35 Adoption Quotes

Adoption quotes contain the ups and downs of adoption and being a parent. There is no doubt that there are challenges to overcome as a parent of an adopted child or parents of fostered children, but, the dedication, compassion, and love shine through. Each author cited has a message that imparts both knowledge and emotions. And, it isn't that various levels and differing emotions won't be present, it is more apt to say that all of life has its' specific and unique challenges.

We hope that the following quotes will both display the hopes and dreams of both as life evolves, changes, and matures.

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  1. Various types of friendship are often the same as the process of adoption or the tending of numerous kinds of flowers in a garden. Each one deserves your love. Victoria L. Adenson

  2. It’s essential that everything about foster care ... be filtered through the lens of God’s truths found in the gospel ... as the means by which you can be sustained, encouraged, and motivated to continue on in a healthy way. Jason Johnson, Reframing Foster Care

  3. Love's embrace, a bond so deep,
    Adoption's joy, forever to keep.

  4. There are those who simply desire to add to their family through the process of adoption because they feel called to do so.
  5. There are those who simply desire to add to their family through the process of adoption because they feel "called" to do so. Rachel Garlinghouse, The Hopeful Mom's Guide to Adoption

  6. In hearts entwined, a tale unfolds,
    Adoption's love, a story told.

  7. Through all the trials of the foster and adoptive journey, I want you to know that the calling you’ve received to care for vulnerable children is valid. And it’s beautiful...You are flooding the darkness with light. Mike Berry, Confessions of an Adoptive Parent

  8. Adoption is wonderful and beautiful and the greatest blessing I have ever experienced.
  9. Adoption is wonderful and beautiful and the greatest blessing I have ever experienced. Katie J. Davis, Kisses from Katie

  10. Our life was blessed when you entered in - you were more than we ever imagined. Catherine Pulsifer, We Loved You

  11. To be born again through Jesus Christ means you have been adopted by the Son of God. Byron Pulsifer

  12. The process of becoming foster parents was exhausting, yet nothing else mattered as we trudged on, wondering when the day we anticipated would finally come. Jennie Owens, Dancing with a Porcupine

  13. The adoption of a child is not for the faint of heart but for the heart of love.
  14. The adoption of a child is not for the faint of heart but for the heart of love. Kate Summers

  15. For not an orphan in the wide world can be so deserted as the child who is an outcast from a living parent's love. Charles Dickens

  16. ... the vast majority of those that do experience difficulties still describe their toddler adoption as enriching their lives beyond measure. Mary Hopkins-Best, Toddler Adoption

  17. Adoption is a lifelong journey. It means different things to me at different times. Sometimes it is just a part of who I am. Other times it is something I am actively going through.
  18. Adoption is a lifelong journey. It means different things to me at different times. Sometimes it is just a part of who I am. Other times it is something I am actively going through. Kelly DiBenedetto, Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey

  19. Our love for you was strong and true
    The moment we laid our eyes upon you. Catherine Pulsifer, We Love You

  20. Preparing for the worst means you will be less likely to be disappointed when you get your first foster child and they are not perfect. Linda Siegmund, Foster Parenting

  21. No one ever guaranteed that being the parents of an adopted child wouldn't be without challenges but, then, nothing in life is.
  22. No one ever guaranteed that being the parents of an adopted child wouldn't be without challenges but, then, nothing in life is. B. C. Artworst

  23. Adoption is not just welcoming a child; it's embracing a love story that lasts a lifetime, written with every shared laughter and hug.

  24. ... adopted and foster children deserve ... compassion. The lives that many of them have endured were more difficult than we can fathom. Wendy Lyons Sunshine, The Connected Child

  25. 	Adoption isn't just a childhood experience, it's a life-long experience.
  26. Adoption isn't just a childhood experience, it's a life-long experience. DaShanne Stokes

  27. In the heart of adoption, parents find a love that grows deeper with each shared moment, creating a bond that's unbreakable.

  28. As with most everything in life, adoption has positive and negative elements. Sherrie Eldridge, Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew

  29. Adoption as gospel tells us about our identity, our inheritance, and our mission as sons of God.
  30. Adoption as gospel tells us about our identity, our inheritance, and our mission as sons of God. Russell Moore, Adopted for Life

  31. In the book of family, adoption writes a chapter of unconditional love, proving that love knows no boundaries or origins.

  32. Any children granted us, we’ve come to understand more fully, are gifts of God, no matter how they are given. Ray Guarendi, Adoption

  33. Foster care is a constant invitation to walk a precarious tightrope between reality and hope.
  34. Foster care is a constant invitation to walk a precarious tightrope between reality and hope. Jillana Goble, No Sugar Coating

  35. Families are like puzzles, and adoption is the special piece that completes the picture with love.

  36. Even though you weren't born to us, you grew in our hearts. We will be forever connected because love is what makes a family. Deanna Kahler, From Pain to Parenthood

  37. ... light a fire in your soul to say yes to fostering a child for the first time or to keeping your own doors and heart open to the next child needing a safe place to land.
  38. ... light a fire in your soul to say yes to fostering a child for the first time or to keeping your own doors and heart open to the next child needing a safe place to land. Lisa Qualls

  39. In the story of adoption, every child becomes the hero of their own unique and cherished tale.

  40. My birth mother brought me into this world, but it was my adoptive parents who gave me life. Christina Romo

  41.  Whether a biological family or an adopted family they shape a child's life.
  42. Whether a biological family or an adopted family they shape a child's life. Samatha Anne Marie Lynch

  43. Adoption is like planting a seed of love that grows into a beautiful garden of family.

  44. ... the fact that everyone touched by adoption must lose something significant before gaining anything. SharonRoszia; Allison Davis Maxon, Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency

  45. Thy friends thou hast and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; but do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatched, unfledged comrade. Shakespeare

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