Strength in Gratitude Poem
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Strength in Gratitude Poem
Updated January 15, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Life can be filled with challenges, but it’s through God’s love that we find the strength to carry on. In her poem Courage, Celia Thaxter reminds us of the power of faith, gratitude, and love. Her words encourage us to trust in God’s unwavering care and to see His blessings even in the midst of trials. This poem is a beautiful reflection of how love—both received and given—can bring light to our darkest days and inspire us to keep moving forward with hope.
Strength in Gratitude
Poet: Celia Thaxter
Because I hold it sinful to despond,
And will not let the bitterness of life
Blind me with burning tears, but look beyond
Its tumult and its strife;
Because I lift my head above the mist,
Where the sun shines and the broad breezes blow,
By every ray and every raindrop kissed
That God's love doth bestow;
Think you I find no bitterness at all?
No burden to be borne, like Christian's pack?
Think you there are no ready tears to fall
Because I keep them back?
Why should I hug life's ills with cold reserve,
To curse myself and all who love me? Nay!
A thousand times more good than I deserve
God gives me every day.
And each one of these rebellious tears
Kept bravely back, He makes a rainbow shine;
Grateful I take His slightest gift, no fears
Nor doubts are mine.
Dark skies must clear, and when the clouds are past,
One golden day redeems a weary year;
Patient I listen, sure that sweet at last
Will sound His voice of cheer.
Then vex me not with chiding. Let me be.
I must be glad and grateful to the end.
I grudge you not your cold and darkness, me
The powers of light befriend.
Key Messages from this poem:
Love Gives Us Strength to Endure
The poet reminds us that God's love provides the courage we need to face life's challenges. By focusing on
God's blessings and trusting in His care, we find the strength to rise above adversity.
Gratitude Is an Expression of Love
Through a heart full of gratitude, the poet demonstrates her love for God. She chooses to see His
hand in every moment, even the smallest gifts, showing us that love begins with thankfulness.
Love Brings Light Through Faith
Faith rooted in love shines brightly, even in the darkest of times. The poet’s refusal to despair shows how
trusting in God’s love can transform hardships into hope, illuminating a path forward.
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