For This One Hour

We can do anything for just one hour. Read the thoughts of William Arthur Ward of what can be done for only an hour. Inspiring and encouraging words!

What is it about time that leaves a lot of us in despair? Is it that time seems to languish as if like muddy, thick waters that never speed up? Or, is it that time hurtles by seemingly gone in the blink of an eye like a summer wind blowing quickly and then is gone?

For each person on this earth, time is measured in the same way, in the same quantity, and without any means by which to speed it up or slow it down. Each hour is the same for every person no matter whether that person is rich or poor, despite where they live or what they do. Each hour represents a simple drop in the whole scheme of life's adventures or life's darkness.

God has given us a gift - a gift that can be used effectively, importantly, or can be squandered like money cast into a bottomless pit never to be seen again. It is often said that many thousands of people are far too busy to find the time to help others, to extend a helping hand or to extend value to another when desperately needed. But, is this really true? I think not.

It doesn't take but a few seconds in an hour to offer a warm smile to anyone you meet whether that person is a lowly beggar sitting on a street corner or a smile given genuinely to a colleague at the start of the morning's workday. It is but a few seconds of one hour that can be used as William Arthur Ward pens in these verses:
"I can be grateful.
I can thank God for life itself, for opportunities,
For friends, and for a hundred other blessings and
Privileges to be counted, cherished, and enjoyed".

It only takes but a few thankful thoughts of recognition of the many blessings bestowed upon us. And, just for a moment, let's reverse these thoughts that you should have to another person who has given you a small portion of their time over the years. Could it be that the loving actions, words and deeds of a mother so busy with life's many needs were taken from one hour of her precious time given to you without regret? Could it be that your the first employer who took but an hour of instruction away from his/her hectic schedule to ensure that you knew what and how to do something so that you would excel and not fail?

So often, time is squandered. Time cannot be retrieved once gone; it cannot be bought back or made up for once lost. In our modern tech-driven world, time and expectations constantly bombard us with seemingly more and more demands upon our valuable time. But, all of these demands cannot be attended to without taking time to replenish our spirit, our love for others. As so eloquently written by Ward, the following verses give us a needed perspective that compares to nothing else:
"For This One Hour I can spend some time in prayer.
I can pause to recharge my spiritual batteries,
renew my mental perspectives, refresh my physical energies,
and replenish my faith in God and my fellowman."

Let us all take a few moments from our God-given time to be thankful. to be humble, and to love as God loves us.

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For This One Hour
Poet: William Arthur Ward

For This One Hour I can be grateful.
I can thank God for life itself, for opportunities,
For friends, and for a hundred other blessings and
Privileges to be counted, cherished, and enjoyed.

For This One Hour I can be cheerful.
Equipped with a smile, a song, and a sunny disposition,
I can transform the atmosphere, enrich my environment,
and brighten the day for others.

For This One Hour I can be optimistic.
Striking a happy medium between the pessimist and
the Pollyanna, I can realistically and confidently
expect good things to happen to me and through me.

For This One Hour I can spend some time in prayer.
I can pause to recharge my spiritual batteries,
renew my mental perspectives, refresh my physical energies,
and replenish my faith in God and my fellowman.

For This One Hour I can be unselfish.
I can take the Golden Rule off the shelf, dust it,
unwrap it, and put it to work in my thoughts,
words and actions... right now.

For This One Hour I can look for the best in others.
It may take some diligent searching, patient seeking,
and careful screening, but I will work at it, even as I
want others to look for the best in me.

For This One Hour I can help make someone happy.
I can do it through a word of encouragement or
comfort, or perhaps by a helping hand, a telephone
call, a letter, or a visit.

For This One Hour I can be forgiving.
I can leave the lowlands of resentment, grudges
and bitterness, and rise to the highlands of
understanding, love and forgiveness.

For This One Hour I can be generous.
I can listen quietly and attentively when others
want to talk. I can look for opportunities to give
a well-deserved compliment to someone who
needs it.

For This One Hour I can live in the present.
Now is the only time I have, and I can use
this hour wisely as a personal and precious
gift from God.

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