Marriage Clashes

A lighthearted poem about marriage, showcasing love, humor, and overcoming everyday clashes.

Oh, the joy of married life, With its never-ending strife.

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Updated January 28, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Marriage is a journey filled with love, laughter, and, yes, even the occasional clash. In her poem Marriage Clashes, Catherine Pulsifer paints a lighthearted picture of the everyday quirks and disagreements that couples face. From debates over dishwasher etiquette to battles for grocery cupboard supremacy, the poem highlights the humor and heart in navigating life together. Yet, through it all, the message is clear—love triumphs over every little argument, and these moments become stepping stones to a stronger bond.

Marriage Clashes

Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

Oh, the joy of married life,
With its never-ending strife.
Habits clash, and tempers soar,
As we learn to share one chore.

The dishwasher, our nemesis,
Brings on its own set of stress.
To load the plates, should they face in?
Or outwards, for an easy spin?

I say, "Cutlery should be up!"
But you insist on having it down.
Oh, the battles we fight and fuss,
Over dishes, in this married truce.

Then there's the grocery cupboard fight,
Where organization is our might.
You want the snacks on the top shelf,
While I say veggies should be there, myself.

But, my dear, differences aside,
In each other's arms, we find our stride.
For every silly argument we face,
Is just another chance to embrace.

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