The Choices

An inspiring poem by William Arthur Ward that points out the choices we make affect the type of person we will become and what tomorrow will look like. We all have the ability to choose, and sometimes we make good choices and other times our choices are not the best. Let the verses in this poem remind you that the choice you make today will affect your tomorrow.

While you can let the wisdom of others influence your choices, don't be influenced by peer pressure or by following the crowd - you know in your heart what choices you should and should not make. And don't beat yourself up for making an incorrect choice, remember we all make mistakes - learn from it and move on. As my Mom use to say, "Make good choices today, you will be glad you did I say!"

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The Choices
Poet: William Arthur Ward

The choices we make each day of the week,
The paths that we take, the goals that we seek,
The kind of persons one day we will be
Is daily determined by you and me.

Each thought that we think, each word that we say
Affect our tomorrows in some strange way.
Each task that we finish, if it's well done,
Prepares us to tackle a bigger one.

For each of us has a talent or two,
A chance to make good on the jobs we do;
A measure of time to squander or use
Is given to us - it's our job to choose.

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Quotes and thoughts from the poem, The Choices:

"choices we make each day of the week"
William Arthur Ward

Do we realize how many choices we make in the run of a week? Each day we make thousands of choices, so of them are automatic, we do it without even thinking, others are more difficult. We should always be conscious of the choices we make and how it will affect our lives and the lives of the people around us. While some choices may seem automatic others will need some thought and consideration.

"The paths that we take, the goals that we seek, the kind of persons one day we will be"
William Arthur Ward

The choices, the goals we set all determine who we will be tomorrow. Are your choices and your goals resulting in the person that you want to be when you think of yourself in five years time?

"Each thought that we think, each word that we say affect our tomorrows in some strange way."
William Arthur Ward

These words are so true. How we think, whether positive or negative, has an effect on what tomorrow will bring. The words we say to ourselves and the words we say to others also impact our lives. Are the words and thoughts kind, are they encouraging? They do have an impact!

"Each task that we finish, if it's well done, prepares us to tackle a bigger one."
William Arthur Ward

Whether completing a task or a goal, we are then ready for the next one. The skills we learn may be skills that are transferable and prepare us for other things.

"A measure of time to squander or use is given to us - it's our job to choose."
William Arthur Ward

We all have the same amount of time each day. And we all have a choice of how to use our time. Some people wonder why others get ahead in life, but if you were to look into their lives you will see that they use their time wisely, they don't waste it. A key to success - making the most of your time each and every day.

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