67 Expectation Quotes

Be encouraged by these expectation quotes to keep your expectations realistic. We all have expectations and sometimes the expectation we have is exceeded and sometimes it falls short. These expectation quotations explore a part of life that is crucial to every person's self-worth. These quotes highlight different authors' interpretations of what it means to live a life filled with expectation or filled with too much expectation from others. Whether it is fate, destiny, objectives or assumptions of things to be or yet to be, there are elements of both joy and dislike.

Too often, we let other people set out what our life should be and should look like. However, true happiness unfolds within one's own desires and personal expressions of what it means to lead a fulfilling life. To each their own choice; to each their own life, and to each the right for personal fulfillment.

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  1. Only you can define your expectations for what you want to get out of a job, and so only you can know what will make you happy. Matthew Oleniuk, Quit Your Job!

  2. All expectations of a friendship must be equal for both parties. Theodore W. Higginsworth

  3. Our mind is like a garden. Whatever we put into it, we will reap and harvest. If we put positive things into it, in due time we will reap positive rewards.
  4. Our mind is like a garden. Whatever we put into it, we will reap and harvest. If we put positive things into it, in due time we will reap positive rewards. Andrian Teodoro, The Power of Positive Energy

  5. The expectations of a Christian towards others must be a reflection of what Jesus is like and not what you think others should be. Victoria L. Adenson

  6. There are no expectations in life except those that God has orchestrated for His glory. Samatha Anne Marie Lynch

  7. The principal value of a private garden is not understood. It is not to give the possessor vegetables and fruit (that can be better and cheaper done by the market-gardeners), but to teach him patience and philosophy, and the higher virtues, hope deferred, and expectations blighted... Charles Dudley Warner

  8. Mothers are like the sun - always there to give light, but never expecting anything in return.
  9. Mothers are like the sun - always there to give light, but never expecting anything in return. Catherine Pulsifer

  10. Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it’s no worse than it is Margaret Mitchell

  11. Exceed expectations - set goals for your aspirations. Catherine Pulsifer, Words of Wisdom For The New Graduate

  12. You exceed every expectation I ever had for being loved. Catherine Pulsifer

  13. Look forward to a brand new year, a year of a brand-new start. A year to achieve your goals and life to take part. Catherine Pulsifer, Forgive The Past, Live The Future

  14. Most people search for a spiritual guide in life... It seems since the dawn of our species this search and attempt to describe the world has been in the forefront of our thoughts. Alexander Bearden, Simple Spiritualism

  15. The effect you expect is the effect you get
  16. The effect you expect is the effect you get Kelly McGonigal, The Upside of Stress

  17. Don’t spoil Christmas Day by anticipating how it will be. Let is unfold as it does, and be grateful for whatever comes. Toni Sorenson

  18. Beneath the moon's warm glow, with hearts alight, children dance on waves of pure delight. Oh, anticipation fills the air! Christmas whispers cling to every prayer. Catherine Pulsifer, On Best Behavior

  19. The expectation of dreams coming true for you...the best of the Year ahead to you! Catherine Pulsifer, The New Year

  20. I expect God to use me, not because of who I am but because of who Jesus is. Not because of what I've done, but because of what Jesus has done. Rick Warren

  21. By choice, we have become a family, first in our hearts, and finally in breath and being. Great expectations are good; great experiences are better. Richard Fischer

  22. You may not be brilliant, or clever, or smart; you may not be fast of pace, but if you have grit and a confident heart you surely will win the race. Unknown, Believe

  23. I am often guilty of expecting the worst so as to avoid disappointment and welcome surprise.” Criss Jami

  24. We some times long for things we cannot own: our hopes to do and dare, our spurs to win David V. Bush, Hope Blossoms Eternally

  25. The world will be deaf to the babyish wails of the man who does less than the best that he can. Strickland Gillilan, Unpardonable

  26. I love early snow now, though. Especially snow that happens when you least expect it and just sprinkles down for a while. It feels like a secret. Kate Messner

  27. We go," troubles say, "to those who mope, who look on life dejected, who weakly say 'good-bye' to hope, we go where we're expected." Francis J. Allison, Troubles Pass By

  28. ...measuring the worth of life in terms of personal pleasure rather than in terms of growth of character, of service, of high ends — and You will be a pessimist before you know it. President Hyde, A Recipe For Pessimism

  29. Be careful of expectations that you set for others, but more importantly, be careful of the ones you set for yourself.
  30. Be careful of expectations that you set for others, but more importantly, be careful of the ones you set for yourself. Expectation rarely leaves room for the wonder and magic of the unknown. Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking

  31. To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the great, singular power of self-respect. Joan Didion

  32. It is in the giddy anticipation of trick or treating that the true essence of Halloween is realized. Catherine Pulsifer

  33. Low income does not mean low expectations Johnnie Dent Jr.

  34. Positive people have positive expectations in their lives and most of their days are successful. Negative people have negative expectations in their lives and most of their days are unsuccessful. Andrii Sedniev

  35. Expectations can either be the walls that confine us or the wings that set us free.

  36. Everyone expects us to have a sense of urgency for life's big things. Life measures us by how we engage ourselves in the little things. Bob Proctor

  37. ... we don’t take action until God shows us what to do and when to do it... we wait on Him expectantly... we praise and worship God, fully expecting Him to instruct us, deliver us, and lead us to victory. Joyce Meyer, Your Battles Belong to the Lord

  38. Success is a balance of life where we can meet our own expectations while at the same time achieving success in our commitments to others.
  39. Success is a balance of life where we can meet our own expectations while at the same time achieving success in our commitments to others. Byron Pulsifer

  40. I believe that every person on this planet is here to make a difference... you can add value to our world ... By living to your full potential, you’ll not only change your world, you’ll change the world around you Vex King, Good Vibes, Good Life

  41. Hope is a confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness. Elizabeth George

  42. Think this: "I'm going to win!' Think not on what has been. David V. Bush, Think Right

  43. Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation. Eric Hoffer

  44. Whatever the message of the old year may have been, whether of darkness or light, joy or sorrow, we stand this morning waiting expectantly and confidently for some message with glad tidings. George L. Perin, Enter The New Year

  45. No matter the baby's sex, the expectations of father and mother are highlighted by glowing words of love and care for their new addition to the family. Byron Pulsifer

  46. The paths that we take, the goals that we seek, the kind of persons one day we will be
  47. The paths that we take, the goals that we seek, the kind of persons one day we will be William Arthur Ward

  48. The staggering abundance of knowledge has increased expectations for many of us to exploit knowledge to develop our own effectiveness, more effective products, and better solutions for our clients. Luc P. Beaudoin, Cognitive Productivity

  49. December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come. Fennel Hudson

  50. Your love and care go above and beyond what one could expect, filling me with warmth, for you I have so much respect. Catherine Pulsifer, So Supportive and Kind

  51. "What does the Golden Rule mean most to you?"....the Golden Rule is giving more than one expects his fellow man to do. William Arthur Ward

  52. Because gratitude is the key to happiness, anything that undermines gratitude must undermine happiness. And nothing undermines gratitude as much as expectations. There is an inverse relationship between expectations and gratitude: The more expectations you have, the less gratitude you will have. Dennis Prager

  53. ... your own managerial style and ways to establish a motivating environment ....is fostered by a manager who is positive and supportive, sets a good example, clarifies expectations, and is flexible in the face of change. Harriet Diamond, Perfect Phrases for Motivating and Rewarding Employees

  54. In a world where despair and anxiety are at epidemic levels ... our sure and certain hope is found in the unchanging promises of God.
  55. In a world where despair and anxiety are at epidemic levels ... our sure and certain hope is found in the unchanging promises of God. Sheila Walsh

  56. It is with expectation that I ask you Father, to let me be part of your shining glory through how I respond to each person that I see B. Pulsifer

  57. Positive people have positive expectations in their lives and most of their days are successful. Andrii Sedniev, Positive

  58. What a joyful place our heaven must be. Where the captive dwells forever free. Ellwood Haines Stokes, What A Joyful Place!

  59. Obsession, perfectionism, hypersensitivity, the need for control, and high expectations are common traits in great artists.
  60. Obsession, perfectionism, hypersensitivity, the need for control, and high expectations are common traits in great artists. BradStulberg; Steve Magness, Peak Performance

  61. Routines seem boring, and the antithesis to what you’re told a “good life” is made of... The point is not what the routine consists of, but how steady and safe your subconscious mind is made through repetitive motions and expected outcomes. Brianna Wiest, 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

  62. Expectation is certainly one of the most potent resources that you have. An intense anticipation could transform chance into reality. Bob Herring, Live Your Life - Inspiration For A Great Life

  63. Life doesn’t turn out like we expect it to... we have to decide what we will place our hope in.
  64. Life doesn’t turn out like we expect it to... we have to decide what we will place our hope in. Mark Batterson

  65. As we start to identify and release our expectations, we can take more empowering steps toward achieving our goals, with a clear sense of purpose. Christine Hassler, Expectation Hangover

  66. When you place your hopes and expectations on a particular celebration or a special day on the calendar, you'll find yourself disappointed again and again. But when you place your hopes and expectations on the Lord Himself, He will never, never let you down. Greg Laurie, Red The Color of Christmas

  67. Each one of us has certain expectations. Each one of us has certain hopes. When we fail to meet those expectations or hopes, this is where disappointment arises.
  68. Each one of us has certain expectations. Each one of us has certain hopes. When we fail to meet those expectations or hopes, this is where disappointment arises. Reg Morais, How to Handle Disappointments

  69. When parents are aware in the present moment, learning and growing alongside their children, the entire family thrives ... Empowered with self- awareness ... each feels free to explore, discover, and manifest their authentic being. Shefali Tsabary, The Awakened Family

  70. Having a baby is stupendously wonderful, but things may not go as planned. If you have no fixed expectations, nothing can surprise or disappoint you. The ideal stance is a kind of gentle wonder, now and again brimming over into radical amazement, as your story unfolds. Nina Planck

  71. Success in prospecting is more about core principles than it is about memorizing certain words.
  72. Success in prospecting is more about core principles than it is about memorizing certain words. John Rosso, Prospect the Sandler Way

  73. Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what’s waiting out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it. Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart

  74. The expectation for a future full of accomplishments is the consistent, and dedicated action of today. Theodore W. Higgingsworth

  75. My expectations of others are grounded in expectation through encouragement - a dedication that believes that every person has self-worth and a purpose.
  76. My expectations of others are grounded in expectation through encouragement - a dedication that believes that every person has self-worth and a purpose. Kate Summers

  77. Rather than condemning yourself for your mistakes and failures ... You can let go of those unrealistic expectations of perfection that make you so dissatisfied and open the door to real and lasting satisfaction. Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion

  78. Of course, excessive worry about retirement can shorten your life expectancy so much that you need not be concerned about it. Ernie Zelinski, How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free

  79. We would be better off if we lowered our expectations about the results of decisions. Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice


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