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7 Poems About Water

Water is truly a necessity of life. Let these poems about water remind you that we should never take if for granted. Much has been written about the use of water and what water means. You will find a variety of poems regarding water here.

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  1. Take It For Granted?
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    We take many things in life for granted
    And water is one of those things
    We have it all around us
    And do not realize all it brings.

    We have water in our oceans
    Water in the streams and lakes
    We use water each and every day
    To drink and to bake.

    But imagine if our water
    Become to polluted to use
    When we take things for granted
    We don't realize what we could lose.

    We owe it to our children
    And our grandchildren too
    To take care of our water
    In everything we do.

  2. Sweet Water
    Poet: Alfred Tennyson

    His resolve
    Upbore him, and firm faith, and evermore
    Prayer from a living source within the will,
    And beating up through all the bitter world,
    Like fountains of sweet water in the sea,
    Kept him a living soul.

  3. In Camp
    Poet: Benj. F. Leggett

    High over all the twilight heaven,
    Below the waves at rest,
    The green gems of the wooded isles
    Asleep on beauty's breast.

    The blue smoke of the camp-fire curls
    In waved and twisted lines,
    Across the trembling aspen leaves,
    Among the whispering pines.

    Sweet nature's hush is in the air,
    And on the water lies,
    Whose crystal deeps give back the blush
    Of evening's tender skies.

    White mists are floating on the hills;
    Across the silent air
    Broad arms are spread in blessing forth
    To make the scene more fair.

  4. On The Upper Deck
    Poet: Charles G. D. Roberts

    Look how the water's waiting holds the sky!
    I think I never saw the Sound so still.
    That wash of beryl green, that melting violet,
    That fine rose-amber veiling deeps of glory
    Our eyes could not endure — how each is doubled.

    Lest we should miss some marvel of strange tone,
    And be forever poor. Such beauty seems
    To cry like violins. Hush, and you'll hear it,
    Don't look at me when God is at his miracles.

  5. The Water Drinker
    Poet: Edward Johnson

    O, water for me! Bright water for me!
    Give wine to the tremulous debauchee!
    It cooleth the brow, it cooleth the brain,
    It maketh the faint one strong again;
    It comes o'er the sense like a breeze from the sea,
    All freshness, like infant purity.
    0, water, bright water, for me, for me!
    Give wine, give wine to the debauchee!

    Fill to the brim! Fill, fill to the brim!
    Let the flowing crystal kiss the rim!
    My hand is steady, my eye is true,
    For I, like the flowers, drink naught but dew.
    0, water, bright water's a mine of wealth,
    And the ores it yieldeth are vigor and health.
    So water, pure water, for me, for me!
    And wine for the tremulous debauchee!

    Fill again to the brim! again to the brim!
    For water strengtheneth life and limb.
    To the days of the aged it added length;
    To the might of the strong it addeth strength;
    It freshens the heart, it brightens the sight;
    'Tis like quaffing a goblet of morning light
    So, water, I will drink naught but thee,
    Thou parent of health and energy!

  6. So, water, I will drink naught but thee, Thou parent of health and energy!

  7. Water
    Poet: Philip Larkin

    If I were called in
    To construct a religion
    I should make use of water.

    Going to church
    Would entail a fording
    To dry, different clothes;

    My liturgy would employ
    Images of sousing,
    A furious devout drench,

    And I should raise in the east
    A glass of water
    Where any-angled light
    Would congregate endlessly.

  8. The most famous quoted verse from the poem:
    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
    Poet: Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Water, water, every where,
    And all the boards did shrink;
    Water, water, every where,
    Nor any drop to drink.

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