Short Family Quotes Page 2

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We ought to remember that the word friendship applies to relationships in the family quite as much as with outsiders. Sydney Smith, Love and Friendship
Famous Friendship Poems

Family and friends made you who you are - spend time with them, don't keep them afar. Catherine Pulsifer, Simple Things
Poems About Living A Simple Life

Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please, take care of your grandparents: love them and let them talk to your children!    Pope Francis
Quotes on Grandparents

Two little girls are better than one; two little boys can double the fun Mary Mapes Dodge, Mother's Darling
Welcome Baby

So here we all are, a family of three, now it's time to learn the ropes....You've made true to all of our hopes. Julie Hebert
Thankful For My Child

Every family has a Mr. Nobody who sneaks in and does things. Catherine Pulsifer
Mr Nobody Poem

I firmly believe that family is the building block of society and that our greatest fulfillment lies there.
I firmly believe that family is the building block of society and that our greatest fulfillment lies there. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families
I Believe Poems

You see money can be taken away and if that is all you have, you will be dismayed. The people in your life who care - who love you, money can't compare.    Catherine Pulsifer, The Root of All Evil?
Poems About Money

We thrive and survive on planet earth as a single human family. And one of our main responsibilities is to leave to successor generations a sustainable future. General Kofi A. Annan
Sustainability Quotes

"Have a daily ritual or habit that the entire family does together, be it a meal or time before bedtime or early in the morning. Manidipa Bhattacharyya, 50 Things to Know to Truly Engage With Your Child
Food For Thought

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Richard Bach
Adoption Poems

In some families, please is described as the magic word. In our house, however, it was sorry. Margaret Laurence
Apology Poems

A balance with your family and friends is also important. If you never spend time with them you will find it has an impact on your relationships Catherine Pulsifer
A Balanced Life

We do believe you are a miracle - You are part of our family circle Catherine Pulsifer, Our Baby
The Baby

There is nothing like an old fashioned Thanksgiving, friend and family gathered round, blessings that abound. Catherine Pulsifer
An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving

Christmas is the season of joy, of gift-giving, and of families united. Norman Vincent Peale
Christmas Joy

I wouldn't trade my family any day - the support and encouragement that you show is worth much more than you know. Catherine Pulsifer, Proud To Say
Message To My Family

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. 
 Joyce Brothers
When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. Joyce Brothers
Short Positive Quotes

God bless those tiny fairy-fashioned feet, little new baby Wilhelmina Stitch
To New Baby

I am your mother, though you may not be flesh of my flesh. Our love goes deeper still. Anne Campbell, To An Adopted Child
A Child

Our Father - God, His children - we, no matter where our birthplace family since the first of time! John Imrie
The Brotherhood Of Man

Riches in life are...friends and family give you more then all the things you could buy at a store. Catherine Pulsifer, Riches In Life
You Don't Have To Be Rich

A part of your family they will be, a pet loves more, you will see. They are an expression of love sent to us from above. Catherine Pulsifer, A Part Of Your Family
Faithful Friends

A Father Is . . . .a man who is dedicated to his family
A Father Is

To my mother, my inspiration,'ve never gone, always held on, kept our family together like glue. Julie Hebert, My Inspiration
Words For A Wonderful Mother

It seems like only yesterday you were born and became part of our family Catherine Pulsifer, For Baby Dear
Happy Birthday Baby Girl

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