The Little Roads To Happiness

Are you looking for the road to happiness? If so, then read this inspiring poem by Wilhelmina Stitch to find where this road exists.

Perhaps one of the first questions you should ask before you read this poem is how do you define happiness? One definition of happiness is, "feeling or showing pleasure or contentment." So, another way to ask this question is, how are you feeling about your life? Are you content? When you awake in the morning, or, when you go to sleep at night, are your feelings ones' of happiness?

The first stanza of this poem points out that we can find happiness without looking too far. The poet points out that a quiet mind is much more of a contributing factor to happiness than is power, or wealth. Your state of mind determines whether you see the positive or you see the negative.

The second stanza points out that love and compassion are free to everyone if we, in turn, give it. The act of helping others can bring far more happiness to this world than anything else we can do.

And thirdly, the last stanza points out that no matter how busy we are throughout the day, or no matter what challenges we face during our day, at the end of the day, our state of mind determines our happiness!

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The Little Roads To Happiness
by Wilhelmina Stitch

The little roads to happiness,
They are not hard to find;
They do not lead to great success -
but to a quiet mind.
They do not lead to mighty power,
Nor to substantial wealth.
They bring one to a book, a flower,
A song of cheer and health.

The little roads to happiness are free to everyone;
They lead one to the wind's caress,
To kiss of friendly sun.
These little roads are shining white,
For all the world to see;
Their sign-boards, pointing left and right,
Are love and sympathy.

The little roads of happiness have this
Most charming way;
No matter how they may digress
Throughout the busy day;
No matter where they twist and wind
Through fields of rich delight,
They're always of the self same mind
To lead us home at night.

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Quotes from the Poem, The Little Roads To Happiness:

"The little roads to happiness, they are not hard to find; they do not lead to great success - but to a quiet mind."
Wilhelmina Stitch
There are no magical roads to happiness that are based on how much wealth is accumulated. The poet, Wilhelmina Stitch, indicates that the rods to happiness are not hard to find. But, even more importantly, states that happiness is not about any type of success as one might normally think. It is, instead, a happiness that speaks of a quiet mind filled with joy obtained beyond what money can buy. To many people, happiness seems to depend on what wealth can purchase; for example, a dream vacation each year, or a brand new, spacious home, or a career that offers both fame and fortune. The best of this world is not reflected in quantity of goods but rather in directly linked to the state of one's mind, one's attitude, and one's comfort with an accumulation of all those little things that sparkle around you.

"The little roads to happiness are free to everyone"
Wilhelmina Stitch
Is happiness available to the select few? Does the recognition and attainment of happiness depend on where you live, or what you do for work? No, it doesn't. As the poet recants, happiness is available to everyone - that is, to everyone who has the wisdom to see and embrace. How much more does anyone need or want from life except that which provides true happiness. Happiness, peace and tranquility are available to all Christ followers - no matter where you live on this earth.

"Their sign-boards, pointing left and right, are love and sympathy."
Wilhelmina Stitch
How fitting it is for all of us to embrace the real meaning of what happiness entails. Happiness is not something to get; it is something to give. This means that happiness is more about our personal extension of love and sympathy to others; not what we can get but what we can give

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