42 Apology Quotes
To offer an apology means you accept responsibility and feel remorse. Find thoughts in these apology quotes to give you reasons to apologize.
Life is too short to stay upset and mad - say I am sorry.
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Apology Quotes
Never think words do not matter. What we say and sometimes more importantly how we say it can improve a situation or it can destroy a situation.
Catherine Pulsifer
apology poems
I'd rather apologize to you for not being who you want me to be than
apologize to God for not being who I should be.
Garrett McCoy

Things You Will Never Regret....Offering an apology that saves a friendship.
Unknown, Six Things You Will Never Forget
Friendship Poems
Saying "I’m sorry" is saying "I love you" with a wounded heart in one hand and your smothered pride in the other.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Short Love Poems
The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway.
Henry Boye
In life, we sometimes say things without thinking and we end up hurting the people we care the most for. Or we do something that we later regret. Show your remorse by saying I am sorry, ask the person for their forgiveness.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Life
You can't go back and change the past by doing this you're making mistakes last
Catherine Pulsifer, To Wish
Poems About Regret

An apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.
Margaret Lee Runbeck
Inspirational Poems
True remorse is never just a regret over consequence; it is a regret over motive.
Mignon McLaughlin
Apologies contribute to emotional healing, providing closure and allowing both parties to move forward.
Admit when you are wrong when you have made a mistake. And do it quickly.
Catherine Pulsifer
Sacrifice is at the heart of repentance. Without deeds, your apology is worthless.
Bryan Davis
Would "sorry" have made any difference? Does it ever? It’s just a word. One word against a thousand actions.
Sarah Ockler
Make A Difference Quotes

Don't let hurt or anger go on for a long time as the longer it goes on the harder it is for both sides.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Anger
We sometimes can be stubborn or we look to others for blame before we really accept what we have done. Step back and look at the situation, ask yourself what would you do, how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot!
Catherine Pulsifer
I feel like you don’t realize what it means to be a parent until you become a parent of your own. Then you feel this tremendous guilt and have this urge to apologize to your father. You just don’t realize what you’re doing to your parents in every aspect of life.
Max Greenfield
An apology is a statement of regret.
Marianne Clyde
Regret Quotes
Apologizing reflects empathy, as it acknowledges the impact of one's actions on others and expresses genuine regret.
The ability of a person to atone has always been the most remarkable of human features.
Leon Uris
Motivational Poems
You can always say sorry, But the real apology is when you hear the sadness in their voice and see the look in their eyes. And you realize that they have hurt themselves just as much.
Kid Cudi
Sad Poems
Any good apology has 3 parts:
1. I’m sorry
2. It’s my fault
3. What can I do to make it right?
Most people forget the third part.

Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth.
Jose N. Harris
In life one of the most important things you can learn is to say, "I am sorry". Offer your apology and show remorse - it is one of life's most important lessons!
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems On Life Lessons
But to hear an apology is a way of the parent saying: "It was not you, it was me.
Jack Stoltzfus
Smart people always say sorry, while the stupid ones just wait for the smart one to say sorry.
Funny Poems About Life
For the wrongs I've done, I deeply grieve, apologies I offer, hoping you'll receive.
Catherine Pulsifer, Sea Of Remorse
Poems About Guilt
I'm sorry you're angry" is not an apology.
Lisa Lutz
Offering an apology demonstrates accountability for one's actions, showing maturity and respect for others.
When we apologize we are also making a promise that we will not do this again. We are taking responsibility for what we have done, and acknowledging the wrong.
Byron Pulsifer

People can sense a sincere apology and a phony one. If you are just saying it for the sake of saying it then you might as well not say it!
Catherine Pulsifer
I have learned that sometimes "sorry" is not enough. Sometimes you actually have to change.
Claire London
Never put off repairing a relationship you value. If sorry needs to be said say it now. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to any of us.
Toni Sorenson
It’s not that "sorry" doesn’t mean anything; it just doesn't mean anything when some people say it. Don’t be one of those people.
Steve Maraboli
Never forget that sincere apologies build trust by showing that you value the relationship and are willing to take steps to make amends.
For my mistakes, I feel like I'm stuck. Oh why - sometimes I am such a big smuck!
Catherine Pulsifer, Oh Why
Don't let time pass by, don't wait until tomorrow say it today. Be sincere, from your heart in every way
Catherine Pulsifer, Rules For An Apology
When anger and bitterness overpower your goodness, you can neither apologize nor forgive.
Balroop Singh
Angry Quotes

Today - Apologize if you were wrong.
Unknown, Today
Never say I am sorry and then go on to give an excuse or a reason. That is a sure sign that you really don't mean the apology you are saying.
Catherine Pulsifer
Apologies help mend and strengthen relationships by acknowledging and addressing any harm or misunderstanding. Don't ruin a relationship by not apologizing when you should!
Regret for words and deeds of old, so swift our suffering that it holds; yet from regret can come relief, if apology will bring reprieve.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Past Is Done
Apologies are great, but they don’t really change anything. You know what does? Action.
Stella Young
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