Mountain Peace

This poem, by Wilhelmina Stitch, hopefully, will inspire you to take time away from the hustle and bustle of the city and just enjoy the peace of the mountains and nature that God has created. Far too many people ignore the beauty and solace around them. For these types of people, all that they know is noise pollution, multitudes of structures, and the constant movement of other people.

The question to them is this: where are they able to find peace? For some of us, however, we take the opportunity to get away from all the busyness of life and head to the countryside. This may mean a quiet walk through nature's forests, or a peaceful time spent fishing at an undisturbed stream, or a vigorous hike upon trails through hillsides or mountain peaks. It doesn't matter so much where you go to escape the noise of larger communities; it is more that you give yourself time to explore what God has provided for our rest and peace.

Famous Poems    /   Mountain Peace

Mountain Peace
Poet: Wilhelmina Stitch

Out in the valley, away from the plain;
Breathing the air of the mountains again;
Away from the city, its noise and its grime,
Its hustle and bustle and swift race with time.

Into the quietness, up, up to a peak
Where beauty is seen and silence can speak,
And bells ring out clearly from a distant church steeple,
"The mountains, the mountains bring peace to the people."

Out of the valley of grief and despair,
Away from the presence of sorrow and care.
Up, up to the mountains, the peaks of the soul
Where minds find their healing and hearts are made whole.

Eyes blinded with fear, now look ye above
And gaze on God's mountain, the peak of His love.
The peaks of the soul are the heights we must seek.
Here beauty is seen and the still voice may speak,
And bells ring out clearly from steeple to steeple,
"The mountains, the mountains bring peace to the people."

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Quotes from the home, Mountain Peace:
"Away from the city, its noise and its grime, its hustle and bustle and swift race with time."
Wilhelmina Stitch

As the above verse notes, every city has drawbacks. While it is true that each city contains constant noise, grimy environments, and hustle and bustle, it is also true that time seems to vanish more rapidly. It is this time that cannot be retrieved in any manner. This means that for each moment away from a means of peace, quiet and serenity is valuable time wasted. For it can be said that one never knows when time will be gone, when life ends, and beauty and peace have never been experienced.

"Into the quietness, up, up to a peak where beauty is seen and silence can speak"
Wilhelmina Stitch

What is spoken except is speech in whatever dialect? Is it possible to hear messages without another human being beside you speaking to you? The answer, according to this verse, is that it is more than possible. If so, then what is the medium? A few years ago, Marshall McLuhan authored a book entitled, "The Medium Is the Massage (1967)". His main message was this: "that each medium produces a different "massage" or "effect" on the human sensorium." And, while it may be beyond what McLuhan meant, it could be argued that "silence" speaks to us all in different ways depending upon the experiences of each person's life. It, then, possible that the quiet surroundings where beauty transcends noise, speaks to us of contemplation, searching and discovery.

"Up, up to the mountains, the peaks of the soul where minds find their healing and hearts are made whole.
Wilhelmina Stitch

What human answers lie exposed upon a mountain peak? What is so healing about the solitude gaze upon a peak, or a mountainous terrain? Could it be that "noise" of life is quieted so that the heart can feel whole without the cascading effects of an extraneous bustle? Could it be that humankind is to be still and listen. So says the Bible when it declares to be still and listen to what God is telling us. Is this the real reason that each person needs, no, requires, quiet solitude in order to regain an equilibrium? Maybe, it is so.

"Eyes blinded with fear, now look ye above and gaze on God's mountain, the peak of His love."
Wilhelmina Stitch

The peak of God's love is not just about what is around mountain tops. God's unconditional love is available for all no matter where you live or who you are. All that is required to embrace and benefit from such love is to give your life in repentance through Jesus Christ and to ask for forgiveness. This is the ultimate peace.

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