The Actor

An inspiring poem about actors that applies not only to an actor or actress but can also be applied to our everyday lives in whatever we choose to do. We all influence other people by what we say and do and the Poet reinforces this thought in the verses of her poem. The third stanza discusses the role that we are each playing in life and how our actions affect those around us.

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The Actor
Poet:  Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Oh, man, with your wonderful dower,
Oh, woman, with genius and grace,
You can teach the whole world with your power,
If you are but worthy the place.
The stage is a force and a factor
In moulding the thought of the day,
If only the heart of the actor
Is high as the theme of the play.

No discourse or sermon can reach us
Through feeling to reason like you;
No author can stir us and teach us
With lessons as subtle and true.
Your words and your gestures obeying,
We weep or rejoice with your part,
And the player, behind all his playing,
He ought to be great as his art.

No matter what role you are giving,
No matter what skill you betray,
The everyday life you are living,
Is certain to colour the play.
The thoughts we call secret and hidden
Are creatures of malice, in fact;
They steal forth unseen and unbidden,
And permeate motive and act.

The genius that shines like a comet
Fills only one part of God's plan,
If the lesson the world derives from it
Is marred by the life of the man.
Be worthy your work if you love it;
The king should be fit for the crown;
Stand high as your art, or above it,
And make us look up and not down.

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Quotes from the Poem & our comments:

"The stage is a force and a factor  in moulding the thought of the day"
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The stage and the plays presented do have an impact on social thinking and understanding. But, also, our opinions that we express to those around us also molds and shapes others thoughts.
Positive Thoughts

"And the player, behind all his playing, he ought to be great as his art."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

We all need to strive to be great at what we do.
Motivational Quotes For Work

"No matter what skill you betray, the everyday life you are living, is certain to colour the play."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

It doesn't matter how good you are at your job or how strong your skills are, the way you live each and every day is perhaps more important!
Quotes To Live By

"Be worthy your work if you love it; the king should be fit for the crown"
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

No matter what type of job or career path you choose do it to the best of your ability. As the sayings goes, if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. Loving what you do also leads to being the best that you can be.
Loving What Do

"If the lesson the world derives from it is marred by the life of the man."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Let your life be one of making a positive influence which will help make the  world a better place. Don't let people look at how you lived and be negatively impacted by your life. We all have a purpose and that purpose
 should be one that helps not hinders, encourages not discourages.
Life Lessons

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