A Laugh Pays Best In The End

Poems to encourage us to smile and to laugh. In the first poem, A Laugh Pays Best In The End, the Poet reminds us of the impact that cheering up others has. We can do many things for other people, but if we can make them smile or laugh we are giving them something that money can't buy! As e. e. cummings once said, "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." Make someone's day by bringing a smile to their face.

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  1. A Laugh Pays Best In The End
    by Quincy Kilby

    When a man meets a friend with a cloud on his brow,
    And a look that shows worry and fret,
    He should use every effort to lighten his care.
    And to make him feel glad that they met.
    He should do all he can to bring cheer to the heart,
    And a smile to the lips of his friend.
    For a joke that is merry does any man good.
    And a laugh pays the best in the end.

    For a smile on the lips, and a smile in the heart.
    And a face that is sunny and bright,
    Bring a message of gladness to all that you meet.
    And will help them to turn to the light.
    Every voice should be raised in a song of good cheer,
    All our strength to that cause we should lend.
    For a smile's an investment worth making, my dear,
    And a laugh pays the best, in the end.

    When you meet an old friend who's at odds with the world.
    And who feels that he's out of the race.
    Use your utmost endeavors to gladden his heart,
    And to bring back the smile to his face.
    For it isn't advice that will help him the most.
    Or the money you'd willingly spend.
    It's the smile and the cheer that take loads from the mind,
    It's the laugh that pays best in the end.

  2. More poems that reinforce a laugh pays best in the end

  3. Learn To Laugh
    by Author Unknown

    Learn to laugh,
    A good laugh is better than medicine.
    Learn to tell a story,
    A well told story is as welcome as
    A sunbeam in a sick room.
    Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself.
    The world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows.
    Learn to do something for others.
    Even if you are a bedridden invalid there is
    Always something that you can do to
    Make others happier and that is the
    Surest way to attain happiness for yourself.

  4. Your Troubles
    Poet: Unknown

    Build for yourself a strong box.
    Fashion each part with care,
    And when you have it completed.
    Put all your troubles there;
    Hide there all thoughts of failures,
    And each bitter cup that you quaff.
    Lock all of your heartaches in it,
    Then sit on the lid and laugh.

  5. Always Happy
    Poet: N. K. Bailer House

    I know a funny little fellow, the happiest ever born;
    His face is like a beam of joy, although his clothes are torn —
    I saw him tumble on his nose and waited for a groan,
    But how he laughed, do you suppose —struck his funny bone?

    There is sunshine in each word he speaks,
    His laugh is something grand —
    His dimples overrun his cheeks
    Like waves on snowy sand.

    No matter how the day may go
    You cannot make him cry;
    He's worth a dozen boys I know
    Who pant and mope and sigh.

  6. When We Were Boys
    Poet: Unknown

    Oh, the days when we were boys!
    Life had sunshine, health, and joys;
    Rosy, hearty, fresh, and fair,
    Full of life, we children were.

    Shoeless, hatless, coatless, too;
    Through rent garments breezes blew:
    Active, agile, playful, wild -
    Who is happier than a child?

    Quick to laugh and jump and run,
    Fond of sunshine, full of fun,
    Shouting, swinging on the gate,
    Bound for school - "You'll be too late!"

    Ah! those days have passed away;
    Brows are wrinkled, hair grown gray;
    Yet I love their cheer and noise,
    And my heart says, "Bless the boys!"

    Bless the laughing, shouting boys,
    With their pleasures, plays, and joys!
    May they think of God in youth,
    And grow up in grace and truth.

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