40 Criticism Quotes

Criticism quotes focus on the positive and not the negative. Everyone must face criticism or disapproval from time to time, but that censure does not need to be nor should it be brutal and demeaning.

The art of effective criticism does not lie within the boundaries of malice but, instead, forms the underpinnings of on-going development and encouragement. We hope that these following quotes help and direct you to either accept and cherish positive criticism or demonstrate, through example, how to properly and approvingly offer personal feedback to others.

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  1. Criticism does not have to be the 500 pound gorilla ... In fact, thoughtfully offered criticism can be extraordinarily valuable in helping us to grow, recover, improve, prosper, or excel Randy Garner, Constructing Effective Criticism

  2. It is much easier to offer criticism to a gardener on how to grow bigger and better vegetables than it is to be a gardener. Byron R. Pulsifer

  3. Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes. Elvis Presley

  4. Criticism is easy; achievement is difficult. Winston Churchill

  5. Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. Dale Carnegie

  6. There are cases where the Bible’s text has been corrupted by friend and foe alike. These cases make textual criticism an important discipline for Christians to engage in. Peter J. Gurry; Elijah Hixson, Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism

  7. Criticism is the mirror that reflects the cracks in our knowledge, inspiring us to mend and strengthen. Author Unknown

  8. encouraging criticism quotes
  9. To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Elbert Hubbard

  10. Criticism has no place in God’s plan for living Greta Zwaan, Reasons to Sing

  11. Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
    Criticize me, and I may not like you.
    Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
    Encourage me, and I will not forget you. William Arthur Ward

  12. You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one. John Wooden

  13. A confident person has the courage to do what he thinks is right even if others criticize or mock them for it." Matt Morris, How To Live In The Present Moment

  14. Learning blooms in the garden of constructive criticism, where each insight nurtures growth. Author Unknown

  15. Friendship is not threatened by honest criticism. It is strengthened. Charles Swindoll

  16. A cup of kindness is better than a cupboard of criticism. William Arthur Ward, A Pinch Of Praise

  17. In life, we need to confront and take action rather than criticize and wait for others. Catherine Pulsifer

  18. Criticism given as a positive antecedent to corrective action differs significantly from criticism dictated as judgement by diminishing others. Byron R. Pulsifer

  19. Through the study and practice of rhetorical criticism, we can understand ... why we like or don’t like something by investigating the symbols themselves—we can begin to make statements about messages rather than statements about our feelings. Sonja K. Foss, Rhetorical Criticism

  20. Wait not till the little hearts are still for the loving look of praise; and while you gently chide a fault, the good deed kindly praise. Unknown, Make Childhood Sweet

  21. I would really say the universal capacity of our species—to find fault. And also to bestow praise. To judge. That’s the bedrock of criticism. A. O. Scott, Better Living Through Criticism

  22. ...To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends...This is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Success

  23. encouraging criticism quotes
  24. A best friend is one that I can share anything with, without fearing criticism. Kate Summers

  25. The trouble with most of us is that we'd rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism. Norman Vincent Peale

  26. The subject-matter of literary criticism is an art, and criticism is evidently something of an art too. Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism

  27. Embrace criticism as the sculptor of knowledge, shaping the masterpiece of your learning journey. Author Unknown

  28. Self-confidence is also the ability to accept criticism from others perceiving it as constructive rather than destructive. Jewel McQuin

  29. ... a person who doesn't formulate his criticism in an uplifting, supportive manner ... has some questionable motivation or destructive intentions behind his actions. Ellen D. Baxter, How to Deal with Criticism

  30. Some critics write of those who constitute the literary ‘many’ as if they belonged to the many in every respect, and indeed to the rabble. C. S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism

  31. ... you've probably had experiences of ... shying away from putting yourself forward, out of fear of rejection or criticism... But that approach won't get you where you want to be. Mark McGuinness, Resilience

  32. To deal with criticism is part of life. To move beyond criticism is called persistence. Theodore W. Higgingsworth

  33. If you and I want to stir up a resentment tomorrow that may rankle across the decades and endure until, death, just let us indulge in a little stinging criticism – no matter how certain we are that it is justified.” Dale Carnegie

  34. I've only heard positive and encouraging criticism in my life. That's because I only use one ear. Robert Rivers

  35. quotes that discourage criticism
  36. Complement, don't criticize your boss. Stephen R. Covey, The 8th Habit

  37. Good criticism is very rare and always precious. Ralph Waldo Emerson

  38. A best friend is one that I can share anything with, without fearing criticism. Kate Summers

  39. The criticism I received only served to make me a stronger person. David de Gea

  40. ... your three responsibilities as a manager:
    1) to create a culture of guidance (praise and criticism) ...
    2) to understand what motivates each person on your team ... keep the team cohesive; and
    3) to drive results collaboratively. Kim Scott, Radical Candor

  41. It is much more valuable to look for the strength in others. You can gain nothing by criticizing their imperfections. Daisaku Ikeda

  42. Concern over criticism clogs creativity. Duane Alan Hahn

  43. While the confines of the heart deplore harshness and negativity, it relishes discipline, candor and positive feedback that nourishes growth. Mary S. Scotsburn


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