best.
It marks the place of Jesus' birth,
Of angel song and peace on earth.
Were I a shepherd, I would go
Down in the valley far below
And worship at a manger stall
In Bethlehem, the Lord of all.
Were I wise man from afar,
I, too, would follow that bright star;
But, as I only am a lamb,
I kneel to Him just where I am.
Stars Shining
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
When you look up at night
And see the stars shining bright
Be reminded of Jesus' birth
Who came and lived on earth.
He came to save us all
Without Him, we would fall.
The star that shone so bright that night
Brings the world hope and light.
Christmas Poems about Hope
The Star Of Bethlehem
Poet: Henry Kirke White
When marshall'd on the nightly plain,
The glittering host bestud the sky;
One Star alone, of all the train.
Can fix the sinner's wandering eye.
Hark! hark! to God the chorus breaks,
From every host, from every gem;
But one alone the Saviour speaks.
It is the Star of Bethlehem.
Once on the raging seas I rode,
The storm was loud — the night was dark,
The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd
The wind that toss'd my foundering bark.
Deep horror then my vitals froze.
Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem;
When suddenly a star arose.
It was the star of Bethlehem.
It was my guide, my light, my all;
It bade my dark forebodings cease,
And through the storm and danger's thrall
It led me to the port of peace.
Now, safely moor'd — my perils o'er —
I'll sing, first in night's diadem,
For ever, and for evermore,
The Star! — The Star of Bethlehem!
What Happened In Bethlehem
That Christmas Star
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
That Christmas star that shone
So many nights ago
Gives us hope and peace
It sets the world aglow.
So when you see
Bright stars in the sky
Let it remind you
To give thanks to God on High.
God sent his only Son
No gift could ever compare
This gift of love truly shows
Just how much God does care.
Brilliance In A Humble Scene
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Whispers of angels echo in the night,
Proclaiming peace on earth, a promise taking flight.
A Savior born to heal, to love, to redeem,
A Christmas star's brilliance in a humble scene.
In Bethlehem's embrace, a miracle unfolds,
As the Christmas star above its story told.
Embraced in love, this child so small,
God's greatest gift, a blessing for all.
Christmas Poems About Love
Radiance Bright
Poet: Anna George
In Bethlehem's Town long years ago
In a lowly manger bed
Was born the tiny Christ Child
Just as the scripture said.
There was no room in house or inn,
No one to welcome Him,
No lovely clothes or blanket warm,
No lights but lanterns dim.
But overhead the morning star
In wondrous radiance bright
Shone out to guide the shepherds,
As they traveled in the night,
And a host of heavenly angels
Loud hallelujahs sang;
With peace on earth, good will to men,
The earth and heavens rang.
The shepherds saw that brilliant star;
They heard the angels' song
And knew that night was born
The Christ for whom they'd waited long.
The wise men also saw and followed
The wondrous starlit way
That led to Bethlehem's manger
Wherein the Christ Child lay;
This is an old, old story
Of Christ the Saviour's birth,
The story of glad tidings-
Peace and good will on earth.
But ever new to us each day
On this glad Christmas morn
We lift our hearts in gratitude
That Christ the Lord was born.
The Shepherds and the Star
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Out in the fields, so quiet, so still,
Shepherds watched o'er the sheep at will.
Then came a light, so bright, so near,
Angels sang, "The Savior is here!"
"Follow the star," their message so clear,
A beacon of hope, no need for fear.
The shepherds hurried, hearts full of grace,
To see the child, the holy place.
In a humble manger, their journey found,
The Prince of Peace, where love abounds.
With awe and wonder, they knelt to pray,
Praising the Lord on that blessed day.
Christian Christmas Poems
Christmas Stars
Poet: Unknown
Merry Christmas time is here,
Bells are ringing sweet and clear,
Stars up in the blue appear,
At Merry Christmas time.
Sometimes when I look overhead,
I see a star that shines so red.
Is it a Christmas star?
As I am standing here below
I see my bright star twinkle so.
Is It a Christmas star?
I look up in the big sky, too,
To me my star looks small and blue.
Is it a Christmas star?
My star shines on a Christmas tree,
It is just as pretty as can be.
Stars of red and blue and gold,
Twinkle, twinkle as of old,
Shine o’er a happy world so bright,
For it is Merry Christmas night!
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