Where is Happiness

The poem, Where Is Happiness, emphasizes happiness as a choice, rooted in gratitude and perspective.

Look no further than in your heart; it is how you feel and what you impart

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Updated January 2, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

We all search for happiness, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it really is? In her poem Where Is Happiness, Catherine Pulsifer shows us that it’s not about the things we own or the places we go. Instead, happiness comes from within - how we see the world, how we handle life’s challenges, and how much gratitude we show for the little things. Her words remind us that happiness is a choice we make every day.

Let this poem encourage you to look at your life with fresh eyes and discover the joy that’s already there.

Where Is Happiness

Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

A job, a car, a house, or two
Are they the things that bring happiness to you?
Where do I find this happiness thing?
Can someone to me it bring?

Does it mean I will laugh a lot?
Or, does it mean riches will never part
Is it a thing or just a feeling
Like being hot or absolutely freezing?

Where do I find this happiness?
They say it is like gold, so precious.
Look no further than in your heart
It is how you feel and what you impart.

You see if you are content with life
If you brush off the strife
And find joy in the little things
You will find happiness will sing.

Your attitude plays a role too
It is the lens you view life through
Is your focus on the positive
Or, do you only see the negative?

You choose with heart and mind
Whether you find happiness or whether you stay blind.
Open your eyes, count your blessings that surround
And you will find a happiness that compounds.

Key Messages from this poem:

  • Happiness Comes from Within, Not from Things
    This poem reminds us that true happiness isn’t tied to material possessions like a house, car, or job. While these can bring comfort, they don’t guarantee joy. Real happiness is something that comes from within - how you feel about yourself and your life.

  • Your Attitude Shapes Your Happiness
    The way you view life plays a big role in your happiness. If you focus on the positive, even in challenging times, you’ll find more reasons to smile. But if you dwell on the negative, happiness will seem out of reach. Choosing a positive perspective is key.

  • Gratitude Unlocks Lasting Joy
    The poem highlights the importance of counting your blessings. When you take time to appreciate the little things - a kind word, a sunny day, or a moment of peace - you’ll discover that happiness grows. Gratitude helps you see the good all around you, even in life’s struggles.

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Open your eyes, count your blessings that surround, and you will find a happiness that compounds.

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